Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Desires of a psycho ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

There is nothing more thrilling than a psycho story. Be it a murderous rampage, psychological thriller or just the inner thoughts of madman. Nothing more thrilling....

Disclaimer: I don't own beyblade.

A faint smile graced his lips.

He loved it when they ran. Gave him time to think of how to break them.

Slowly he walked, following the path his prey took. His eyes wandered back and forth not focusing on anything. He could take his time or run and break the boy quickly...oh the choices he had to choose.

He played with his hands, interlocking fingers and cracking his knuckles, to keep them warm. He didn't like the cold that much but it was better outside than inside. No people in white piercing his skin, no blackness taking his vision, no restraints to hold back his desires and definitely no Boris.

Eyebrows furrowed at the thought. He didn't like Boris. It was Boris that had stopped him from completely full filling his desires, his thirst. Maybe, just maybe Boris could be broken just like all of the others. His smile widened slightly as that thought swam amongst his many other amusing thoughts.

This was taking slightly longer than it usually did. This one liked to play it seemed. He hoped this one didn't scream as much as the others. He didn't like loud noises, they made his head hurt and he couldn't think properly.

His eyes slid down to the snow that covered the dirt floor. Footsteps scarred the other wise perfect whiteness. Follow was all he could think, follow and have fun with him.

Just like always.

His eyes locked on the form of his prey. The smile became almost feral and slight noise that could be called a snigger escaped past those lips. He quickened his pace. Time for some fun.

A scream. A plea. A whimper. That was all that was heard echoing around the Biovault grounds. He wiped the blood from his face. His eyes half closed, he turned and slowly walked away leaving his playtime partner. The guards will come soon and take the other away to be fixed.

The guards always seemed to keep their distance from him. Not that they needed to, he didn't want to play with them. They didn't seem to be full filling. Maybe it was because they were no fun, unlike the other boys his age. It was unusual, he knew, but the guards did not seem to provide the thrill like the others did.

Once again he cracked his knuckles and a very similar smile sneaked back to his face. Not far in front was a familiar dark figure. The smile faded, his freedom was soon to be lost.

“Did you have fun Bryan?”

“.....Yes sir.”

“Good.” the figure turned to some guards behind him “Time for you to go to your room know.”

Bryan was taken back to his room deep below the Abbey. He was walked past the other boys who watched in fear as his eyes slid over them and the smile was flashed. The heavy doors were closed and all could breath as he was escorted away.

A new fear spread through the boys. It won't be long until Bryan's desire came back and one of them will be chosen to play with him.

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