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"Fleeting Inspiration" Reviews/Comments [ 40 ]
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 Reviewed By: Puddle [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 29, 2006 03:35 CDT
Wow, this is amazing! ^^ You are truly talented. This is one of those rare good Gravitation fics! I'm glad I decided to read it (the summary hadn't sounded very exciting, but when I saw how many pages it was, I figured that it would be worth it to check it out). I love the story; it just seems to fit so well with the real story. Plus you've done a great job at keeping the characters in character. But what will happen next? I found this fic today and read the whole thing already, so now I'm anxious to know. Will something happen with the book or the Etos? Will Yuki and Shuichi fulfill their sexual fantasies? I can't wait to find out! Anyway, PLEASE update soon. This is such a good fic, it would be a shame to just leave it off (just going off the frequency of your old updates...). Maybe you didn't have inspiration, or enough encouragement, I don't know. But I'll give you encouragement (along with all the other reviewers), and show you that your fic is loved! Ra ra for you! Please update soo! (That was supposed to be 'soon', but 'soo' rhymed with 'you'...)
 Title: (^_^)
Reviewed By: Shouko [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 28, 2006 11:35 CDT
Awesome job as always!! (^^) I thought it was so nice of Yuki to clean out his whole place just for his brat. And it's nice to see how much he really care for him. They're pillow talk in this chapter was really cute. I hope Shuichi makes a quick recovery. 
 Reviewed By: siany  On: April 20, 2006 18:54 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I keep getting really excited when a chapter comes out and then when it's over I'm all depressed and checking a few times to see if there's another chapter that I didn't see. I must say this is in the running for my most fave story of all time, being exactly what I want in a gravy fic, and I'm not just saying that...usually when I have nothing else to read I go back and re-read old chapters of this cause they're so good. Despite some small typos and missing words that can easily be placed back in by one's mind this is very well written and I know I'll be reading this a few times over in a short ammount of time when it's finish, though hopefully its still got a long way to go yet...as long as it doesn't take you too long to write it all. Keep writing as well as you do - Kitsune
 Title: awww, kawaii
Reviewed By: dracoqueen22(too lazy to sign in)  On: April 20, 2006 11:16 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have been reading this from the beginning but have been too lazy to leave a review, but now I feel I must. It is just too good. And that last little bit in your latest chapter made me sigh with cuteness, and I don't really like fluff. So yes, very well written, in character and HIGHLY amusing. Keep up the good work.
 Title: Nice work!!
Reviewed By: Shouko [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2006 21:28 CDT
I loved reading two updated chapters! (^_^) But there's so much going on! I finally got to find out what was wrong with poor Shu-chan, and the dilemmas are so interesting. I wonder if Eiri can ever quit smoking. And if it will work out with not smoking in his home and such!! Nice work as always! And Depraved Fan, I'm not really sure what you are talking about and to believe you or not! And I'm prepubescent? Already went through most of that. There is also no hyphen mark, you baka. You are also a coward for not leaving your e-mail address so I can say this to your face.
 Title: AWESOME!!!
Reviewed By: InuYashaXnoXbaka@hotmail.com  On: April 02, 2006 22:25 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well i don't know what the hell that other person was talking about.. this fanfiction was fucking great!!! i loved it more than i love pocky.. and that's alot!!!^___^ yay!! i can't wait for more!!!
 Reviewed By: Depraved Fan  On: March 27, 2006 15:58 CST
Wow - you totally slammed someone elses work, going so far as to name it. Jealous much? Tacky dear. Very very tacky. I looked this up over on FF.net. I guess you should be proud you can bring in all the pre-pubescent fans. Quite an accomplishment, isn't it! When you have to resort to flaming someone else right inside your story, all it does is make a statement about you. Pathetic. This fic goes in the trash!
 Reviewed By: Suanne  On: March 26, 2006 12:20 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First things first, if they'd give us the option, I'd put enjoyment factor at something like 13 out of 10 (thirteen in honor of Shu's accident quotient). (INSERT PARAGRAPH) Okay...yadda, yadda, yadda...yeah, it's one of the all-time greats, super characterization, all that...I have only one question (well, two) WHEN DO WE GET A REAL UPDATE???? Nothing since Chapter...hmmm...46 is it? (Over on another site, folks) and that was during the Olympics! And we're now officially past the world championships!?!?!?!? PLEASE tell me we're getting an update sometime soon. I got my roommate hooked on this and she bugs me daily for the next installment. (INSERT PARAGRAPH) Question #2...(much less significant, and therefore lower case) have you edited these before posting here? i.e. is it a "different edition" from the elsewhere posting? I've very little reading time, and while I'd love to have the excuse to re-re-re-read this, I'm inclined not to (at this time) unless there are changes. (PARAGRAPH) Finally, to the reviewer who has such a negative view of virtually all Gravi fanfic, while I share your opinion that FI is one of the all-time best, please tell us what Gravi stories you've posted and where we can find them. They must be quite spectacular.
 Title: (^-^)
Reviewed By: Shouko [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 25, 2006 23:42 CST
Great addition to Fleeting Inspiration. I still wanna know what's wrong with Shu-chan really badly! Things just keep going from bad to worse for our favorite couple. But conflict in stories are always great! It wouldn't be as great if things were happy all the time. Wonderful job as always! Can't wait to read the next chapter!!
 Title: ( ^ ^ )
Reviewed By: Shouko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2006 12:18 CST
Glad for the update! Great chapter, I'm so glad Eiri finally got back at his family. Heeheee. But what is wrong with poor Shu-chan? I hope we find out soon. Awesome job! They still can't get rid of that damn Four Gay Elves book! >
 Title: You've done it again!!
Reviewed By: Shouko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2006 01:57 CST
(^^) Magnificent job! I admire your work so much. I hope when Eiri and Shu-chan go to the doctor to check Shu-chan out that he's okay. Grrr, hope Thomas keeps out of their business. It sucks for the couple so much, but then again it always makes interesting conflict. What I love the most about Fleeting Inspiration is through all the hardships Eiri and Shuichi go through it doesn't pull them apart but brings them together and strengthens the relationship! True love.
 Reviewed By: Bluediamond  On: February 13, 2006 21:23 CST
What a lucky matress~~ The misunderstanding about 'Tatsuha' was wonderful, although Yuki's probably just caused himself some more trouble through it (Unless Mika quickly finds out exactly what Yuki was talking about...). I hope that Tatsuha's not in for too much of an earful. Will Yuki ever get rid of that damn book in the end? (Although it has been a cause of grand amusement for me, over the entire period of the story) I've found myself rather lacking words today, but rest assured that I loved this chapter just as much as the previous ones.
 Reviewed By: Bluediamond  On: February 05, 2006 23:54 CST
Uwaaa... I come to check on this story and there've been TWO updates. I feel so happy~~ - Man, Tohma can be such an ASS. I know it's because he cares about Yuki (And maybe because he's jealous...) but that does certainly not make me any less happy about it. As per the rest of the story, both the chapters were amusing and quite touching at the same time. I swear, that book IS stalking Yuki! It's like that ring my sister had that she threw away outside, and found it on the floor of her room a week or so later... - But anyway, I'm getting worried about Shuichi. I really hope that somehow, Yuki can use his influence over Tohma and get him to throw that Lola girl out of NG. Whatever Tohma was paid to let her in, it can't be worth having their respectable image ruined that way. Honestly...
 Title: Poor Yuki!!!
Reviewed By: Shouko [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 27, 2006 19:35 CST
Oh my God, the worst always happens to poor Yuki! I thought he had gotten rid of that fucking book!! >< And that sucks about the newspaper and Mika. I hope the best for him! Again, you have done an excellent job! (^-^)
 Reviewed By: Bluediamond  On: January 17, 2006 04:24 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are awesome, you are awesome, you are totally and completely, utterly kick-ass awesome. I'm sorry, I can't crit or anything, but I can grovel. So grovel I shall. This is, in all honesty, the second worth-while multi-chapter Gravitation fanfiction I have found in existance so far. I have no idea what it is about the series that inspires so much bad-fic, but it's almost all I've found so far. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how refreshing it was to read something that was well-written, witty and in character. Your characterization of Yuki is something I must commend. Heavily. Too many times I've seen the poor man forced into the role of an asshole so great that it puts his REAL grumpy side to shame. Making Yuki too mean just isn't fun. An overly sappy Yuki is one I can't stand either... it's like someone with his name who just isn't him at all, and that's awful. People mean for it to be touching and all, but it just doesn't end up that way because it doesn't seem like him. I LOVE your Yuki. He's.. well... he's like the real one! And the way you show how much he cares about Shuichi while still keeping him in character is just so incredibly heart-warming. It actually made me cry. And unfortunately my father and sister were in the room at the time, so I kinda ran into my sis' room and burried my head in her pillow for a while. Probably ended up sound far too much like Shuichi, because I was whining, "Yukiiiiiiii!" for most of the time. The humour made me cry too, though in a different way, obviously. There was much laughing out loud and wiping tears of mirth from my eyes to be had. And I've actually found myself half hoping that that book from hell will return or something... though it'd be good if it didn't too. Still got that damn girl singing Yuki and Shuichi's song to be dealt with yet! Aah, Touma, if Yuki doesn't give you a bit more of a verbal backlashing for ruining something that HE wrote (about his precious uke... *Cough*), I'll sure be surprised. ... Hey, speaking of Touma, WILL his desk ever be used for certain activities that include the fulfilling of a certain author's fantasies? Or is that too likely to lose Shuichi his job? (I'm finding hard to write this review, because I have a peg clipped to my finger and it's hitting keys that shouldn't be hit...) All in all, this is an extremely funny, wonderful story that I'm glad I took the time out to read, and I can't wait to see it updated. (Please don't lose the inspiration to write it! I beg~! Or I may find myself bothering you again...) Um... Muv!!
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