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Digimon Title: Digimon Show (8) Review(s)
Genre: Action
Run Time: 30 minutes
Publisher: Bandai
Released On: December 30, 1999
Type: n/a
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 205
Movie(s): 1
Rating:4.52 Rating          Votes: 127

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Digimon - Description/Synopsis
Digimon chronicles the adventures of various groups of children through different generations, who are given the power to control digimon, creatures from the digital world. Together they must save the world from evil.

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[ Aug 27, 2006 21:41 ] Relaxing Pikachu
It's pretty cool
Digimon isn't that bad of a series. Though the plot was a bit monotonous, in the sense that it always seemed to be a "save the world" type situation (Tamers excluded), it still had interesting characters and such.

The main problem I had with the series, aside from Frontier in general, was the lack of background info on some of the characters. You'd have to actually look that stuff up, instead of its being mentioned in the show.

Oh, another plus...the original music is awesome!
[ Jul 18, 2006 22:05 ] Ownalis Star
I got to know Digimon through T.V. and it was in Hebrew. From then on, I have become a fan of Digimon and started writing all kind of Digimon stories. I always browse the internet to search for information on Digimon to increase my knowledge and ideas. Digimon is my first and favorite animation ever and I think I'll never lose interest in it.
[ Jan 25, 2004 6:48 ] TheTexanDevil
Digimon Is Cool
I like Digimon, but not as much as I would DBZ or Trigun. I mean I like all the monsters, characters, and even the wacky humor! ^^ But at some points in all the seasons it gets boring and somtimes even stupid. I personally like the 1st and 3rd seasons, and totally dislike the forth season.

I think the fourth season just drags the whole thing out. *shrugs* I give Digimon a four out of five what with a few flaws here and there.
[ Sep 26, 2003 4:43 ] HaXx
Well well
Just to be safe


The one thing I hated about this was the people that said it was a pokemon rip off.

I disagree. I'm 20+ despite what others would have you believe and respect this Tv show for many things, Involving characters, excellent storyline and far better monsters with more creativeity than pokemon.

The characters change. In The widely acclaimed pokemon, they never evolve, they just do the same thing over and over (Brock like woman, Brock Fail Misty go nuts Ash face gym leader, try new technique Ash win yay .. with Team Rocket stuffing up all along the path yawn)

The ability for the monsters too talk added a great dimension for change. Especially with Rika and Renamon. THe acting was so much better and Pokemon got boring (same repeating pattern)

Rika gets a little more friendly ... Matt releases his jealousy and so on. Even in series 1 they put characters in taxing situations (being trapped on the moving isles, losing their crests in the 2nd last episode.

Each series carrys a moral as well.

Series 1 - You may not go togther all that well, you may fight, be idiots and be totally different, but if you work together, no - one can stop you.

Series 2 - Don't judge a book by it's cover (Examples Ken as the digimon emperor , Black wargreymon sacrificing himself to blcok the digigate)

Series 3 Anyone can be tempted by darkness and fighting isn't everything (take a look at how Rika develops or th D reaper taking poor Juri)

Hats of to the best monster anime Ever, .
[ Sep 18, 2003 23:34 ] Ekimozo
Digimon was one of my first animes - I got five DigiVideos, collected little cards from chip packs and loyally watched every episode when possible.
I found it really cool, with ordinary kids and Digimon working together to defeat Ultimate Evil!
I don't think Digimon is a "clone" of Pokemon, they're, like, totally different!

Out of the Four Seasons, Season 1 was THE BEST!

Tai & Sora and Kari & T.K are the KAWAII-est couples EVER!

~Digimon is for anyone who likes Fantasy, Drama and Adventure - a recipe for success!~

[ Nov 6, 2002 18:45 ] Allie Kimura
Digimon kicks, it was my favourite anime straight from episode one of Adventure. Now were well into Digimon Frontier, the fourth season, and it still kicks, maybe even more now than ever!
[ Oct 7, 2002 21:01 ] FortressMaximus
There are those who say that 'Digimon' is a clone of 'Pokemon' for an older crowd. Well, it would be IF you took away the plot, characterizations, humor and romance. Digimon is a wonderful series, thrilling to both kids (who are sure to love the weird Digimon creatures) and older anime fans who want to see dubbed anime done with passion for the characters and their story. And while dubbed anime is normally seen as the 'red-headed stepchild' of the genre, it would be hard pressed to find someone who's first exposure to anime was in a dubbed format (how many of you remember falling in love with 'Star Blazers' each afternoon LONG before you even knew what 'Yamato' meant...). If you want a fun anime for your kids, or even if your're an older fan looking for something different check out all three seasons of Digimon. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
[ Jun 1, 2002 10:31 ] Silent Shadow
Digital Champions
Digimon is a wonderfully created series. All three seasons have been imaginative and creative and the fourth promises to be the same. Despite popular belief Digimon is not just a kids show or a Pokemon rip off. Digimon has complex, dynamic characters and a elaborate plot that keeps you guessing to the end!
In season one Tai, Yamato (Matt), Sora, Mimi, Joe, and Takeru (T.K) Find themselves in a strange world and meet new digital friends. From there they search for their way home and struggle to survive. These strangers must become quick friends with not only the digimon but themselves. Here they struggle with themselves and their self-confidence only to find that not only their lives rest in their hands, but the whole strange world.
In season two Takeru and Hikari (Kari) from season one are all grown up and have made new friends, Daisuke (Davis), Miyako (Yolei) and Iori (Cody). They find themselves with new powers to help their own digimon digivolve to fight a new enemy. This time there is a twist, the enemy is a human, another boy name Ken. However not all as it seems as they learn that their enemies may not be evil. Now they hope to save the digital world but find themselves in conflict with themselves and their dark side. It’s a roller coaster ride that will surprise you in the very end.
In season three everything has been reset. The first two seasons are just a t.v. show and this time this show is reality. Takato finds himself in the presence of a digimon and is a tamer. He meets up with two new tamers Ruki (Rika) and Lee (Henry). However they learn digimon is not just fighting or fun and games. Soon digimon enter with command to kill all humans and are taking orders from a higher source. Now Ruki, Lee, and Takato must fight the enemy with a few friends Juri, Impmon, Ryo, Hirokazu, Culumon, and Kenta. However it’s not as simple as it seems, this time they aren’t just fighting digimon and humans. And now a dear and fragile life of a loved one is in their hands and they don’t know how to stop it. It’s the most complex storyline so far that keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing. But this time, the stakes are higher as they learn that fighting is not just to get stronger.

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