
Comparing Scars
[T] by: dk_joy
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: July 17, 2005 08:45 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.5K | Visits: 2.8K
Summary: Kakashi takes care of Iruka, who received a serious head wound on a mission. Kakashi x Iruka get-together fic. Eventual lemon. Other warnings inside.
Review(s): 5 Reviews

Who Do You Love?
[T] by: tsutsuji
: Slayers Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Adventure | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: May 19, 2005 09:27 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.4K | Visits: 932
Summary: Zelgadis tries a spell to return himself to normal, but forgets to read the fine print first. Then he meets up with Gourry, whose memory is worse than usual!
The start of a Slayers Romance - Gourry/Zelgadis. (yaoi)
Review(s): 1 Reviews

Heero's Slave
[T] by: dk_joy
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Mecha / Action | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: May 11, 2005 21:55 PDT | Chapters: 6 | Words: 8.6K | Visits: 4.8K
Summary: Dr. J programmed a perfect weapon for the Perfect Soldier. Guess who it is! Everyone's favorite braided baka! But will he listen to Heero no matter what? Rated for future violence. *Now contains shounen ai.(1x2)*
Review(s): 12 Reviews

[T] by: Kurayami Ryuu
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: December 12, 2004 17:23 PST | Chapters: 1 | Words: 3.1K | Visits: 725
Summary: (ONE-SHOT) The Christmas spirit makes us do strange things. It can breach the gap to touch the heart of an ancient pharaoh. Better still, it can touch the cool intellect that passes for the heart of a certain CEO... SxYY
Review(s): 2 Reviews

Pinch Me
[T] by: Kurayami Ryuu
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: July 26, 2004 15:44 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 4.0K | Visits: 867
Summary: [ONE-SHOT] But doesn't everyone want to hose the neighbor's cat and eat steak and mint ice-cream at six in the morning? A day in Ryou and Bakura’s life... To the tune of the Barenaked Ladies... Yes, that’s right, be afraid. VERY afraid. XD
Review(s): 5 Reviews

Better Days
[T] by: Sky Rat
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: March 22, 2004 20:26 PST | Chapters: 8 | Words: 12.2K | Visits: 3.7K
Summary: Nothing new added, just edited.

Sequel To 'Yohji's Bad Day.' Yohji misjudged Ken and now has to deal with the emotional consequences. Will Yohji actually take any action (after his big mistake in the last story)? Some brooding and angst, but read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews

Yohji's Bad Day
[T] by: Sky Rat
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: Shounen-ai
Latest Revision: March 19, 2004 18:25 PST | Chapters: 6 | Words: 7.9K | Visits: 3.1K
Summary: Nothing new here, Just edited (again)

Sarcastic Yohji ramblings. He's having a bad day and makes an unpleasant discovery in his search for escape. About Ken?! Heh heh. ALMOST Yohji x Ken (you'll see.) Oh boy, looks like Yohji's getting a lit read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews