Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of the Saiyajin Suns ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, or Saiyajins, I'm just borrowing them for a bit. No suing, you wouldn't get anything anyway.
Legend of the Saiyajin Suns
Long ago, there were two brothers named Agevi and Sushrevi. Agevi was older, and slightly stronger than his brother, who was quicker.
One day, their father called them to him and said:
“My sons, I am dying. You are both strong, worthy fighters, both capable of running my house and lands when I am gone.”
“How will you decide who inherits, Father?” Asked Sushrevi, who was always more impatient than his brother.
Their father placed a hand on each of his son's heads.
“You will fight, and the winner will inherit my house and lands.”
“And the loser?” Agevi asked.
“He will be banished from this house, and all his line after him.”
The brothers looked at each other sadly, for they did not wish to separate from one another. But their father's word was law, and they had no choice but to do as he said.
The next day, they met in the field next to their home and bowed stiffly to one another. The old, dying man stood a safe distance away to watch. At his word, the brothers leapt at each other, clashing with a sound like thunder.
They battled on throughout the day, giving no quarter, allowed no rest. As dusk tinged the sky, Sushrevi knocked his brother to the ground and pounced atop him. Desperate, Agevi screamed, and his aura caught flame, burning brightly golden. Sushrevi's aura caught as well, and the brothers lifted into the sky, where they exploded in a burst of light so bright that it blinded all who looked upon it.
When the light died, there was no sign of either brother, but in the morning, two brilliant suns rose, where there had been a small red one the night before.