Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ My Dearest ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
My Dearest
by: Akimi

Disclaimer/Author Notes: I don't own Digimon. This disclaimer will encompass all future chapters, kay? This story will be a series of letters between Mimi and Tai, and note that since each chapter will be one letter, the chapters will all be very short. No telling how long this story will end up, but don't expect very long chapters. The first letter is from Mimi. Sorry, it's extremely cheesy...


Dear Tai,

You know how sorry I am. I didn't mean to break your heart, but I know that I did. Sora and Kari and Yolei tell me how badly I hurt you. I'm so sorry. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I wish that you could somehow forgive me. But I know that you won't be able to. I hurt your pride, and your ego, and your feelings. And I am so very sorry! You have to understand how badly it hurts me, just to see you hurt. It's unbearable. I don't know how I could have possibly done this to you. I love you so much. This all seems so unreal. Like a bad dream. A terrible nightmare, the kind where you wake up screaming, and in cold sweat. My fondest hope, the only thing I pray for, is that I will wake up and this will all be over. No, that it will have never even happened. I would have never done anything to hurt you this badly. You would still love me, just like you always used to. We would still be happy. But it won't happen. I must learn to accept what I've done, and what has happened to me because of it. But please, please don't tell me that I have to accept you not loving me anymore. Or even if I do have to accept that, please don't ever fall in love with anyone else! It would be better to have you hate me with the fire of a thousand burning suns than to have you love anyone else, or even be with anyone else, and no longer know of or be concerned with my existance. Please, I beg you. Tell me you still love me. Tell me that you always will love me. Tell me that you don't understand why I am pleading with you soo, because I have done nothing wrong. Tell me this, please! Tai, I love you more than anything ever to be in this world. I would do anything for you. Anything. Whatever it takes to make you love me again. I only want you to love me. Only this, and nothing more. Please, please love me still. Or love me again. Or at least leave me with the promise that, someday, you will love me again. But please don't leave me standing here, alone. Or rather, sitting here. I am still sitting on the cold bench in the park, where I was when you left me. It is still raining. Can you see the raindrops on the pages? My heart cries for you, Tai. I cry for you, as the sky cries for want of the warm and generous love of the sun. Don't you see, Tai? To me, you are the sun. You are warm and kind, and ever present. And when you loved me, your love never ceased or faltered. And yet now, when you do not love me, I am tormented by the memory of how it used to be. It is cold and empty and dark. The dark, dreary, and unforgiving world mocks my lonliness, my sorrows and my torments. My grief, and my regrets. Tai, I need you. I am so sorry! I know that this is pointless. I know that you could never forgive me for what I did to you. But this is my last hope. You do not listen to me when I talk to you in the halls, or anywhere else for that matter. You do not pick up the phone when I call you. I have to get through to you somehow. And this is the only way I know. Please write me back. You don't have to speak to me, in person or on the phone. But write me a letter back please. I need to hear what you have to say to me.

You are still my dearest.

Forever Yours,


So, how was that? Not TOO corny, I hope, but yeah... this is a love letter, it's supposed to be that way! Oh, and I am not sure what exactly Mimi DID that pissed Tai off, but if you have any ideas, write them into the review that you ARE going to leave for me! (You ARE going to write me a review, aren't you??)