Temptations of Heaven and Hell (Fallen Book Cover#2)

^____^ Okay this is a little gift for all those who have looked at my GW doujinsihi. ^_^ Thank you! but next time please leave more comments ;_; I wanna know if you guys like the story so far and want to know more and stuff…… I picked Solo because the angel is suppose named Solo. O_o yeah I know that’s Duo’s friend but this is a Doujin in where Duo is Suppose to be Satan. ^_^ so I figured, why not have Solo as God. ::watches for the angry mob of religious people:: *phew* anyways…. to finish the little demon kitty ::points to the tail:: is Nova created by my best friend Bridget 😀 ^_~ And a pretty Yaoi boy too…. actually they both are. I’m very open to the fact I will have Hentai and Yaoi in this 😀 no worries I will have warnings up ^_^ hehee


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