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Cowboy Bebop Title: Cowboy Bebop Show (8) Review(s)
Genre: Sci-fi / Action
Run Time: 30 minutes
Publisher: Bandai
Released On: April 01, 1998
Type: Tv Series
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 27
Movie(s): 1
Rating:4.74 Rating          Votes: 204

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Characters: Edward, Ein, Faye Valentine, Jet Black, Julia, Spike Spiegal, Vicious

Cowboy Bebop - Description/Synopsis
The year is 2071, where humans travel in spaceships throughout the universe, Jet Black, Spike Spiegal, Faye Valentine, Ed, and their dog Ein, are bounty hunters, who are just searching for their next paycheck!

Electra Ovilo and Vincent Volaju are two added characters two the Cowboy Bebop movie. Just before Halloween 2071, a terrorist bomb destroys a tanker truck on Highway One, close to a densely-populated crater city. The reward for the bomber’s capture is a massive 300,000,000 woolongs… and our cash-broke heroes are on the case!

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[ Oct 28, 2004 6:10 ] Blood Neptune
Cowboy Bebop Movie
The movie takes place between episodes (I'm not sure which ones) in which Halloween comes up. The movie marks the appearance of Vincent (the antogonist) and Electra Oliva (a reluctant ally). The movie is rated R for violence, language, and suggestive themes. It's highly action-packed and has some comedic scenes. I recommend watching it whenever you get the chance.
[ Jul 22, 2002 21:52 ] N-Queen Terra of C Tok
This is my favorite anime. Period. The music is great, the plot is awesome, the characters are amazing, and the animation is marvelous.

It's about two bounter hunters that always seems to me to be broke all the time, Spike and Jet. Then they round up having three thing Spike hates, a kid, a woman, and a dog. Then Spike's past is haunting him and so is a woman named Julia which is loved by him and an old friend turned enemy Vicous. It is really good. It has serious episodes and ones you laugh your head off. It's a good buy.



See ya in Space Cowboy...
[ Jul 2, 2002 20:22 ] Emerald Tears
A Must-See Anime!
This is one of the best animes I have ever seen period! I can not even begin to describe it! It's awesome in more ways than one.
We follow the crew of The Bebop, Jet Black and Spike Spiegal who are bounty hunters and the dog Ein. We are also introduced to Faye Valentine, also bounty hunter and Edward, computer whiz and hacker. The characters are wonderfully conceived. Two thumbs up!
One element that really stands out in "Cowboy Bebop" is the music. The music, composed by Yoko Kanno, is some of the best anime music out there. There is the mix of blues and jazz along with singers such as Mai Yamane, with her deep and soulfull voice. I highly, highly recommend everyone go out and purchase the soundtracks.
The dubbing is quite good actually, not like other dubbings that I have heard. The voices for the characters are well matched.
The art is amazing, lots of color and very descriptive. Very well done.
The plot is wonderful. Many twists and turns with a blow-out ending.
Action sequences are well developed. Don't expect DBZ action but there is plenty of it and I guarantee you will enjoy it.
I recommend seeing "Cowboy Bebop" to everyone, even if you aren't a fan of the whole future, space genre. It's a MUST-SEE!! You'll definitely get your money's worth on this one!
[ Mar 13, 2002 16:19 ] Willy_sama
The BEST ;)
Cowboy Bebop is by far one of, if not the best anime series I have ever seen. The characters are so different from your average action or Anime hero and heroine. Ed is an enigma in itself. The one thing that brings the whole plot development and the overall emotion of the series to life is the music. Yokko Kanno is a composing genius in creating the sountracks to the series and the movie. It all comes together to form the work of art which is on my must see list. Not too much can beat it. If you haven't see it I suggest you do.
[ Jan 13, 2002 14:45 ] Darcy_Superstar
Space Cowboys
Where do I start? There is so much that is Cowboy Bebop it may be impossible to reveiw it all. I'll start with the story, however.

We follow the path of two bounty hunters (cowboys, as they're called) as they attempt to hunt down various law breakers and bring them in for money. They cruse around the solar system in a ship called The Bebop, Jet Black's pride and joy. The two Cowboys -Spike Spiegel and Jet Black- are the epitome of opposites.

Spike is the somewhat reckless hero with fluffy green hair. The one who will rish in before really thinking things through. He tries his best to be tough and compleatly apathetic at times, but inside, he's just a marshmellow. Jet on the the other hand, is much more serious than the laid-back Spike. He cooks, cleans and has a room full of bonzai trees he likes to take care of. He has an artificial left arm, the real one was lost years ago.

Ein, the third character introduced, is a data dog constructed in a lab. The next one introduced is Faye Valentine, a trouble making, violet-haired girl who seems to care only about money. At first, she's hard to stomach, but as the show progresses, she developes a personality, and a rather interesting one at that. We learn that she's been woken up from cryogenic sleep and has no memory prior to that. She's over 70 years old really, though physically and mentally she's only in her late 20's. You can't help but feel bad for her on her mission to reclaim what she cannot remember, even if she seems to enjoy torchering Ein and irritating Spike and is a compulsive gambler (she cheats at everything).

And then came Edward. Eward Wong Hau Pepulu Trivrusky IV. She's a super hacker living on earth alone. She's only thirteen and, how should I say this, a raving lunitic. And that's putting it politly. She displays extream flexibility and has a strong bond with Ein. She's the poster child for hyperactivity and has a smile that takes up half of her face, has brown skin and violent red hair and rosy red cheeks.

There are other characters here, all which belong to the past, the ones that are hard to let go of. For everyone, it's either a search to reclaim the past or a mission break away from it.

The art is wonderful, fully capturing the smoke-filled atmosphere that dominates on this show, perfectly capturing the gentile moments to the hard to fire-fight sceans. The music... Well, the music blew my hair back. They guys in charge took a different path than the usual J-pop/rock one. Instead, they have gone jazz and blues, giving the show a unique sound. I've always been a fan of blues and jazz, but even if you arn't, you'll still enjoy the soundtrack.

All in all, every thing comes together very well, the characters, the story, the music. If they had left out anything, the show wouldn't have been as good, as complete. I can barely stand most dubbed, American televised anime, but this is one that is clearly an exception. This is a must watch, in both English and Japanese.

[ Nov 30, 2001 15:30 ] JCL
Simply Amazing
Cowboy Bebop simply put is amazing, form stunning visuals to incredible actions scenes to excellent plots to beautiful characters to...well, i could go on for forever. Without spoiling the entire anime feature for those who haven't seen it i'll just say that it is difinetely a must-see. It is highly regarded as the best anime production of 1998. The music is magnificent as the tome of Jazz sets the pace for the the protagonists. Bounty hunters Spike and Jet make their living attempting to round up those that break the law. Spike tries to catch up to his past while Jet tries to break away from his, and all the while keeping up with their kooky friends Ed, she's a computer genius, and Faye, simply put a woman with an attitude.
This anime has it all, action, adventure, romance, and even humor. All packed into a surprise ending. I myself highly recommend the DVD box set...

[ Nov 18, 2001 12:31 ] JunoBuster
Cowboy Bebop's Rating by FSTwista
I am a huge anime fan. I have viewed, rated, and criticized anime for almost my whole life, and of all of them, Cowboy Bebop is on of the best. Normally I like more americanized anime, like DBZ or Evangilion, but CB is one anime that is still good without americanization. It has great animation, dubbing and plot. The characters, like Fay Valentine or Spike are amazing, and have very detailed persona. I think Cowboy Bebop has been a revolutionary anime, a I think most anime critics would agree, without a doubt.
[ Oct 21, 2001 10:25 ] Girliegirl
See ya later, Space Cowboy ^_^
Cowboy Bebop....action, drama, and comedy rolled up in one kick-ass package. The synopsis didn't do it justice...and i'm afraid i won't do it too. ^_^ So i'm going to insert a short summary about the series, excerpted from Astroid Blues~A Cowboy Bebop site.

The Year is 2071....

Mankind has finally risen to the stars. Huge starships cut through the fabric of the universe using man-made gates, depositing travellers and explorers throughout the galaxy and beyond. It is a time of shining achievement and moral degredation. Enter the bounty hunters. Enter Spike Spiegel. Along with his ragtag crew of misfits and scoundrels he swaggers through life, always in search of the next big score. A man with a shady past and an even shadier future, he has two immediate goals: make a quick buck, and survive to spend it. This is a world of heros and villians, and those who walk the fine line in between. This is the world of Cowboy Bebop

Dramatic no? But the series is more than that, it's a wildly-entertaining tale of friendship...'shrooms, bonsai trees, and a gal i affectionally dub, the *monkey girl*. =P With the usual angsty goodness tossed here and there. The character monologue is very entertaining...i loved Faye's and Spikes constant arguements, and Ed, the resident hacker chick and monkey girl's wierd train of thoughts. The episodes are also action-packed, with fluid animation and cool sub-plots. Not to mention and ending to end all endings. All in all, makes for good viewing! I personally enjoyed it.....i highly recommend it. =)

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