Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Soccer ❯ Tais friend ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Soccer.htmlTEXTttxtü0þˆºø±ºø ±mBIN€'…I do not own Digimon or its characters If you charge me You'll get a button, two tooth picks, Some chewed bubblegum, 25 cents and maybe some of that fluff at the bottom of pockets anyway This is Yaoi those of you who are Naive Male to Male Sex this probably goes under Hentai.
The soccer field and me

HeÕs 5Õ5, with dirty blonde hair that he (sometimes) adds lighter highlights to. With deep blue eyes and a toned body from ten years of martial arts. HeÕs incredibly cute and within two months of arriving at school, he had most of the girls after him. HeÕs 15 years old and incredibly cute. His name is Matt, MAtt Ishida. My name is Taichi Yagami and I thinkÉnoÉI know I fell in love with him from the moment I first laid eyes on him. IÕm also 15 with dark hair. I have a friend who lives in America, I live in Japan, an older gay man that I met online who keeps telling me IÕm also incredibly cute but, I choose not to believe him. I think IÕm slightly overweight but I do work out and IÕm incredibly strong for my age. And if you havenÕt figured it out already, IÕm gay.Ê
Matt became my best friend in the shortest period of time and I knew that I would eventually have to tell him how I felt about him or IÕd go insane. I didnÕt think I could handle it if he rejected me and dropped me as a friend but, on the other hand, it would be quite lovely if he accepted me andÉwellÉmaybe even more. There was only one way to find outÉ.IÕd have to tell him. And one day I did.
At first he said that it didnÕt really matter and that heÕd heard rumors. He also said that we would remain friends but nothing would ever happen between us. I accepted that. What else could I do? It wasnÕt until a few days later that I noticed he was acting differently towards me and it seemed like he was trying to avoid me. I was crushed but decided I had to give him time. Did I mention that he was on the soccer team? That he was exceptional at most sports and I loved watching him play? Well, this is where the story actually starts. Late one night on the soccer field at our school.Ê
Matt had called me at home and asked me if I could meet him there around 8:30 that night. I wondered at this unusual turn of events because he had been avoiding me.Tai where are you going Mum and dad said don't leave the house. "Yeah I know Kari I need to go borrow a text book from Izzy. "Oh" she smiled thats O.K then. I arrived at the appointed time and there was Matt sitting on the bleachers. As I walked toward him, my heart started pounding in my chest because I hate surprises and I knew (somehow I knew) that this was going to be a big one.
ÒHey Tai,Ó Matt said as I sat down. ÒGlad you could come.Ó
I smiled, sat down and inquired, ÒWhatÕs up Matt? Why are we meeting here and in the dark?Ó
ÒWell,Ó he hesitated briefly. ÒThis was really the only place I felt I would be comfortable asking you what I have to ask you.Ó He fell silent and hung his head down. Then, he sighed looked up at me and asked, ÒWhatÕs it like? I-I meanÉwhatÕs it like, you know, being gay and all?Ó
I was thrown! This was the last thing I expected but, I calmly looked him in the eye and asked him, ÒWhatÕs it like being straight?Ó
ÒThatÕs the rub Ôyou see,Ó he answered quietly. ÒIÕm not so sure I am. I-I mean when you told me about your feelings for me, I got scared becauseÉwell becauseÉsometimes I guess I feel the same way. Being gayÉI mean.Ó
I was trembling from his confession and in the direction I secretly prayed this was going.
ÒMatt,Ó I said softly. ÒItÕs not easy. Especially at our age. YouÕve heard the whispers at school about me. The thing is people donÕt bother to ask me for two reasons; one, IÕm big and I can handle myself quite nicely if the need arises. And two, wellÉI guess thereÕs only the one reason. But, itÕs hard Ôya know? Not being able to talk to any of my friends about it until now. I guess I would just have to say that being gay is no different than being straight except, I like boys instead of girls. I still piss yellow, my blood is still red and my sky is also blue.Ó
Matt looked up and smiled weakly. ÒNice comparison. But have you ever done anything with a boy? I meanÉI often wonder what it would be like and I think that if I did, it would hopefully be with you.Ó
At first I said nothing. I was stunned. Finally my biggest dream was coming true. I didnÕt know how to react but my hormones still did. At this last confession I felt my cock growing hard and since I was wearing shorts, it would not be hard to miss. So, I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his thigh. All I felt were muscles. He looked up at me with wonder in his eyes and I could see the faintest hint of a smile around his sexy young mouth. ÒI was hoping you would say something like that,Ó I whispered softly. I leaned in and softly brushed my lips across his. He didnÕt move but I did feel him tremble slightly. So, I leaned in once more and this time placed my lips gently, but firmly, on his and kissed him full on the mouth. At first he just sat there and then he responded, slightly at first, and then I felt his mouth moving against mine. So, I decided to take a chance by slipping my tongue out and sliding in gently across his lips. Pay dirt! He opened his mouth slightly and gently sucked my tongue inside. I increased the pressure of the kiss until both our mouths opened wide and we were kissing passionately and hotly.Ê
I decided to take another chance so I moved my hand up his thigh and under the opening of his shorts until I came into contact with his hardening cock. He moaned feverishly as I gently rubbed and stroked him to full hardness. I pulled my mouth back slightly and whispered, ÒTouch me now.Ó He continued kissing me as he slowly sought out my cock by doing to me what I had just done to him. My legs started quivering with excitement as he found my cock and proceeded to do to me what I was doing to him. As I increased the pressure on his cock, he did the same to me. When I rubbed the head of his cock, he did the same to me. He was a fast learner. He moved away from me and started kissing me gently on my neck while still rubbing and stroking me. I wrapped my free arm around him and started stroking and rubbing his back gently while still stroking his hard cock.Ê
ÒLetÕs move onto the grass,Ó he groaned into my ear. I couldnÕt speak because I was so stunned and so happy. The moon was shining bright and there wasnÕt another soul for miles around. It was just Matt, the soccer field and me.Ê
We moved to the grass and stretched out on the ground in each others arms. Pulling each other close, we started kissing hotly and feeling each other with our hands. It was Matt who went for my shorts first. He stuck his hand into the back of them until he came into contact with my arse. I leaped when I felt his hands come into contact with my skin. He chuckled softly at this and gently slid my shorts down until my cock sprung free into the warm evening air. ÒWow,Ó he breathed softly. This time I chuckled softly and helped him pull his shorts down. Soon all we were wearing were our sneakers and shirts. We stroked each other until we felt on the other that sticky stuff called precum. By this time we were both shaking and moaning softly.
ÒTai?Ó Matt asked me softly. ÒCan IÉwellÉcan I try sucking you?Ó
ÒOnly if I can suck you off at the same time,Ó I said breathlessly.
ÒHow do we do it at the same time?Ó
ÒItÕs easy love,Ó I answered. ÒYou lay at my feet and IÕll lay at yours. Just do what you want down there because anything you do will feel good to me and I hope the same for you.Ó
We kissed each other hotly once more and I swiveled around so that my head was at his cock and his head was at mine. Not wasting anytime, I grasped him by his silky hardness and swallowed his hot young steel rod. I felt his legs tense as my warm mouth engulfed him and then (wonder of wonders) he did the same to me! I groaned feverishly as he swallowed my head and let it rest on his tongue for a few moments. I was already licking and sucking and coating his cock with my saliva. He hesitated for only a few more seconds and then he slid his mouth halfway down my cock causing me to groan around his. The feelings we were giving each other made my heart swell with joy. He tasted wonderful! His young body was soft, yet hard. His legs quivered, as did mine, while we sucked, nibbled and played with each others balls.Ê
I thought briefly about sliding a finger into his young arsehole but thought that baby steps (for now) would be better.Ê
Suddenly, he released my cock and I felt the tip of his tongue slide along my balls. This time he was taking the lead so I decided to follow. I also released his cock and started licking his balls. He had tiny bits of hair (just sprouting, as did I) along his sack. They werenÕt that big, in fact, I took both of them into my mouth and rolled them around. Nibbling, sucking and all the while caressing his arse with my hands. He did the same to me. But, while he was tasting my balls, he was stroking my cock into madness! I grabbed his cock and did the same. Tit for tat as it were. I knew by the way we were shaking and groaning that it wouldnÕt be long now. I stopped briefly to tell him, ÒI know that youÕre getting ready to shoot and IÕm going to swallow you cum.ÓÊ
As if to prove my point, I swallowed him whole once more until my nose came into contact with his pubic hairs. I felt his legs tense and his cock thicken and actually lengthen inside my mouth! So as not to be undone, Sam released by ball sack and slid his hot mouth down my pole too. I groaned deeply around a mouthful of his young cock and my body tensed as I prepared to release months of frustration down the throat of the boy I loved for so long.
Around my cock, I heard Matt say, ÒIÕm gonna shoot Tai!Ó ÒMe too,Ó I gasped around his. As if on cue our bodies tensed and we pulled each other deeper into our mouths as our cum rose up the length of our shafts and spilled out into our mouths.Ê

It was better than even I ever suspected it could be. The love of my life was gushing sweet, hot cum into my mouth and down my throat. There was so much of it that I knew I couldnÕt possibly swallow it all, but I sure as hell tried! When I felt his cock erupt, when I got that first splash of his lovely boy juice, it set me off as well. I heard him gasp in surprise as the first shot of my young cum splashed against the back of his throat. Months of admiring him from afar, of secretly hoping for this moment, rose to the surface and flooded his mouth. He gagged briefly, collected himself and tried swallowing for all he was worth. But, to no avail as he lost some of it. I felt it actually dribbling down my cock and dripping over my balls. I grabbed his balls and squeezed, gently at first, but then more firmly to encourage more cum from him. He did not disappoint. Another round was fired off with most of it dribbling out of the corner of my mouth. But it didnÕt matter to either of us. We were in heaven and there was no other feeling quite like it on earth!
As we sucked the last bit of our love for each other, our cocks started to dwindle and soften slowly. I hoped that he would be ready for another round within the next few minutes as I knew I would be! We cleaned each other up with our tongues, licking the others balls and cocks clean until at last there was nothing left but the taste in our mouths and a slight stickiness on our cocks. When we released each other, I swiveled back around and gathered him into my arms to kiss him hotly. My God! We could actually taste each other once more. But only this time, the taste was mingled with both our juices. We sighed happily in each others arms and thought quietly about what we had just experienced.
ÒWow!Ó He exclaimed suddenly. ÒThat was better than I hoped it would be!Ó
ÒYeah,Ó I breathed deeply. ÒFor me too. So does this mean that weÕre like a couple?Ó I asked hopefully.
He snuggled in closer and gently rubbed my cock which was once more starting to harden. ÒI wouldnÕt have it any other way,Ó Matt sighed happily.Ê
I smiled in the darkness, under the stars, as I reached for his cock once more too. ÒNeither would I,Ó I whispered hoarsly as he grasped my hardening cock again. ÒNeither would I.Ó

So how was it a little graphic I know but whats a sick twisted person supposed to write to those of you who are disgusted my humble apologize but those of you who liked it please Review or even better give me a few coins so I can go buy myself a Happy Meal.^_^ VV2R # #.