
Yeah,I’m pretty much obsessed by Legolas.Have been for a while though.I read the Lord of the Rings first when I was elleven,and have continued to read it at least once a year since then.Legolas, along with some others, quickly stood out as one of my favourite characters. My pre-movie vision of Legolas’ apperance was not far from the movie version.In this picture I’ve tried to incorporate ideas from both,i.e black eyebrows/eyelashes (Orliness…heh)like the movie Legolas and mouth,cheekbones and such from my head (Söliness). I’m aware of some flaws,but this is a piece I’m mostly pleased with.Made a background,intended it to be rather subdued,may have made it a bit too subdued. Anyways,I give you Legolas in the buff with a very symbolical background *insert snort here*


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