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Lily C.A.T. Title: Lily C.A.T. Show (1) Review(s)
Genre: Action / Sci-fi
Run Time: 70 minutes
Publisher: Streamline Pictures
Released On: December 31, 1993
Type: n/a
Movie(s): 1
Rating:4.33 Rating          Votes: 6

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Characters: "Lily C.A.T", Carolyn, Dick Barry, Dr. Harris Meade, Dular, Falla Van Dorothy, Guy, Hiro Takagi, Jimmy Mengel, Lily, Mike Hamilton, Morgan W. Scott, Nancy, Walt, Wot

Lily C.A.T. - Description/Synopsis
Technology that has allowed man to reach out to the stars. These chambers slow the aging process by 95%. It definitely has its advantages...but after you\'ve been on a few trips, it sure gets very lonely. The year is 2264. The Syncam Corporation has sent the Saldes and its crew of 13 (and 1 cat) out into deep space to explore the potential of a newfound planet 20 years away. Soon after they awaken from their stasis, however, things are happening one after another. First, the crew learns that two of the crew are not who they claim to be. Then, one by one, crewmembers die suddenly. Then, the ship begins to turn against them. And as if it couldn\'t get any worse, they find another mess on their hands...and it is ugly. What was supposed to be a simple exploratory mission has become a struggle for survival in the depths of space. 20 years from home, they\'re all alone...and no one can hear them scream.

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[ Jan 30, 2004 11:04 ] Slash_Stevens
Them Orion/ Streamine videos
This was another one of the anime that were lost in the shuffle of Orion Streamline bacnkrupsy. In my opinon all of those anime were Exellent and ahead of their time. Lily C.A.T. ranks about 3 in my all time Favoire animes, (one is Akira and 2 is Cat Soup.) the Animation may not have been as sharp as it is today but if you let that stop you you will be missing out. Many people condem it for the Alien-esque aspects, but that really just adds to it. There is pleanty of action and Suspence, backed by non Senceless violence. I could get into the charichters and the Story. I give tis anime a 4.5/5.

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