The Black Wind

This character is based off of the Final Fantasy Unlimiteds Character Kurai Kaze WITH a few changes.
1. This Kaze is a woman. Not a man like in FFU2. The Demon Gun that you see in FFU IS NOT the thing on her arm!
3. This Kaze is a villian (sorta) It’s hard to explain and I also can’t. ^__^ who knows if the players on my RPG will see this and read all the spoilers.
4. Kaze’s Story in my game is completely different from the story of Kaze in FFU THAT is why it is an ORIGINAL character.
5. Lastly When I was thinking of how to make the character look for my game I thought that Kaze from FFU’s design worked perfect. ^_^ This is why I claim this as….. FAN ART!Note: I do not claim this char or the full body version of this char as my own original design. Just the fact that this char is a woman with her own original story and life to her despite how she may look, despite what SOME people think.


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