Fuyu-sama to Ikkakujyuu-san
Don’t steal. Stealing is for idiots. xD They have no lives, so don’t even think about it. This original image is already in… 3 different websites? =D You can find my gallery at fanart.theotaku.com (search for Michiyo Shimizu) or DeviantArt (kitsunemichiyo) ;D or Tokyopop, Kitsunemichi. The woman is Lady Winter and the unicorn is just… Mr. Unicorn. XD Those are the names in Japanese in the title. Lady Winter takes care of the forests all around the world while Mr. Unicorn takes care of her and they travel together forever wandering through the forests helping out injured animals or guiding lost people in the woods. Mr. Unicorn can glide through the air with his magical hooves and so he can lead Lady Winter to the next forest/woods. x3 She also is the guardian of winter, Lady Spring then takes over after three months have passed and Lady Winter goes to rest with Mr. Unicorn as well for the next winter.