Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ TV! oO ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: o.o…..^-^ YAY!!!!

Hack: -.-;

Shashomiru: o.O;; I do not own Yugioh. Oh. And I don't own Murray, Greg, or the Wiggles either. O.o; But I may own Wiggle Wobble and whatever rhymes that are in this story. O___o read…


"We love to sing we love to dance. We can dance like the reindeer prance!!" Murray says on the TV screen.

"^-^ Yay, Murray!!!" Ryou cheers.

"Huwwahh you still watch these shows?" Malik questions him.

"Yeah!! ^.^ I wuv Wiggles!!!" Ryou claps his hands.

Seto teases, "What are you going to do when tah TV pulls you into the scween and does sumtin wit your soul?"



Greg chants, "Good morning, Murray. What should we do today??"

"Come on, SAY IT!!" Marik tells the TV.

"Maybe we should play a game!!" Murray declares.

"^-^ YAY!!" Ryou cheers.

Marik, "-.-;"

"Don't worry," Seto says. "Maybe they'll play a game with those tools of domination you mentioned.'

"What kind of game should we play???" Murray asks.

"Hmm…" Greg thinks. "How about…"

"Come oooon, penguins, penguins!!!" Marik shakes the TV.

"Hey," Greg decides. "We should play--"

"On a bridge!" Seto declares.

"WITH AMMO," Marik says.

"Wiggle Wobble???" Ryou hopes.

Murray and Greg both say joyfully, "Wiggle Wobble!!!"

"^-^ YAAAY!!!" Ryou waves his hands in the air.

"GAAAAAAH!!" Seto and Marik writhe.

Murray and Greg start to sing, "Wiggle Wobble is the game we love to play. We love to play it…," they look at each other, "^^ EVERY day!!"

Marik unplugs the TV.

The T.V. suddenly goes dark. "@.@"

Ryou stares. "o_____________o …………..AHHHHHHHHHHH~!"

Marik quickly plugs the T.V. in. "o.o;"

"^-^ YAY!!!!"

"Okay, Mawik, help me pull them both through the window." 

Seto and Marik grab onto Ryou.

"o______o SAVE ME!!!!!:

Murray says, "We are going to have lots and LOTS of fun today…"

Marik smirks. "You said that right."

Greg says, "But first, a message from our sponsors!!!"

T.V.'s commercial comes on. "Meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow--"

"^^ KITTY!!!!" Ryou claps his hands.

"-.-;; Gaaah…"

A Man on the T.V. says, "It's Baxter!!!"


Yami asks, "Is everyone together?"

Everyone responds, "^^ YEP!!!!!"

"Great!!!" He starts the car.

Yugi looks around. "Hey…. Has anyone see Twistan?"

Tristan is in the same place at the tree lightly wiggling his feet and humming. 


Shashomiru: ^^ KITTY!!!!!! Bring a Kitty!!!! -^.^-