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Detonator Orgun Title: Detonator Orgun
Genre: Sci-fi / Adventure
Run Time: 60 minutes
Publisher: US Manga Corps
Released On: December 30, 1991
Type: n/a
Movie(s): 3
Rating:4.20 Rating          Votes: 5

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Characters: Kanzaki Michi, Kumi Jefferson, Masamichi Tomol, Nock, Youko

Detonator Orgun - Description/Synopsis
Just months prior to graduating from the university, Tomoru\'s Shindo\'s biggest decisions are the normal ones for a young man in his position: what to do after graduation and beating the latest game on his Pysch-Sim. But life is about to get a lot more complicated!

Tomoru\'s dreams are being invaded by a mysterious life form from beyond our solar system! It warns him of impending danger to the entire planet and urges him to prepare for battle. As he struggles to grasp what is happening, Michi, a young Earth Defense Forces Intelligence Researcher along with Izack, a super computer, race to unlock the secrets of a suit of alien armor. But the armor seems to have an agenda all of its own!

A force of hostile aliens arrives and dispatches a killing machine in Tomoru\'s city. Its mission: destroy the renegade soldier, Orgun. But what it finds is a confused Tomoru, who now has to fight an enemy straight out of his nightmares!

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