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Yugioh Meets Final Fantasy
Dimensions: 468x490 pixels, 113 Kb
Yugioh Meets Final Fantasy by AnimefanWArtemis
Artwork uploaded on Nov 24 19:36:24 PST 2003, since then it was viewed 1572 times and reviewed 4 times.
Artist's Commentary
I was having a Final Fantasy 9, Yugioh moment when I drew this. It's of Yugi dressed up as my favorite black mage, Vivi, with a baby choboba nested next to him. I'm especially proud at how I managed the pose, and even more proud of the chocoba. I'm not the best artist when it comes to animals. Above all, however, I can't get over the shading job. I'm so happy the shading and color came out great! It looks as if it could have been done by experienced manga artists. And that's my goal, to make it believable. ^^