Late Night at Vertigo

Original Character? Solo? Yeah I know what your thinking.. how is this original. Well I’ll explain. The Idea for Solo was done by the nice people who made Gundam Wing. This character here is a “what if” character. Basically, “What if Solo didn’t die like Duo thought what would have happened to him and what would he look like” and this is the result. ^____^ Solor changed his name and became Runi Gustav. The owner of a Gay/Straight Goth club called Vertigo which he currently owns with Duo who he found resently. Comments?
I’m also going to make prints and sell them on e-bay if your curious and you want a print please let me know. Also I have a longsleeve T-shirt and poster of this character at my Cafepress store. Please check my Bio for the link. Thank you.


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