Panel 1: PIPPIN: “Ehy, Strider… Frodo says that Lady Galadriel has a mirror that shows the future… have you ever seen it? STRIDER: ! Panel 2: STRIDER: “TSK! But of course! I’m the future King of Men after all… it’s just obvious that I have, Pippin!” Panel 3: STRIDER: “It’s something I’ll never forget… seeing Legolas so wanton… so needy… beautiful… naked… hot… trembling under my touch… Panel 4: STRIDER: “OOOOOHHHH… you can’t imagine… I did this to him… AAAAAHHHH… and then that… and this… and that… and even this… and then he… OOOOOH… Panel 5: STRIDER: “My heart is strong and my soul is pure! Beware of me, Sauron! Your time is over! With Legolas as a reward, I cannot fail!!!” (TSK! And they say the Ring is a temptation… LEGOLAS is!)” PIPPIN: “…Why did I ask…?” LEGOLAS: “…reward…?!” FELLOWSHIP: “…”


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