Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Spellbound ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

* Hogwarts *
The rest of the holidays passed, and soon the students were back at Hogwarts. Ami had forgiven Kai and they were now the best of friends. Eriol was still in shock that after all that they still hadn't realized each others' true identities. The rest of the year passed without incident until a week before the end of the year. Harry was restless, and Ami knew why. The boys and Tomoyo were in the dormitory when Ami entered. She was dressed. She wore long black velvet pants, a black velvet, medieval bodice, laced up with silver cord, a silver silk, medieval under-blouse. Her hair was pulled back and held in place with a silver dragon clasp. Opening her trunk, she pulled out a number of items which she fastened onto her body. A set of three daggers in their sheathes were fastened to her black, heeled boots. A sword was attached to a belt she buckled around her waist, to which she then added a couple do daggers. She strapped a quiver of arrows to her back, and placed her bow on her bed before quickly adding a strange book to her pile. Even Kai had to admit, he was impressed with her arsenal.
Ami looked expectantly at Harry, "Well?" she asked him, "are you coming?" Everyone, including Harry, was shocked by her question. "Look Harry," she told him, "I know you, and I know that you've been feeling Voldemort getting restless. I also know that you know he's going to do something tonight, and that it's going to be our job to stop him." Harry stood, and marched over to Ami, it was one thing for him to know these things, but to have her tell him. "I don't know how you know," he told her, "but this is my fight, Voldemort is my opponent, I'm the only one who can defeat him." Now Ami was mad, it took a lot to make her mad but this was it. "Now you listen to me," she told him, ice dripping from her tone, "I know that, but at least I can keep the Death Eaters busy long enough for you to have a clean shot at Voldemort." Harry opened his mouth to argue, but there was logic in what she said, he couldn't keep the Death Eaters at bay AND destroy Voldemort. "Fine," he told her, "You can come." As Harry got dressed, so did everyone else in the room. Harry looked enquiringly at everyone, "Hey," dean told him, "If she gets to go, so do we." Ami left to get Hermione. When she met them in the common room, she couldn't believe what she saw. Kai was holding a sword, dressed in Chinese ceremonial robes, but not just any ceremonial robes, Syaoran's ceremonial robes. Ami eyes the sword closer, that was definitely Syaoran's sword. Now she knew why Kai had seemed so much like Syaoran, he WAS Syaoran.
Eriol noticed her reaction, and crept up behind her, "Yes," he whispered in her ear, "that is Syaoran, he changed his name so he wouldn't have girls after him for his title, he would've told you who he was, but you don't exactly look like yourself anymore do you?" Ami was about to talk to Syaoran, but Harry was already heading for the grounds. They followed Harry to what appeared to be a cave, but Ami could sense an immense power emanating from it. Harry was just about to enter when Ami stopped him.
"Wait," she told him, "if we're to go in, I'm going to be completely armed." She slipped her necklace off, and held the key in front of her. Syaoran stared in shock as he saw the cards' staff appear before him. It still glowed with the same beautiful, pink aura, and Kero flew to Ami's side, immediately changing to his true form. If the power in the staff was the same, and Kero recognized the wielder of the staff, then Ami was actually Sakura, his beloved. Tomoyo stood behind him, "so you finally saw Sakura for who she truly is?" Syaoran turned to face Tomoyo. "You knew," he whispered, "you knew and you never told me." Tomoyo just smiled, "It was not for me to tell."
Syaoran didn't have a chance to ask Sakura about it, because Harry had just entered the cave, with Sakura, flanked by Shadow and Kero right behind him. If he was going to protect his Cherry Blossom, he would need to be by her side. The group had reached the end of the cave before they saw it. A sword, glowing brightly, lay on an alter, bathed in moonlight, surrounded by Death Eaters and Voldemort. Voldemort was just about to claim the sword when an arrow grazed his arm. Ami knocked another arrow to her bow, releasing it as Voldemort spun to face them, gaining himself a grazed shoulder, instead of it piercing his neck. The Death Eaters launched an attack on the group, but was thwarted by Sakura releasing the Shield Card. Shadow had learnt that he could fire immense balls of electricity, and now Kero and Shadow were having tons of fun firing their attacks at the Death Eaters.
Syaoran knocked Sakura to the floor preventing a Death Eater's curse from hitting her, instead it grazed his side. Syaoran replied by sending a wall of lightning at him, leaving nothing but scorched remains behind. Voldemort could see he was losing, and fled leaving the sword on the alter, undisturbed. The rest of the Death Eaters soon followed their master and fled. Harry, cautiously walked up to the alter, grasped the sword's hilt and hoisted it down from the alter. It felt wonderful in his grip, as if it had been made for him. Even away from the alter though, it still continued to glow with a pure, white light.
Sakura, however was not interested in a magical sword, she had found Syaoran, but one thing was wrong with that. He had told her himself that he was in love with someone else, and she couldn't bare him not loving her. Sakura mounted Storm and flew back to Hogwarts before Syaoran even knew she was gone. Her things were packed, and she had left for the Dursleys before the rest had returned to the castle. Eriol returned to find a letter on his bed.
Dear Eriol,
I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble, but I couldn't stay any longer. I finally found my true love, but he's in love with someone else. I've returned to the Dursleys, but I'll be back in Japan for your wedding though.
Until then, love and best wishes,
Eriol passed the letter to Tomoyo and looked up to see Syaoran gazing forlornly at the ring he'd made for Sakura. "She didn't love me," he asked Eriol, "did she? If she did she wouldn't have run." Eriol had had enough of his descendant's moping, he smacked him over the head, "You little idiot, do you remember her tattoo?" he asked Syaoran, "do you? What was it a picture of?" Syaoran closed his eyes, remembering the wolf-cub n her back. "That's right," Eriol told him, "it was a wolf-cub. It was a LITTLE WOLF, a SYAORAN! Do you remember her telling you of the love she lost because she was too scared to tell him, and then he left? You left that little blossom heart-broken when you went home. She tried to forget you for so long, and still her heart wouldn't let her. She then decided to live with that tattoo as a reminder of her first and only love. A tattoo of YOU, but you being the BAKA that you are, couldn't even realize how much she loved you. She's so in love with you, that when she thought you didn't love her, she ran away to the Dursleys, and I'm glad she did, because if you don't have the courage to tell her you love her, then you aren't good enough to even be her friend." Syaoran was shocked, so she really did love him, but now he'd blown it, he would never find a way to convince her that he loved her. Why did he have to be so stupid as to tell her that he was planning to marry someone, but left her name out. She probably thought he was going to marry Mei Ling.
* The Wedding *
The day before the wedding, Sakura arrived with Kero, Shadow and Storm. With her three guardians, she successfully managed to avoid Syaoran. Toya and Yukito were coming to the wedding too. Having no father to give her away, Tomoyo had asked Toya if he would, which he accepted. Yukito was to be one of the groomsmen, or more to the point, Yue was to be. Ruby Moon was the other bridesmaid, and, to Sakura's dismay, Syaoran was the best man. Kero, was to act as a stuffed toy for the proceedings and hold the rings, while Shadow was the ring-bearer.
The day of the wedding, Sakura still was not talking to Syaoran. Throughout the entire ceremony, Sakura stared determinedly at everything but him. Sakura gave her congratulatory speech to the new couple, and Syaoran did the same, but still Sakura refused to acknowledge him. once the dancing had begun, Sakura bumped into an old acquaintance who made her blood run cold. Tomoyo's thirty-year-old cousin Eichi. He tried to make Sakura dance with him, but she twisted out of his grasp and disappeared into the crowd.
Meanwhile Syaoran was talking with Toya. Syaoran had asked him for permission to marry Sakura, and while Toya disliked Syaoran, he respected that he had asked. It was this respect that drove him to consent to Syaoran's proposal, but just as they were shaking hands, Tomoyo interrupted them. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news," she told them, "but I can't see Sakura anywhere, and Eichi's missing too." Toya looked ready to kill, but Syaoran didn't understand the implications. "Last time Eichi was alone with Sakura, she was eight," Toya explained as he and Syaoran began to search for her, "he tried to rape her."
Sakura rested against the rail of a balcony, having finally given Eichi the slip. Suddenly a hand grabbed her and spun her around. "So thoughtful of you," he told her, "to bring me somewhere quiet, where we wont be disturbed." She started to run, but he had come prepared this time, he hand-cuffed her wrists to the railing of the balcony. Suddenly Sakura felt like she was eight again. Too scared to move, to scared to scream. Eichi lifted her slightly, sitting her on the rail. He hitched her skirt up, sliding his body between her knees, preventing her from closing them. His left arm wrapped around her waist, stopping her from falling, while his right hand began to feel it's way up her thigh. His fingers gently stroked the prize they found between her thighs, before squeezing hard, making her cry out in pain. "You cry out," he told her, "and I'll find something to stick in there." His fingers wrapped around her underwear, slowly tugging them down, when a fist suddenly collided with Eichi's head. Without Eichi's arm around her, Sakura started to fall, only to be caught by two strong arms. Sakura relaxed as her brother pulled her back onto the balcony, before wrapping his arms around her shaking body.
Sakura glanced over to where Eichi had fallen to see Syaoran standing over Eichi's limp, pounded body. Now that Eichi was in a comatose state, thanks to Syaoran's knuckles, Syaoran raced over to Sakura, cupping her cheek in his hand as tears began to flow. "Are you okay?" he asked her, concern ringing through his voice. "I didn't know you cared," Sakura sobbed as she gazed into Syaoran's eyes. "I don't care," he told her, she pulled her face away from his hand as a fresh wave of tears splashed her face, "because to say that I cared, would do it an injustice. To say that I cared, would be a massive understatement." Sakura still refused his touch. "I don't care about you, I love you." Syaoran grabbed her face and made her look at him, "I've loved you since the first day I met you. You are the light of my days, the only thing that made my training bearable. I love you. No, I don't just love you. I'm in love with you, and I always will be." Sakura's tears stopped as she saw the sincerity in his eyes, he let her head drop this time. "I would hug you," she told him as she rested her head on his chest, "but my hands are still chained to this stupid rail." He laughed as he gently pushed her off him. Toya offered him the key he'd found in Eichi's pocket. As soon as Sakura's hands were free, she threw her arms around Syaoran's neck. He reveled in the feeling as he held her close.
"Wait," he told her, pushing her off him once more. He knelt down, and brought the box out of his pocket. Opening it to show her the ring, he asked he a question, "Marry me?" Sakura couldn't think of anything else to do, she knelt down in front of him, took his face in her hands, and pressed her lips to his. "Is that a yes?" he asked her, an amused smile playing on his face. "Of course it is silly," she told him as she pulled in for another kiss, while he placed the ring on her finger.
Pulling her small form into his embrace, Syaoran tilted his head to look at Toya," Would you mind if I took her back to my hotel room?" he asked. As much as Toya disliked Syaoran, he had to admit, Syaoran would always protect his little sister, even if it cost him his life. "Take her down to my car," he told Syaoran, "I'll grab Yukito. If you must stay with her, you can do it at our house." Syaoran nodded before gently taking Sakura into his arms. Toya watched as Syaoran carried his sister to the car. Toya knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt her, but he still didn't like the idea of his Kaiju alone with that gaki.
Toya murmured a quick apology to Tomoyo and Eriol before grabbing Yukito and hurrying off to his car. Syaoran was already sitting in the back seat, with Sakura still in his arms. Yukito sat on the other side of Sakura, gently stroking her hair while Toya drove them home.
Once they arrived at the Kinomoto residence, Sakura decided she needed to have a shower. She could still feel Eichi's fingers on her skin, and it just made her feel so filthy. The hot water pounded her back while her mind made her relive the night's events. When she reached the part where Eichi grabbed her, her head began to swim. The emotional stress was too much for her and she collapsed in a heap on the cold tiles of the shower, dissolving to tears.
Syaoran was starting to get worried, Sakura had been in the shower for a long time. Maybe he should check if she was okay. He stopped outside the bathroom door, the sound of running water met his ears. Maybe she just needed to soak, he thought, but when he heard a faint, choking sob, he thrust the door open to reveal her crumpled form, curled up on the tiles, as the water ran down her face.
Syaoran turned the water off and grabbed a towel, wrapping her shivering body in it. He grabbed another two towels before carrying Sakura to her bedroom. Syaoran wrapped one of the spare towels around her soaking hair, the other he used to dry the parts of her body not covered by towels. Toya and Yukito had watched Syaoran attempting to dry Sakura, while still preserving her modesty, and the sight actually made Toya smile. Walking off to his room, Toya returned with a large shirt and a pair of boxers. The boxers, he handed to Syaoran, nodding to his own bedroom. Syaoran understood his meaning and hurried off to get changed. Yukito closed the door to Sakura's room while Toya held Sakura.
"You know," she finally whispered to him, "I'm not going to be able to sleep with out a Syaoran teddy-bear." Toya laughed, "you can have your Syaoran teddy-bear on one condition," he told her, "I get a Sakura teddy-bear." Sakura smiled up at him. Toya held out his pinky to her. "Deal?" he asked. Sakura linked her pinky with his. "Deal." Toya thrust the shirt at her, "now get dressed before that gaki starts to get worried again," he told her before closing her door behind him.
Yukito was waiting for him, "and do I get a Toya teddy-bear?" he asked, as he started to pout. An evil grin crossed Toya's face, "only if you're very good," he told him. A shy smile crept over Yukito's face, "and what if I'm really bad?" Toya laughed but was spared from answering by Syaoran stepping out of Toya's room in the green, cotton boxers. Sakura stepped out a few moments later wearing Toya's shirt, which was so big on her it reached her knees. Toya and Yukito left to grab some mattresses while Sakura clutched Syaoran's hand and headed for the front room, dragging a blushing Syaoran behind her.
Sakura and Syaoran were just moving the last piece of furniture when Toya and Yukito returned with a mattress and sheets. Syaoran helped Toya make the bed while Yukito sat with Sakura. Syaoran, waited for Toya and Yukito to crawl into the bed before tucking Sakura in. The mattress was king sized, but Syaoran didn't want to squish Sakura. Syaoran grabbed a pillow and started to head for the couch when Sakura gripped his hand. Syaoran turned and knelt beside Sakura again. She shuffled over in the bed. Syaoran didn't need her to speak, she clearly wanted him to share with her. He lifted his head to face Toya, who held his little sister's hand and nodded his acceptance. Syaoran slid in beside Sakura, who soon fell asleep with Syaoran's chest as a pillow. Toya wrapped one arm around Sakura's shoulders, the other around Yukito's stomach, pulling him in close. Yukito rolled over and returned his teddy-bear's hug, nuzzling his face into Toya's neck. Syaoran finally fell asleep with his arms wrapped tightly around his angel's slim waist, his cheek pressed against her soft hair.