Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Spellbound ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ami met Eriol on the train, he had already reserved a compartment for them. Ron and Hermoine wouldn't be joining them, as they had to meet with the other prefects. Ginny and Neville, however, were more then willing to take their seats. Ami and Harry told Eriol about the dementors and the hearing, while Eriol filled Ami in on life in Japan. Eriol neglected to mention Kero's depression, knowing the effect it would have on Ami . They were just settling down to read their new school books when Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle sauntered into their compartment.
It didn't take Ami , Eriol and Harry long to notice the shiny new prefect badge pinned to Malfoy's chest. Deep-seeded hatred for Malfoy began to bubble through her veins, her blood seemed to be a river of fire coursing through her body. Malfoy turned her way, an evil smirk on his face. Her heart began to pound in her head. A fire began to burn brightly behind her calm emerald eyes. Then her right hand was suddenly covered with flames. Licks of flames became gradually longer and threaded their way towards Malfoy. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle took one look at those deadly tongues of fire, and made a run for thier own compartment. the fire died down after their departure, but they still played over Ami's hand. She inspected them, they felt pleasantly warm to her as they caressed her skin. they gave her one last moment of warmth, then begrudingly retreated under her skin, leaving her skin feeling slightly cold. Everyone was staring at Ami now, all with the same shocked look on their face, all except Eriol. "So you are a Beast Rider," he said, "I think it's time we began to study the full extent of your powers." So with the promise of lessons to help her explore and control her new powers, Ami relaxed and picked up a new book.
That night, after the welcome feast, Eriol and Ami began their lessons in her dragon powers. it was easy to just let the magic flow out of her, but she also realised that it might decide to show itself at the worst possible time, or it might hurt someone she was trying to protect. She also knew that the day might come when she would need these powers, and unless she studied them now, she might not be able to call them when she really needed them. It was hard, this power wasn't like her beloved cards, who knew she was the master, and so they came at will, this new powere fought her, she would have to teach it that she was in control before it would obey her completely. Professor McGonnagle was extremely interested in Ami's new powers and knew of the need for her to control them, so she gave Eriol and Ami permission to use her transfiguration classroom after school to practise, on the condition that she supervised. Her supervision meant that Professor Umbridge (the new deffence against the Dark Arts teacher) couldn't stop them from doing it, it also meant that Professor McGonnagle could witness the powers of the first Beast Rider in over a century first hand. by the end of the first term, Ami could produce fire balls, rather then just letting the fire roam freely over her hand, which meant that the balls could be thrown, so they could go further, and did more damage. She new goal was to work on her Dragon Sight, which would allow her to see through magic, and into people's souls if she wished.
While Ami concentrated most of her time to controling her new abilities, Harry had started his own version of Defence against the Dark Arts, which she and Eriol went to at least once a week, not because she needed to, but more to support Harry. Ami was the only one who would partner with Neville, but with her gentle coaxing, Neville was learning quickly and well. Ami and Eriol also spent one night a week sparring, Ami could now beat Eriol every time, even if he did fight dirty.
One night, while she slept, she had the strangest dream. She was back in Japan, sitting in the Penguin Park underneath the Cherry Blossom trees when she suddenly realised that someone was sitting beside her. She turned to face them. Ami jerked awake breathing heavily, rivers flowed down her cheeks. All the boys woke up at the sound of Ami crying, they had never seen tears stain her lovely face before. Ami herself felt like she had been stabbed repeatedly as she remembered the face in her dream. She thought she had removed all feeling for him from her body, that she had erased all the memories he had touched, but it seemed that he haunted her still. Eriol knelt down beside her, one hand rubbing her back. Ami threw herslef into his arms, hoping he would take the pain away. "Syaoran," she whispered, clutching Eriol's shirt, as she wept on his shoulder. Eriol's other hand cradled her hair as he hugged her, "Ami," he whispered to Ami , as all the tears she'd held inside for the past few years suddenly came pouring out onto Eriol's pjyamas, "maybe trying to forget he existed wasn't the best thing for you." Ami's tears stopped flowing as she thought about what Eriol had just said, maybe she shouldn't have hidden her feelings for him away, keeping herself from experiencing the pain of losing him only made it hurt worse now. Eriol sensing that she had no more tears, went to return to his own bed, only to have her grab his shirt, "Stay," she said, "please, just for tonight." Her eyes begged him, and he found himself cralwing under the covers with her, realising that she needed a hug, and Ami fell asleep feeling safe from her dreams within the circle of Eriol's arms. Ami guessed it was something to do with his being a re-incarnation of Clow Reed, but sometimes Eriol felt more like a faher to her, but Eriol had realised a long time ago that Ami would always be the daughter he never had. The next day Ami spoke to Dean privately, asking him if he would give her a tattoo, considering he was such an artist. Ami had decided that she wanted something to remind her to never let love escape her again, and so Dean gave her a samll tattoo on her back, just above her right hip.
By the time the Easter holidays started, Ami could use Dragon Sight at will, and could levitate herself a few feet off the ground for short periods of time, but she was still having touble with creating dragon wings for herself. Eriol had now begun to bring her dragon powers into their sparring, it was hard at first, but she soon mastered it. She could now beat Eriol without even breaking a sweat. Eriol began to marvel at how much stronger she became each day.
Finally the year was drawing to a close, all the fifth-year students sat for the big exams, Ami felt ready for them, Eriol had drilled her in her magic repeatedly. She passed the written and practical with ease. Harry was becoming increasingly worried about what Voldemort would do next, until finally he and some of his Defence studentswent into the minisrty of magic to save Sirius from Voldemort. Eriol had been unable to come because he had an exam at that time, but Ami had joined in, there were innocent people to save, a great evil to vanquish, and her new Dragon powers to master, unfortunately in their rush to get there, Ami had left her precious cards and Clow Key in the boys' dormitory. It had been a trap, Death Eaters closed in around them as they tried to think of a way to get out of this together. Finally they all broke into a run to try to reach the Ministry entrance, but the group broke into smaller groups and became separated. Ami managed to knock out four Death Eaters and give another two a severe concussion. In an attempt to dodge an attack from two Death Eaters at once, she leapt into the air, only to find that she didn't come down. Ami looked at either side of her body to find a pair of Dragon wings large enough to support her, she had finally learnt to flly, her moment of bliss was cut short by a Death Eater knocking her out of the air with his attack. Ami quickly sent a fireball at him, sending him flying straight into Dumbledore. She watched as silently as Dumbledore quickly rounded up all the Death Eaters, well, all but one. Bellatrix. A single tear flowed down her cheek as she watched Sirius fall through the black curtain and heard Harry's cries for him. Turning back to Bellatrix, Ami saw her racing for the door. Gathering the last of her power, Ami made the largest fireball she could manage and hurled it at Bellatrix's head. Ami saw Bellatrix dodge the flames before she collapsed into darkness.
She awoke a couple of days later in the Hospital wing of Hogwarts, Eriol sat beside her, holding her hand. He broke from his stupour when her eyes flickered open. She gave him a warm smile before closing her eyes again to return to her sleep. The year ended and Ami decided to return to the Dursleys' with Harry for the summer. Ami and Eriol bid each other goodbye, promising to see each other again when they returned to school.