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Virus Buster Serge Title: Virus Buster Serge
Genre: Action / Sci-fi
Run Time: 24 minutes
Publisher: Polygram
Released On: December 20, 1997
Type: Tv Series
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 3
Rating:4.25 Rating          Votes: 4

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Characters: Brain Lizard, Dona, Erika Tinen, Jouichirou, Macus Alexander Bogard, Mirei, Raven, Serge Train

Virus Buster Serge - Description/Synopsis
2097, Neo Hong Kong. In the future, an unknown entity called Incubator has created a virus that is capable of infecting both man and machine. A special arm of law enforcement is created to protect the citizenry from the virus and its monstrosities. This agency, called STAND, consists of highly-trained individuals who wear Variable Gear, powerful suits of cybernetic armor that allow them to take on the virus' favorite target, Armored Gears (battle mecha). As this new virus begins to spread and starts infecting even police Armored Gears, STAND is about to face another challenge. A young man named Serge has been having strange dreams that seem to have convinced him to avenge someone's death by killing the leader of STAND, Raven. All hell then breaks loose at the unveiling of a new Armored Gear, Shiguld, when not only does the Gear get infected by the virus, but Serge attacks Raven! However, Raven seems to have known about Serge all along, and has become fascinated by the young man's potential. He sets up the event so that Serge flees the scene by stealing one of STAND's transports, an EX Driver. In that vehicle, Raven has programmed the computer to stop itself and put a custom Variable Gear on Serge, hoping that it will awaken his latent battle skills. It does, and while the regular members of STAND were getting their rears handed to them by the Virus-Shiguld, Serge kicks its ass! Facing charges of theft and assault, Serge has no choice but to join STAND as one of its elite warriors. Will Serge find out what his dreams mean? What is the secret behind his awesome skills and strength? Who is Incubator?

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