How dirty demons get clean

Line are Provided with permission from [link] Colored n backgrounded by me! Other notes: Sesshy sure does love his Blood and Mayo *Triple wink* ^_~ ^_~ *sorry if you do not get it* Sexy sesshy loves InuYasha Blood n Mayo, what can I say they love each other, but them claws are sharp . My notes: Omg I waited so long to put this up! It was so thrilling! *squeeks!!* Tehehe I love it! My favorite art yet! *Hugs it!* I almost didn’t do it but I did! Anyway, This is one out of 3 so I’ll put the others up later Enjoy! And feel free to favorite this! In this change, I felt that I didn’t do a well enough job on it and I went back with my new wacom/tablet and fixed his hair, I work the background so it fit the picture and not just look totally horribly off! Ugh! But now I am proud of it!

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