Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ The Moon's Revived Love ❯ The First Card ( Chapter 3 )

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Hiya, peoples!!!!here's chapter 3!!i already went through with disclaimers, so i ain't gonna say them again.

Chapter 3- The First Card

When Sakura was in school on Friday, she kept thinking about the dream she had last night. She was also scared about the conclusion, and of the dream becoming real.

Sakura: (thinking) I hope that dream doesn't become real. I'm so scared about what would happen if it really does. But what really scares me in the dream is what happened to Yue. He was killed! God, please don't make that dream come true.

At lunch, Madison noticed that something was troubling Sakura, so she asked her.

Madison: Sakura, what's the matter?

Sakura: I- I had a bad dream last night and I'm thinking about it an awful lot. It was horrible!

Madison: Tell me what happened.

Sakura: You know that sorceress I told you about, right? Well, I now know what she was wearing. She wore royal blue robes and a hood. Then, she didn't shoot an energy ball at me, she shot it at Yue! The energy ball hit him in the chest and he instantly died! Then, I woke up.

Madison: Wow! Do you think it was just a dream and not a vision?

Sakura: I hope it just stays a dream.

Madison: You said Yue was in your dream, right?

Sakura: Yeah.

Madison: Well then, I guess we have our answer.

Sakura: To what?

Madison: Whether you like Yue or not.

Sakura: Madison, as I've said before, I don't know if I like him more than just my guardian. I'm scared of being rejected! Then, I'll be even more depressed than I was when Li dumped me.

Madison: Sakura, you're going to have to take the chance. If you're rejected, you'll bounce right back. For all I know, Yue might like you more than you'll ever know. I'm sure of it!

Sakura: You may be right, Madison. I just feel so insignificant right now. But maybe, just maybe, he loves me back. Sometimes I wonder what he thinks of me.

Madison: As I've said before, over a million times, you never know.

Sakura: Is that your favorite quote, Madison?

Madison: (laughs) Yeah. It's the type of quote you don't know the answer to!

The day went by smoothly. Sakura felt better now that there was a ray of hope that Yue loves her. Hopefully he did. Li already knew what was up with Sakura. He knew that Sakura loves Yue. But what he didn't know was that Sakura was going to embark on a journey to capture the rare Sky Cards.

Li: (thinking to himself) I can't believe that Sakura is in love with Yue! Does she have any idea what he tried to do to me at the Judgement?! He tried to kill me! What in God's name is making her fall in love with him?! I'll find a way to make her love me again! That talk about me and Meilin is a lie! I wanted to break up with her! But how will I get Yue and Sakura apart from each other? Hmm........... I've got it!! I'll drag her off somewhere and tell her everything! Yes, yes, that's it! I have to plan everything accordingly if this plan is to succeed.

After school, Sakura sensed her first Sky Card. She and Madison were just about to walk home when Sakura sensed an immense power.

Sakura: Wait a minute, Madison. I sense something. It must be a Sky Card.

At that very moment, the wind started blowing very heavily. The wind was too strong, and it was blowing tree branches everywhere.

Sakura: (thinking) Kero! Yue! I need your help!

Right after Sakura called to her guardians,they landed right behind her.

Madison: Which card do you think this is?

Sakura: It must be the Sky Windy.

At that moment, the wind subsided, and the Sky Windy revealed its true form. It was a light-blue color that looked like the sky.

Sakura: It looks just like the original Windy.

When Sakura said that, the Sky Windy started up another heavy gust, and it started blowing Sakura away from the others! After the gust stopped, she was about to fall, but Yue flew up and caught her. He set her down gently and she smiled.

Sakura: Thank you, Yue. Now to capture the Sky Windy!

Key of the Stars

With Powers Burning Bright

Reveal the Staff

and Shine Your Light!

Release and Dispel!

The key changed into the staff and she returned the Sky Windy to its card form.

Sakura: Sky Windy, return to your powers confined, Sky Card!

Madison: That was great! But there's only one problem: I couldn't tape it!

Sakura: Hopefully the next card I capture you'll be able to tape.

Unknown to Sakura, Li was in the shadows, and he saw everything.

Li: (thinking) So that's what she has to do now! She has to capture the sacred Sky Cards! I now know what I must do!

While Sakura was walking home from the school, she looked the card over, front and back. She stopped dead in her tracks.

Cerberus: What's wrong?

Sakura: This card doesn't have Clow Reed's symbol! Look!

Yue: Hmm............. if I'm correct, that's your symbol.

Sakura: What!?

Cerberus: He's right! Take out one of the Star Cards.

Sakura did what Cerberus said and was surprised.

Sakura: You're right! But I didn't change it or anything like that. What could it mean?

Yue: It could mean that it was meant to be yours. That might be why.

Sakura: Maybe you're right.

A few hours later, Sakura arrived home, but she really flew into her room window. Since it was the weekend, she decided that she should try calling on the cards with her mind.

Sakura: Kero, I'm going to try to call on the cards with my mind.

Kero: I don't think that's such a good idea, Sakura. As strong as your magic is, you can't do that. You'll collapse, just as you did when you tried transforming more than one card at once. Sakura, are you listening? Sakura? Sakura!!

Sakura wasn't listening. She was determined to do this. It was the easiest (and hardest) way to call on the cards without saying a word.

Sakura: I think I'll try the elements first.

Kero: Seriously, Sakura, you can't do this!

Sakura: (telepathically) Windy!

The Windy card was starting to appear out of it's card form. Sakura was concentrating on letting it out. Soon enough, the Windy card appeared, friendly as usual.

Sakura: (telepathically) Watery!

This card was a bit difficult to let out, but with enough diligence, the Watery was out as well.

Sakura: (telepathically) Firey!

The Firey was much harder than the Watery to let out. But soon enough, this card was out. Sakura was starting to get tired.

Sakura: (telepathically) Earthy!

This card was the toughest to let out. Sakura used the very little energy she had left to let the Earthy out. When Sakura collapsed, the elements were very concerned.

Windy: (to Earthy) We have to use the Star Card to revive her.

Earthy: Good idea! But how?

Firey: I know! We'll just find it and tell it to revive Sakura. That's the only way we can do this. But what's the easiest way to find it?

Watery: I know one way! Windy, you can suspend all the cards in the air while Earthy finds it.

Windy: Great!

Windy blew all the cards into the air and suspended them facing the Earthy. It hardly took a minute before Earthy found it. Windy put the cards back in the book while Watery used the Star card to revive Sakura. Kero saw all of this, so he flew over and asked the elements his questions.

Kero: Is she going to be alright?

Earthy: She should be. Right now she shouldn't use her magic for a while.

Watery: Her magic has to build up again.

Kero: When will she wake up?

Windy: In a few minutes. All four of us need to tell you this, Kero.

Kero: What is it?

Firey: She may not know this, but she is in love with Yue.

Kero: What?!?!

Windy: It's true. She has been doubting her love for him, and Yue has, too. But, I think that she truly loves him. She's just scared of being rejected.

Kero: Should I tell her this?

Firey: You must not tell Sakura. She must find this out for herself. Only time will tell.

Kero: And when she finds out?

Earthy: She'll be happy again. She'll be happy to know that she's loved.

Kero: Thanks for the advice. I hope she realizes this.

Windy: Us, too.

With that, the four elemental cards returned to their card forms and returned to the book. Sakura woke up right after that.

Sakura: What happened, Kero?

Kero: Well, you were able to call on all four elemental cards with your mind.

Sakura: Then what happened?

Kero: The elements changed back into their card forms and returned to the book.

Sakura: Anything else?

Kero: Nope!

So here's how it goes: Sakura loves Yue, Yue loves Sakura, and Li is jealous. Hmm............................... I wonder what will happen next? In the next chapter, Sakura fights the two coldest cards. I wonder which ones they are?If u know,tell me in the review!!!!!
