Di Gi Charat Fan Fiction ❯ The song ❯ Dawn Opener ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dawn Opener

I promised not to cry anymore. Today it feels lonely it feels sad. And I'm looking up at the big sky.

*Chorus: Like this happens. Lucky break. Even if it's just a dream I want see you. Twinkle Dream.

I wish upon a star. In deep in my heart, I wish upon a star. Its endless figure…………Even in the rainy evening, even if I can't see. My dream is shining in the sky. Twinkle Dream. My teardrops are falling …………………….. My small heart is filling…………………..

*Chorus: Like this happens. Lucky Break. Even if it's just a dream I want to be stronger.

Wrapped up in the darkness of every day, chained by my own feelings. Then, a light from Heaven shines above me. I wish upon a star and someday in the corner of space. I want to shine too. Surely, surely I wish upon a star.