Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Coming True ❯ Raven's Back ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Falcona and Thomas sat on the head of the dibison waiting for Raven and Shadow to get back. They had made a lightning fast run to the capital city, well Falcona did anyway. Thomas had made a special order through the military and gotten Raven a laptop alot like Falcona's but it was purple and the second dragon was black instead of purple. Flacona got her brother a gold necklace with three dragons on it a black one to represent Raven, a purple one to represent Falcona nad a green one to represent Thomas.
Suddenly the genosaurer appeared on the horizon. Shadow shot ahead of Raven and landed infront of Falcona.
"There you are."Falcona said hugging the organoid. (AN: before I forget anything with asterisks* around it is the interpritation of the organoids growling.)
*Raven's on his way, brat.* Shadow growled.
Half an hour later Raven arrived. Raven jumped out of the genosaurer and hugged his twin sister.
"Sorry I missed our birthday yesterday, I had to get you this."Raven said handing Falcona a long box.
She opened it. Inside was a purple, balck and green chocker necklace with the same symbol on it as the necklace falcona had gotten Raven.(AN:Sorry I had to pull that, my bro and I do that all the time freaky twin thing.)
"Wow."Falcona said as her brother took out the necklace and put it around her neck trying to avoid her waist length hair.
"From now on, tie you hair up. It is way too long to leave hanging."Raven said as he finally got the necklace hooked.
"It looks great on you."Thomas said.
Falcona then handed Raven his gift.
"Don't crack up."Falcona said as he opened it.
"You weren't spying on me were you?"Raven said holding the necklace.
"No, she wasn't. You two must have some sort of genetic link."Thomas laughed as he handed Raven the laptop he had gotten for him, "Fal got one just like it but the colors are a little swapped."
"You two"Raven laughed,"I need to get some sleep, you guys head back over to the base."
"Fine."Falcona said as Raven went down to his room to sleep.
"See you later, Raven."Thomas said as he and Falcona got into their zoids and headed to the base.
Awhile later Falcona and Thomas arrived at the base only to find Dr.D about to get killed. Falcona was immeditaely on the roof to help, Colonel Schubaltz that is.
"Hey! That's my job."Falcona said glaring at the terrified Dr.D.
"No one picks on my little brother or his friends."Colonel Schubaltz said setting down Dr.D
The ancient doctor muttered something under his breath about girlfriends and troublemakers. This time Doomstar had him pinned up against the wall.
"Nice one Doomstar."Thomas joked.
Colonel Schubaltz just shook his head trying not to laugh.
"It's gonna be a long day."Falcona laughed as Dr.D finally escaped off the roof.
""As long as you two are around, it's gonna be a long lifetime."Colonel Schubaltz said as they went downstairs.
Colonel Schubaltz had no idea how right he was. Things weren't gonna get interresting for a few more years but they will, just wait.