Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ DBZ's Version of... The Godfather ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

[This is purely entertainment on my part. This has nothing to do with any of the stories I've written or the episodes or movies. This is sort of a big joke that was just pure fun! The words "Mafia" and "dbz" just sort of ended up together…and inspiration hit me! I mean can you imagine getting into a mob fight with the DBZ crew? Ack! You wouldn't survive the second! Instead of secret walls full of guns, you have walls full of senzu beans! And Goku would definitely fit in with the Italian family dinner. I can imagine him sitting at the head of the table, looking at all the food being placed before him, staring up at the ceiling, and saying, "Domo." ^_^ That's just too funny to think about! So enjoy this little bit of insanity and if you have any problems with figuring out who in DBZ is who in the "Godfather" version, please pay close attention to the family tree outline at the end of the story. But before that perhaps I should give you this: Ox King = El Toro Grande; Son Goku is now Sonalini Goku; Toroini Chichi; Toroini Yamcha; Bulma (no last name needed); Krillin (same here); Parmishana Vegeta (different family); Sattanini Videl (different family); Wise Man Kami (old wise man). Well, that's all you need to know so you won't get too confused. The rest you'll figure out on your own. Thank you and have fun! (PS: For full comedic entertainment read the entire story with an Italian accent. It adds flavor.) J]

DBZ's version of … The Godfather

El Toro Grande shook his head sadly as he turned to the window overlooking the courtyard of his huge home. His Chichi was getting married. He would have to check into this Sonalini Goku. He would have no vagabond marrying his Chichi. He would have his favorite hit men, the ones that were practically family, look into it. Cousin Tien and Chaozu would have no problem. Should he involve Uncle Roshi as well? El Toro Grande shook his head and caressed his beard. No that would be too much. He, as the Godfather of the Toroini family, he would have to make sure everything was done right. No mistakes. And everyone knew when Uncle Roshi went on a mission everything got bloody.

He sighed and sat back down. He supposed then that he would call his nephew Krillin. That boy could do everything right and according to order, not like his son Yamcha. That hothead would get himself killed one day. El Toro shook his head and called for Krillin, Cousin Tien and Cousin Chaozu. They would find out everything about this Sonalini Goku and then give him an update. Then he would decide if this hooligan deserved to marry his daughter…or deserved to be put away in a plastic bag.

The Godfather of the Toroini family, El Toro Grande, looked at his future son-in-law. He seemed intelligent enough and kind to his Chichi. Plus, he was a superb fighter-according to Krillin. The young man had dark spiky hair and a goofy grin. Could he eat like a real member of the family? It would have to be tested.

The room was silent. He turned to his goddaughter, Bulma, who waited patiently for his decision. Krillin and Yamcha were also there waiting. Chichi stood beside the man who was to become her husband, looking at El Toro anxiously. Finally, El Toro nodded.

But before everyone could shout with happiness at the coming celebration, El Toro Grande spoke. His voice was hoarse and low…Goku thought he sounded like he had cotton balls in his mouth. "But if I ever catch you treating my daughter badly…I'll kill you. Comprende?"

Goku blinked for a moment then nodded. The Godfather nodded and said, "Now is time for the celebration." Goku could barely understand what he said.

The group rushed to the large elaborate dining room and Sonalini Goku at like a true head of a family. El Toro Grande was proud. His daughter had chosen well. Now all he needed to do was to get the rest of his family with a spouse before he passed on. Yamcha would be the next Godfather…but Goku could make it if Yamcha can't. El Toro Grande was happy.

The line outside the church was huge. The entire Toroini family and Sonalini family were gathered outside waiting for the doors of the church to open. The only ones causing a problem were Goku's older brother, Raditz and Goku's twin, Turles. Luckily, Chichi had decided to marry the good one and not those two bad apples.

But El Toro knew what was wrong with them. The Parmishana gang-another family-was influencing all the young people. And obviously, they had already gotten to Sonalini's older and younger brother. Finally the doors opened and the two entire families gathered in to watch the beautiful Italian ceremony…

Everyone was counting the seconds till it was over so they could get to the party.

Sonalini Goku and his wife Chichi had a son named Gohan. The boy was smart and his mother was constantly urging him to do his studies.

"Sonalini Gohan! Get away from that gun-room and do your homework! You are not going to be like your grandfather Toro, bless him, or like your father and uncles! You will behave! You will do as your told! You will do your homework!"

Gohan nodded as he trudged into the room, Goku staring sadly after him. "Yes, Mama. I'm going to study now." The door closed behind him and Goku was determined to get him out. Chichi saw the look in Goku's eyes and dragged into another room…and began to yell at him…

Goku spoke with his old friend and sparring partner, Piccolo. Piccolo was a professional hit man and often consulted Tien and Chaozu. Goku and Piccolo with the support of the Godfather Toro decided to involve Gohan in the family business. He would be like a…"Superman"…being smart for his mother, but also being involved with his father and uncles and grandfather in the family business.

That night they broke him out of his study room and Piccolo took him away to be trained. When Gohan finally came back from training with "Uncle" Piccolo, a new threat to the Toroini and Sonalini family had come up.

The Parmishana's had made their move. Raditz and Turles had joined the Parmishana, which was led by Parmishana Vegeta. The two of them tried to kidnap Gohan, but Goku and Piccolo prevented it. And so everything began.

The next day, the two families faced each other. The Parmishana on one side; Raditz, Turles, the big bald muscleman Nappa, and their leader the ruthless head of the family-Vegeta. On the other side was the members of the Toroini family and Sonalini family. Toroini Yamcha and Krillin, Cousin Tien and Chaozu, "Uncle" Piccolo, Sonalini Gohan and their leader, Goku.

They met face to face, high above countryside, the cold high wind blowing at them. From the ground watched El Toro Grande with his daughter and goddaughter. Chichi worried about Goku and Gohan…Bulma at first worried about her long crush Yamcha…then was held spellbound by the Parmishana leader, Vegeta.

The mob fight began! It was a terrible battle with fists and blood flying everywhere, senzu beans they had gotten from Wise Man Kami and Little Wise Man Dendei, whizzing about like bullets! The Godfather could only stare at the bloody carnage happening above him. Chichi was screaming for her baby and Bulma watched in amazement at the magnificent Parmishana Vegeta.

Nappa, Turles, and Raditz crashed to the floor. Yamcha, Chaozu, Piccolo and Tien fell as well. Krillin and Gohan rushed down to take the women out of there and to take care of their fallen comrades. Sonalini fought Parmishana alone.

The fight was fierce and brutal and in the end it had come to a draw. Senzu beans were devoured and blood seeped from everywhere. When the fight finally ended there was no winner and Parmishana left to mend his wounds and rebuild his mob. Chichi and Bulma and Tien and Chaozu's Lunch, the sneezing girl with the split personality that terrified the family more than all of the hit men put together, were the ones who mended the group of wounded men.

But Bulma found herself thinking often about the Parmishana leader, Vegeta and something new began to form.

"She's what?" El Toro cried with his strange voice that no one could understand. Goku still thought it sounded like cotton balls in his mouth. Krillin had just reported that Bulma was seeing someone secretly, but he hadn't found out whom yet.

El Toro could not believe it. Who could his goddaughter be seeing that would make her hide from the rest of the family? Was he a weakling? A poet? An artist? If he was then he could understand why she'd hide him. If they ever saw him they'd kill him. But El Toro Grande had always thought his goddaughter and his son would be married someday, though his son is a complete fool. Luckily his son-in-law and his nephew were not.

"I will find out for you, Godfather Toro. You can count on me," Krillin said.

El Toro Grande nodded and motioned them to leave. What could she be doing?

Krillin, "Uncle" Piccolo, and Gohan were on this mission. Goku had sent Gohan on the mission because he needed the practice and because Goku had to keep Chichi busy so she wouldn't notice Gohan's absence (^_~).

They followed Bulma when she sneaked out of the large house and followed her to her secret meeting spot with her lover. It was then that they realized whom it was when they saw him step into the light.

It was the terrible leader of the Parmishana family! It was Vegeta!

Krillin sucked in breath. Piccolo remained silent. Gohan almost gave them away. If Piccolo hadn't placed his hand over his mouth in time, he would have given it away. Krillin shook his head. Just what El Toro Grande needed. They were having problems with the Fridge Brothers and now this! What was El Toro going to say to his goddaughter when he finds out she is with the Parmishana leader.

Gohan couldn't believe it and he couldn't be kept silent. He leaped from the shadows and shouted at the two lovers!

"Bulma! How could you betray Grandfather Toro like this! He is the Godfather! And he is the enemy! He almost killed us all! How could you betray us?!"

Bulma turned in shock and Vegeta readied himself into battle position. Piccolo and Krillin leaped from the shadows as well and stood beside Gohan. Vegeta sneered at the woman in shock.

"Have you betrayed me, my dear?"

Bulma stared into Vegeta's eyes and scowled. She turned back to the three before them and threw herself before Vegeta just as they readied to attack. "NO!"

They ceased their fire and Piccolo growled. "Move out of the way!" Bulma shook her head vigorously. She held her ground.

"No! You don't understand! I love him! I will not let you hurt him! Tell the Godfather if you want but leave now! If you wish to fight him you have to kill me first!"

Krillin thought this was strangely reminiscent to the West Side Story. He shrugged and motioned for Gohan and Piccolo to follow him. Krillin called from over his shoulder. "We will discuss this tomorrow."

They three expected the worst from the Godfather and got it. El Toro Grande's hoarse voice cracked in the middle of his bellow. "NA~NI?!" He called out for Bulma and she ran into the Godfather's office. She stared at the three strangely, her breathing labored from running so fast. She stood before the Godfather and lifted her head tall.

"Yes, Godfather Toro?"

His hoarse voice trembled. "Is it true? Are you seeing Parmishana Vegeta?"

Bulma lifted her chin. "No." Before the three behind her could protest she continued. "I am not seeing him. I am married to him. We eloped last night when your hound dogs found us. You can do nothing now, Godfather. We are already wedded and bedded."

El Toro Grande collapsed onto the couch and shuddered. His hoarse voice cracked. "I can't take this any more. I am too old. Krillin, call Yamcha. He will be the knew Godfather. He will now be the head of the family."

Krillin shook his head. "Yamcha was wounded badly by a senzu bean bullet. He will never fly again. He can not be your successor."

"Damn!" El Toro Grande shrugged. "Very well. Call Goku. He shall be the new Godfather. And he shall see to this…dilemma."

Within moments, Sonalini Goku was now head of the Sonalini-Toroini family. He looked to Bulma and said, "Do you love him?"


"Does he love you?"

"I think so."

"Does he hate the Fridge Brothers, Freezer and Cooler?"


"Is he willing to become part of this family?"

By this time everyone had figured out where he was headed. But it was not Bulma who answered the last question. It was Parmishana Vegeta himself.


Bulma turned and ran into her husband's arms. The new Godfather, Sonalini Goku, welcomed the head of the Parmishana family into their family. He was their new ally in defeating the Fridge Brothers.

Everyone had thought the Fridge Brothers had been bad. They were nothing compared to this new gang. The Cyborgs. They were made up of several. Number 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and their Leader and creator, Number 20.

But this day, everything was going down. Gohan was almost a teenager and would take a big part of the fight. Even Chichi and Bulma were going to fight in this battle. The men of the family and the hit men marched down to the church and waited outside for Goku.

Goku entered and went to Wise Man Kami. Goku sat behind the screen and whispered. "Wise Man Kami. I need your help. We are fighting the Cyborgs. Little Wise Man Dendei, Korin the Cat Senzu Bean Grower are needed. We need your wisdom. What shall we do to defeat them?"

Wise Man Kami whispered from behind the screen. "Fight as one. Merge with the Parmishana leader. Combine all of your powers. I will merge with Piccolo and our powers shall be your aid."

Wise Man Kami vanished and Little Wise Man Dendei approached to the screen. "When Wise Man Kami merges with Piccolo he will be no more. I shall be your wise man from now on. And now Korin the Cat has a gift for you."

From the side of the screen came a huge bag full of senzu beans. Goku bent his head down in thanks. "Domo, Korn. And domo arigato for the wise words, Wise Man Dendei."

The battle was fiercely fought. Number 20 had even pulled a fast one and taken out his secret weapon… the Cyborg Supremo Cell! But with Wise Man Kami's power and Korin's senzu beans they were unbeatable. Gohan was whooping severe booty. He made his father very proud. Even Chichi and Bulma fought like monsters. In the end only one was left living. Number 18. But as they were about to exterminate her as well…


Krillin rushed to stop Goku and Vegeta. They turned to him and stared at him strangely.

Krillin looked down at the wounded Cyborg and said, "Maybe she's not all evil." And he lifted her in his arms and took her away. Everyone wondered what gotten into him…

But when he announced his engagement to her…well it was obvious what had happened.

Many years had passed. Sonalini Goku and Chichi had another son, Goten, right after Vegeta and Bulma had their first child, Trunks. The boys grew up together and Trunks was a terrible bully. He took after his father. Gohan was a great scholar…but also a very talented hit man thanks to his teacher "Uncle" Piccolo and helped his father with many of the "family business" issues. Krillin had a daughter with 18 named Marron and Yamcha had finally regained his flying ability. But no one really cared.

But now after all these years…Gohan finally met a girl. Little did he know that she was the daughter of the ruthless Mr. Sattanini. He and Videl met on the bus as they both were headed to the mini mall in their neighborhood. He thought she was absolutely beautiful and she thought he had to be the finest thing on two legs. Because of their interest in martial arts, and because they both came from mob families they hit it off right away.

But it was Sonalini Chichi that discovered Videl's hidden secret.

In reality she was Videl Sattanini, daughter of the ruthless con man Mr. Sattanini!

Chichi, after discovering this information, paid a visit to the Sattanini family. She entered their home without thought or remorse and demanded to speak with Videl and her father. The two arrived and Videl was perfectly calm. Her father was trembling at the presence of Sonalini Chichi, wife of the ruthless Sonalini Goku.

Chichi immediately liked Videl. She had gumption. Perhaps she would be good to her son. But Mr. Sattanini was revolting. So she spoke only to the daughter.

"As you might have guessed, I have discovered who you really are Videl. But…I like you. You are strong and Gohan needs a strong woman. I only warn you. Should you betray him, and show that you are like your father…I will not hesitate in destroying you…and personally mutilating your father. Especially after he took all the credit for my son destroying the Cyborg Supremo Cell."

Videl nodded. "I perfectly understand, Mrs. Sonalini."

Chichi nodded and left. Mr. Sattanini tried to convince his daughter not to love Sonalini Gohan, but he had already stolen Videl's heart. A few years later they were married, and Goku retired, giving Gohan the position of being the head of the family. Gohan was now the Godfather. By the time his daughter, Pan, was born his right hand men were Goten, his younger brother, and the ruthless Trunks. They grew with Pan, though she was so young and when she was born Trunks younger sister, Bra, was already two years old.

Both Goten and Trunks were superb at what they did. Goten was a calculator, any problem or terrible situation he could deduce and think through and his power was extraordinary. Trunks was also a strategic mind, but while Goten was a before hand kind of thing, Trunks could come up with spur of the moment battle plans. Something his mother had always done well. He also had his father's ruthlessness and fighting ability. These two were unstoppable.

But it was on a mission that Gohan sent them that they discovered their matches. Two women, one dark haired and violet eyed-Ruzei-and one with amber hair and aqua eyes-Arista-fought against the two and they ended at a draw.

So it was after the huge wedding of the two that the story grows dull. The legacy continues… The Godfather still reigns supreme in the family…But the only three left to do damage and bring chaos upon the family-especially since now everyone's happily married-are the three girls…

Bra, Marron and Pan… heh, heh…

What will happen next? On the DBZ version of the Godfather? Find out on the Godfather Part II!

The End

Family Tree of DBZ's "Godfather"

El Toro Grande (Ox King)

Goku--------ChiChi Yamcha

Mr. Sattanini

Goten----Aritsa Gohan-----Videl


El Toro Grande (Ox King)


Goddaughter Nephew

Bulma-----Vegeta Krillin-----18

Bra Trunks-----Ruzei Marron

Hit Men Group

Muten Roshi Tien and Chaozu-----Lunch Piccolo

Wise Men

Wise Man Kami Little Wise Man Dendei

Korin the Cat Senzu Bean Grower