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  Title: Asobotto Senki Goku Show (1) Review(s)
Genre: Fantasy / Adventure
Run Time: 30 minutes
Publisher: TV Toyko
Released On: September 30, 2002
Type: Tv Series
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 52

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Characters: Garin, GK, Gokyuu, Hyouketsu Asobotto, Jou, Katoruku, Mioto, Sanzou, Shion, Suuji, Tongo

Asobotto Senki Goku - Description/Synopsis
Four years into the future, the world has lost its balance...

10 thousand metres of vast woodland is gone, preventing humans to live and leaving a desert to spread endlessly. And so, they head into the world of Meshichi, to live together with the Anbots.

As if guided by fate, Sanzou and Gokyuu meet. Travelling together, Sanzou - a young man shrouded in mystery, Gokyuu - the strongest and worst Anbot around, Tongoh - an Anbot fond of drinking, Jou - someone who is great with machines, Suuji - a female Anbot thief, and last but not least, Mioto. And so, their journey begins to the boundless East, to the land where the sun was born!

Released in the US as Monkey Typhoon 2004-2005

This anime is based on Chinese classic novels, and journeys to the west (like Gensomaden Saiyuki). Set thousands of years from now, a virus threatens the human race to total annihilation. Now a new Messiah has awakened, and salvation seems near. An alliance is formed with three powerful robots, or Asobots (Association Robots).

A human girl named Susie, a mysterious boy named Sanzou, and Goku, Jyou and Tongou all set out on a journey to look for 49 keys to save the world. They go west and meet others, including Meeyon, a mysterious girl and traveler who intends to find the 49 keys for herself, and Sheeyon, Meeyon\'s little sister who has a dark plan behind everything. Can these two be trusted? Can we trust Goku the bandit and his idiotic personality (not to mention his perverted attitude)? Can he really save the world along with Sanzou? Find out!

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[ Oct 16, 2005 1:04 ] Yunqi
A cute anime
Asobotto Senki Goku is a real cute anime. Many would think it is stupid but if you are still a young child at heart or you can take chilsish things then you can watch this. I have no idea about the character names because I watch the anime in the english version. So I wonder who is who. I know people might think I am a bit werid but I haven't watched this anime finish yet. But to me I like Sanzo with Miyon. If you know the english names than I guess you would understand what I am saying. I really would like to know about the japanese names. Fill me in if you can.

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