Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Moon's Revived Love ❯ Depression and Breakdowns ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

I am not going through with the disclaimers. So, I'll sum it up this way: CLAMP owns the CCS characters, I don't. The names that aren't in the anime are made up by me. That's all I'm saying........... for now, at least.^_^ And now...........chapter 1!

Chapter 1: Depression and Breakdowns

When Sakura woke up, she put on her school uniform, brushed her hair, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. When she reached the kitchen, she saw her father, brother, and Kero eating pancakes.

Sakura: Good morning!

Mr. Avalon: Good morning, Sakura!

Tori: Good morning, monster. How did you get up so early?

Sakura: I am not a monster and I got up early because I wanted to!

Kero: Sakura, will you split your pancakes with me?

Tori: Kero, quit begging. For all I know, the monster needs her food.

Sakura: Tori, if you call me a monster one more time I will break your toes.

Tori: I'd like to see you try.

Sakura stepped on Tori's right foot and he screamed in pain. He held his right foot and hopped on his left while yelping in intervals.

Sakura: I told you. I'll see you later, Dad. Kero, do not under any circumstances eat all the pudding!

Kero: I won't.

Once Sakura left the house with her brother she felt depressed once again. She didn't want to see Li after what he did. She felt like she wasn't meant to be loved. Her heart still ached. Not long after she and Tori left the house, they met up with Tori's best friend, Julian.

Julian: Hi, Sakura. Hi, Tori.

Sakura:...Oh! Hi, Julian.

Tori: Hey, Julian.

Julian: (to Tori) What's wrong with Sakura? She seems a bit out of it.

Tori: (to Julian) Li dumped her yesterday. She's been taking it really hard. Yesterday she cried her heart and soul out.

Unknowingly, Yue, Julian's other form, was concerned about Sakura as well.

Yue: (thinking) I can sense Sakura's emotions. Today she seems very depressed. Now I hear that Li Showron has something to do with this. How dare he hurt her like this?! I wish that I could comfort her, tell her that everything will be alright. But, I can't. I can't tell her how I feel about her. How she brightens each day for me. How she makes me want to keep on living. I-I love her. But she wouldn't feel the same way about me as I feel about her. I'd be rejected. Just like that day....... I must stop thinking like this! I'm talking about my mistress! But I guess that I'll never know if she loves me, too.

When Sakura reached her school, she said goodbye to Tori and Julian. She soon met up with her best friend, Madison.

Madison: Hey, Sakura!

Sakura: Hi,Madison.

Madison: What's the matter?

Sakura: Li broke up with me yesterday!(A/N:that yesterday was a Sunday)

Madison: What happened?

Sakura: (starting to cry) He said that our relationship was going nowhere and he wanted to be with Meilin!

Madison: Let's hurry up and get to class. We'll talk more about this there.

Unbelievably, they were the first ones there. The teacher wasn't there, and only a few of their classmates arrived a few minutes later. Anyway, Madison was still talking to Sakura about what had happened.

Madison: Okay, you can finish telling me what happened.

Sakura: (sobbing) I thought he loved me! There's no one else that I can go to.

Madison: I know one person!

Sakura: (calming down) Who?

Madison: What about Yue?

Sakura: (shocked) Are you serious?

Madison: Yes! Almost every time you're near him, you're blushing like crazy! And, he protects you when you are in danger.

Sakura: I don't know, Madison. I just don't think he likes me back. Sometimes I think that he thinks I'm a child. Besides, he doesn't want me as a friend. It's just his duty to protect me.

Madison: I know, but maybe he's just afraid to tell you. Maybe he's afraid of you rejecting him. He doubts his love for you.

Sakura: I know, but it's just a normal relationship between a guardian and his mistress. I don't even know if I love him.

Madison: You never know.

At that moment, Li and Meilin entered the classroom. Sakura turned away and closed her eyes. She didn't want to be bothered with him. Madison knew this, so she left her alone.

Madison: Li, I don't think that you should talk to her now.

Li: Why not?

Madison: The reason why is that you broke her heart. When you said that your relationship with her was going nowhere and you wanted to be with Meilin, she cried her heart and soul out. Now she feels as if she should never be loved again. It's because of what you said that made her like this.

Li: Is she going to be alright?

Madison: I don't know. It's going to take a long time for her to get over this.

Meilin: But how do I fit in with this?

Madison: You fit in with this by Li going to you. When you first arrived here, you loved Li, but he didn't love you. He loved Sakura. But when he and Sakura broke up, he had found out he loved you.

The day had passed by very slowly. At lunch, Sakura was thinking over what Madison had said.

Sakura: (thinking) Do I love Yue? I don't know if I do. He does protect me when I'm in danger, and the first time I transformed one of the Clow Cards, the Firey, he sacrificed himself and he got hurt. Maybe he just cares about my well being. Oh, I don't know what I feel for him.

Finally, school was out for the day. Sakura walked home by herself. When she reached her house, she walked up to her room and sat down. As usual, Kero was playing video games. But something was a bit weird. Kero was winning!

Sakura: Hi, Kero.

Kero: Hi, Sakura.

Sakura: Kero, are you actually winning?

Kero: Yep. I took your advice, and it worked! I beat every character in Bushido Blade!

Sakura: Congratulations! I told you! Um, Kero, I have a question.

Kero: Tell me.

Sakura: Okay. Um, I have a friend. And this friend likes someone,but she's scared of him not liking her. What should my friend do?

Kero: Hmmm. Your friend should tell this guy how she feels when the time is right, for the both of them.

Sakura: Thanks, Kero!

Kero: No problem.

Sakura: Hmm.........

Kero: What's wrong now?

Sakura: I feel like I'm depressed, but I'm not. I feel.....happy. I have an idea! Why don't we make boquets of different flowers! It's almost Christmas, anyway.

Kero: No way! I'm not going to do any girly stuff! Use the Mirror card. It's very helpful.

Sakura: Good idea!

Key of the Stars

With Powers Burning Bright

Reveal the Staff

And Shine Your Light!

Release and Dispel!

Kero: I'm going to get some pudding. I'm hungry!

Sakura: See you later, Kero!

Sakura got out the book that held the cards. The book and the cards changed colors twice. The first time was when Sakura first transformed the cards and book. The second time was automatic, so now the cards are white and gold, the book is white and gold, and the staff has a sleeker star and longer wings. Sakura opened up the book.

Sakura: Hi, Star Cards.

The Star Cards floated into the air and circled around Sakura. In the past few weeks, she created 10 new cards since the Hope: the Tall, the Short, the Love, the Trait, the Maturity, the Animal, the Fly II (this card can make her wings longer), the Sun (lets the sun shine through anything; also gives Kero his energy), the Moon ( lets the moon appear at any time of day; gives Yue his energy), and the Star ( lets the stars shine on a starless night; gives Sakura her energy); so right now she has about 62 cards. Sakura took the Mirror card first.

Sakura: Mirror card, project my image.

The Mirror card instantly turned into a perfect likeness of Sakura.

Sakura: Hello, Mirror. Do you want to make flower boquets with me?

Mirror: I don't know how, Mistress.

Sakura: You don't have to call me Mistress. You could just call me Sakura.

Mirror: Okay, Sakura. So how do we make flower boquets?

Sakura: Simple. We'll just use the Flower card. Watch. Flower card, make a few cherry blossoms fall.

The Flower card came out of it's card form and made a few cherry blossoms fall.

Flower: Is that all, Mistress?

Sakura: No, that isn't all. You can help us decorate the boquets. Is that okay with you?

Flower: That's a great idea! I've always wanted to decorate flower boquets!

Sakura: Great. Okay, Mirror, this is how you make boquets. I'll show you by making one.

Sakura had gathered up a few cherry blossoms, tied them together with some string, and the Flower card decorated the boquet by making the flowers sparkle.

Sakura: That's how you make flower boquets. You can have this one, Mirror.

Mirror: Thank you, Sakura! Now I will make one for you! Um, Flower, can you make iris flowers fall?

Flower:Sure, Mirror.

The Flower card made iris flowers fall. Mirror did exactly what Sakura had done, and soon enough she had made a beautiful boquet as well.

Mirror: Here you go, Sakura!

Sakura: Thanks, Mirror!

This went on and on until they were tired. In the end they had made boquets for all the cards, Madison, Kero, Eli, Ruby (or Ruby Moon), Spinner Sun, Tori, Julian, and Yue. They finished at about 8:00 p.m. When Tori arrived home, Sakura decided to give Tori his boquet.(She cleaned up using the Erase card)

Sakura: Hi, Tori.

Tori: Hi, Sakura. What's that behind your back?

Sakura: It's a gift from the Mirror Card to you.

Tori: The M-Mirror Card?!

Sakura: Yes! She made it by herself.

Tori: Can you tell her I said thanks?

Sakura: Of course!

At night.......................

Sakura: Kero, last night I had a strange dream. There were cards that looked just like the Clow Cards, except for the fact that the back was tinted blue. Then, this sorceress tells me that the Star Cards are the weakest cards, and when I capture the other cards, I'll see her. What does it all mean, Kero?

Kero: Hmmm............I've got it! Those cards you were talking about are the Sky Cards. These Cards are much more powerful than the Star Cards. When you find them in their true form, they will either be a light blue or pink color. You can use the Star Cards to capture the Sky Cards. But, I don't know the sorceress you're talking about.

Sakura: Maybe if I can see what she looks like in another dream, I'll tell you.

After she said that, she drifted off into sleep. Once again, she had a prophetic dream. But something was weird. This dream was the same one that she had last night. But there was something different to it. The figure that was in shadow was revealed a little bit. Now, the sorceress was revealed to have black hair and yellow eyes. The sorceress was repeating herself, saying whatever she was over and over. The words she were saying were a bit faint, but soon enough it was easy to figure out what she was saying.

?: The cards will be mine! The cards will be mine!! THE CARDS WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!!

ok, that's it for chapter 1 of " The Moon's Revived Love" oh, forgot to say this earlier:Y+S heard me right:Yue and Sakura. don't flame me because it will really hurt my feelings,and u wouldn't want to do that^_^

S A Y O N A R A F O R N O W P E O P L E S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !