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Sorcerer Hunters Title: Sorcerer Hunters Show (1) Review(s)
Genre: Fantasy / Comedy / Adventure / Action
Run Time: 30 minutes
Publisher: ADV Films
Released On: October 02, 1995
Type: Both
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 26
Movie(s): 2
Rating:4.64 Rating          Votes: 37

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Characters: Big Mam, Caballeros Jaz, Carrot Glace, Chocola Miss, Eclair, Gateau Moka, Marron Glace, Milfi Yu, Onion Glace, Saj Torte, Tila Miss

Sorcerer Hunters - Description/Synopsis
In the continent of spooner, sorcerers, who are the continent\'s aristocrats, have begun to abuse their powers. Under the guidance of Big Momma (their boss) Carrot (who turns into a giant monster every time he\'s placed under a magic spell), Gateau (a bodybuilder), Marron (a mage), Chocolate and Tira (who can transform into dominatrix\'s at will) all must stop the evil sorcerers from picking on the weak. However, none of them (except maybe Marron) have a clue to what’s going on.

As well as being an OAV and a TV Series, Sorcerer Hunters is a Manga, with 13 different mangas in the collection. The OAVs are considered a continuation, of sorts, of the TV Series.

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[ Oct 8, 2003 20:23 ] Galaxy_Girl
What's UP?!
Sorcerer Hunters is a comedy/fantasy anime and manga series created by Rei Omishi. On the Spoolner continent, people are separated into two classes: Those who can use magic (sorcerers) and those who cannot (parsoners). Even though the parsoners are the majority of the population, they are enslaved and treated cruelly by the sorcerers.

So, Big Mama (good name for her- she's about 5 times taller than a normal human!) puts together an elite force called the Sorcerer Hunters, who track down and kill especially cruel sorcerers to save the innocent parsoners.

Our main characters are Carrot Glace (a skinny, perverted, girl-chasing little weirdo with some surprising powers), Marron Glace (Carrot's brother, a super-bishonen with the ability to perform a special kind of magic), Tira Misu (a shy, soft-spoken girl who becomes an S&M queen with the flip of her trenchcoat and glasses), Chocolat Misu (Tira's older sister, a scary S&M queen in her own right with a scary crush on Carrot), and Gateau Mocha (a huge musclebrain who loves to pump in front of the mirrors). Add a cute angel girl named Daughter, a creepy bad guy Sacher Torte, and Milphy Yu (too interesting for me to get in to here) and you've got some serious trouble for the evil sorcerers.

The manga is a good deal more adult (IE: sex and violence) than the anime series, but it also has much funnier jokes. ^.^

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