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  Title: Sentimental Journey
Genre: Romance / Drama
Run Time: unknown
Publisher: Sunrise
Released On: December 30, 1997
Type: n/a
Movie(s): 12
Rating:5.00 Rating          Votes: 2

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Sentimental Journey - Description/Synopsis
What makes \\\"Sentimental Journey\\\" unusual is that each episode is completed unrelated to any of the others; instead, each episode focuses solely on one girl and tells a short romantic story. The only common element tying the stories together is the presence of a boy (and not even the same boy) in each girl\\\'s past, a boy who used to be puppy love, or an old crush, or a best friend, or just a short acquaintance. And this boy would have an influence over some part of that girl\\\'s present life. The stories ranged widely from straightforward girl-gets-boy romance to supernatural drama, and the actual storytelling and animation quality also tended to fluctuate noticeably, but on the whole \\\"Sentimental Journey\\\" is an anime that is unlike anything else out there.

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