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Here is Greenwood Title: Here is Greenwood
Genre: Comedy
Run Time: 60 minutes
Publisher: Software Sculptors
Released On: December 30, 1996
Type: n/a
Movie(s): 6
Rating:4.88 Rating          Votes: 8

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Characters: Kazuhiro Hasukawa, Kazuya Hasukawa, Mitsuru Ikeda, Shinobu Tezuka, Shun Kisaragi, Sumire Hasukawa

Here is Greenwood - Description/Synopsis
In Here is Green Wood (Koko wa Greenwood) Kazuya Hasukawa decides to move to an all-boys school because his first love has married his brother and is moving in. Unfortunately, he learns that not only has he been assigned to the prestigous Ryokuto Academy\'s dorm for weirdos, but that his dormmate is a girl! Welcome to Green Wood, where nothing is ever quite as it seems!

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