Crescent Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fidelity ❯ One Long Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author’s Notes: Woohoo! Chapter two! Hey, that rhymes! Thanks to my wonderful reviewers, you make me happy.

Summary: Not only did he hate her for being her and being human, he hated her for making him care.

Rating: PG-13 (Rating may change in later chapters)


Chapter 2: One Long Night

At six fifty-three in the morning, Mitsuru and company barged into Mahiru’s room. The only reason anyone knew it was six fifty-three in the morning was because Mitsuru was bickering with Akira about when to wake her up.


“She’s only been asleep for an hour, Akira! Leave her alone.”

“An hour?” Akira snickered. The card board box he carried was discarded in hopes of being the first one to get to Mahiru just to make Mitsuru jealous. Akira knew what the pendant around her neck meant and wasn’t going to let Mitsuru forget it. “Busy much?”  

Mitsuru tried not to blush, he really did, but trying does nothing when you’re on the receiving end of a perverted joke. “We were at the park,” he was more defensive than he needed to be, Akira realized. “She fell asleep on the bench. I brought her home. Nothing happened.”

Akira smirked. “Whatever.” He sat on the edge of Mahiru’s bed. “Either way, she has to wake up now so she can eat before we leave. We were nice enough to even let her sleep when you two came back.”

Mitsuru thought for a moment, it always took him a moment to respond to Akira’s wise cracks. Now, what would be the perfect retort to—ah yes!

“At least she didn’t hurl a rock at my face, now did she?”

Akira was immediately on the defense. “Shut-up, lover boy!”

Mitsuru grunted as he grabbed Akira’s card board box and dragged it to the chest-of-drawers. Clothes sprouted from the drawers, with the helping hands of Mitsuru, and into the card board box. Furtively, he watched Akira trying to wake Mahiru. Possessive thoughts, thoughts he knew he shouldn’t be having about a girl he hated, surfaced the moment Akira touched her. After everything that happened, Mitsuru believed she would be much safer with him, and only him, around. Mitsuru knew who he was, and he wasn’t about to betray her like the Vampire did. He couldn’t trust anyone any more, except maybe her. But he didn’t want to trust her, not consciously anyway. The subconscious was a whole other story.  By the time Mitsuru reached Mahiru’s Unmentionables Drawer, Akira had succeeded in waking Mahiru up. Mahiru, in the haze of waking sleep, hadn’t realized she was being touched, by a man, no less. When she did though, she flinched away from Akira’s hand on her shoulder. She may have been less emotional and reclusive, but she still didn’t like being touched. Being touched brought on too many memories of That night. She never wanted to remember what happened That night ever again.   Akira respectfully moved away from Mahiru to grab a box from the hall. She watched as he began placing her personal items in the box.   Mitsuru felt a sort of morbid fascination as Mahiru flinched away from Akira. She didn’t flinch away from Mitsuru last night. In fact, she had willingly placed herself on top of him. Then again she was a little distraught, just a little. It’s not like she cried for four hours before she fell asleep in his lap. Oh no, not like that at all.    Mitsuru smirked, deep down in the forgotten teen-age mind of his, he realized that he was rifling through Mahiru’s underwear—on a noble basis, of course. He wasn’t perverted or anything. He wasn’t like Akira—now, he had some problems too tainted to mention. At least that’s how Akira acted when there weren’t girls around.   But the fact that he was going through her underwear seemed a little wrong. Especially since he had no connection to her, no feelings for her, except hate. Well, maybe not hate, he had already decided that he couldn’t hate her anymore. After what had happened last night, Mitsuru was more confused than before. He knew he didn’t like her, much less like-like her, but he didn’t understand why his heart beat an extra beat every time she said his name, or why he’d feel all tingly when she touched him, or why he liked being around her, or why he had given her than damned pendant, on her birthday no less. It was too much for him to comprehend.           &nb sp; He tried not to look pleased when Mahiru’s voice, hoarse from crying all night and having only an hour’s sleep, drifted over to him. No matter what anyone said, he thought her voice was always beautiful, even when she was sick and rasping for breath.   “What’s going on?” Her eyes were scratchy, red and watery from lack of sleep. She brought a hand to her cheek when she realized it burned from the salt of her last-night-tears.   Akira noticed that she was talking directly to Mitsuru, when normally she refused to say a single syllable to anyone. Believe it or not, like it or not, something happened last night between the two of them, it wasn’t hard to see.              220;We’ve been compromised.” Mitsuru snarled, chucking a pair of socks into the overflowing box, venting his anger on the defenseless clothing instead of the real person he wanted to torture. The change in his demeanor was apparent to the two other occupants of the room. Akira knew how much the subject of Nozomu’s betrayal effected Misturu. It was no secret to anyone, but the actual reason why was known only by Akira; the reason, the one and only Mahiru.             Mahiru didn’t need any more of an explanation than that. She knew at some point they’d be found out and they’d have to move immediately. There wasn’t a hard guess about who gave up the position either. Only those who lived at the Moon Shine, with the exception of Keiko, knew of the Lunar Race’s Tokyo Head Quarters. Nozomu, missing for three days (or was it four days, now), was the only one to break the Loyalty Contract in ages.             Ma hiru shuddered. They were being hunted, and Nozomu was probably leading the charge. He wanted her and he wouldn’t stop at anything to get to her. She was brought out of her thoughts when a pair of jeans, t-shirt, bra and underwear landed on her head.   A voice that was unmistakably Mitsuru’s cut through the black haze. “Get dressed, now.”   Mahiru pulled the offending articles of clothing from her head, one of them being a black bra—a very black bra, complete with lace and a matching bottom. Swallowing hard, as a blush spread over her entire face, she chucked the lacy number back at a very smug looking Mitsuru.   That… thing… definitely wasn’t hers. “That’s not mine.” Her voice cracked from embarrassment.   Raising his hands in mock surrender, Mitsuru spoke, defensive amusement dripping from his voice, “It was in your drawer.”   “It’s still not mine!”   “Whatever you say, Princess,” Mitsuru smirked placing the clothing in the box.   Akira, who had watched the exchange, could not keep a smile from forming on his face, even in these dire circumstances. “Mitsuru, let’s go so she can change.” He turned to Mahiru, “Keiko’s heating up some food for you. Come down stairs when you’re ready.”   Mahiru nodded, trying to keep her tomato red face from showing, as the boys exited her room. She heard Akira whisper to Mitsuru “That was low,” and Mitsuru respond defensively “It was in her drawer!”   *** Keiko had come running from the Dawn’s Venus Head Quarters the moment Nozomu showed up. Her Medium-Sight showed her everything she needed to know about what had happened. Nozomu had lost control to put it in the lightest terms possible and Dawn’s Venus used it to their advantage.   At two twenty-six in the morning, Keiko literally ran into the Moon Shine’s door. It took her a moment to realize it was locked and there was no way of getting in without help. She climbed over the back fence and into the neighbor building’s back yard, where rocks were strewn all over the ground. Faster than a jack rabbit, Keiko scooped up a handful of rocks and proceeded to pelt them at Akira’s window. Doubt was starting bubble to the surface. Maybe they had already been captured. She refused to think that her powers were finally giving out on her.   She picked up her second to last rock, bigger than the size of her fist and hurled it at the window. For a second she thought it whistled through the air. There was a resounding crash as the rock missed it’s target and hit the siding above the window instead.   Keiko’s heart raced, any second her dick of a fiançé would call for her to Read Nozomu, to make sure he was telling the truth. Any second she would be discovered as the leak, any second there would be a price on her head, like all the others. But none of that mattered now. She had to get Akira to wake up so she could tell them of the impending danger. She grabbed another rock, not much bigger than the size of her thumb and threw it at the window, only…   “Ow! Mother Fu-That hurt!” Akira stood in the window rubbing his forehead.   “Sorry!” Keiko called up to him. She really didn’t like the thought of being the one to irreparably damage her boyfriend by throwing rocks at him.   “Keiko? What are you doing here?” He hissed.   “I need to talk to Oboro. Now.”   “Why?”   “You’ve been betrayed.” Her voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper, but it carried between the buildings and flowed into Akira’s ear.   That was all Akira needed to hear. He jumped out the window grabbed Keiko and flew back inside the house, immediately leading her to Oboro’s room. Thank the Gods-That-Be, Oboro was home tonight. As they passed Mahiru’s room, with the door wide open, he noticed that she and Mitsuru still hadn’t returned home. This was going to be one long night.