Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Hells Rising ❯ A New Friend ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Because of a few problems I don't think anyone read my first chapter so I posted this chapter pretty fast. Anyhow on to the disclaimer: Me have no money so me no own DBZ. Although me wish me own it.

Chapter 2 - A New Friend

After Gohan left Kami's Lookout he just started to fly around with no destination in mind. He was keeping his Ki low while flying so that no one would be able to find him. Through all of this he did not notice something following him in the shadows.

Finally he decided to stop and see where he was, he was near a Beautiful lake about 50 miles south of Satan City. He decided to see if there was a cave nearby because it looked like it was about to rain, so he started looking around. Soon after he started to look Gohan found a cave, but there was something odd about it. There was a light coming from inside of it. Gohan decided to investigate this light.

Inside the cave Gohan saw a fire was burning brightly. He looked farther into the cave and saw a girl with raven hair in two pigtails sitting on some rocks almost out of the light. He went closer and as he got halfway to her he hear something. It was the girl crying. When he noticed her sobs he got a shocked look on his face. She sounded so sad that it nearly broke the hard shell he had just recently put around his heart, as it was it just cracked the shell. By now there was a full-blown thunderstorm raging outside but the storm can't be heard that well this deep in the cave.

Gohan walked the rest of the way over to the girl. Sitting down on another rock that was partially close to her he asked, "What's wrong?"

The girl looked up from where she had had her face buried in her hands and for the first time she noticed Gohan. "Who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Son Gohan. What's yours? He answered.

"My name is Videl Satan" Videl said to Gohan.

"Can I ask you a question?" Gohan asks.

"You just did, but you can ask another one if you like." Videl says with a small laugh.

Gohan says, "I will repeat my earlier question. Why were you crying?"

Videl faintly says, "I am just having some problems with my family that is all."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"…Sure." Videl then tells Gohan that she was crying because of two things she just recently found out.

With a confused look Gohan asks innocently, "What two things could you have found out that would make you cry like that?"

"I just found out that my father beat cell and that my mother just died in a car crash." Videl tells him.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother dieing but I know how you feel because I just recently lost my father. Now what is your father's name?" asks Gohan.

"My father is Hercule Satan and I am also sorry to hear that your father died. If you don't mind me asking, who was your father?" she asks.

"I don't mind. My father was Son Goku. Now do you want to know a sec-

"WHAT!?" interrupted Videl. "Your father is the legendary Son Goku, the same Son Goku who made it to the finals of the World Martial Arts Tournament when he was 12 and made it to the finals in the next tournament and won in his third tournament!" While she said, no wait, yells that, Gohan had stuffed his fingers into his ears due to the shear volume of it.

"I think that my dad mentioned something about a few World Martial Arts Tournaments but I'm not too sure. Also like I was just about to ask, do you wan to know a secret?" he asks her.

Her only reply was "Sure why not."

"Ok" starts Gohan. "Here it is, but I must warn you that it might come to a shock to you. Your father didn't beat Cell and I can prove it.

Videl is speechless for a minute until she gives him a hopeful and confused look and says, "If you can prove that my father didn't beat Cell then I will believe you and only then."

"Alright" and with that Gohan stands up and with a short yell he transforms into a Super Saiyan. "Is this enough proof for you"

Videl could only nod at this. Gohan gives out a little laugh and then drops out of his Super Saiyan mode and asks "Videl do you mind if I sleep in this cave tonight since its raining pretty hard outside?"

Videl now with a surprised look on her face looks towards the entrance of the cave and says, "It's raining? Well I guess you can stay just as long as you don't snore."

"Thanks Videl. Goodnight." He says as he goes over and lies down next to the fire.

"Night Gohan and your welcome." She says as she lies down on the other side of the fire. The only thought going through both of their minds is `I think I have a new friend.' Just after they think that they both fall deep asleep.

Once he was sure that both of the kids where asleep a strange man walks out of the shadows with a slight smirk on his face and then walks out of the cave.

A/N: Who is this strange man and why is he following Gohan. Find out more in the next installment of Hells Rising.