"Ohayo, Dante-sama!"

A pciture I drew of Dante waking up in the morning. It was originally to be a pick of Dante holding Ebony and Ivory in his hands as he stood atop a Fetish. I tried that once in one style, didn’t like it, tried it in this style, didn’t like it, then decided I wasn’t really in the mood to draw an action pick. I wanted to try portraying Dante as a normal (well, HALF normal…) human. *NOTE* …Drawing the Girl logo on his coffee mug was more trouble than it was worth -_____-;;;… The words on the top say, “Ohayo, Dante-sama!”, the words on the right say, “Debiru Mei Kurai,” and the left words say, “Supada no Son…” since I didn’t learn how to say ‘son’ in Japanese yet ^^;;;…

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