Feather 1: Kuronue
Well, I finally got around to squeezing in the first drawing for a series I plan on doing. Don’t ask me where the idea was born, but I can tell you that this one wasn’t supposed to be first. He just cut in line; he had to be drawn. This wasn’t his original pose, either. I took my boys to McD’s yesterday, and I took my drawing stuff with me. Started this one while I froze to death in the playplace. That “feather” (I know it doesn’t really look like one but, meh…) is supposed to be a phoenix feather that looks as if it’s on fire. I haven’t been able to harness drawing fire yet, so that feather isn’t really on fire (unless it looks that way to you, then yes…I meant to do that… :aww:) Either way, I spent a lot of time on his back. I left the vest out, obviously, because I wanted to draw his back. Yeah, working around the wings would’ve been hard if I had drawn it, but I had ideas… And yes, he’s wearing his pendant, you just can’t see it. ^_~ I’m digressing… (I do that.) Anyway, there’s my first installment. (Finally, right?);P