Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Coming True ❯ Secrets revealed ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Artemis sat on a ledge in the cave they were staying in. It was the middle of winter and she was waiting for Thomas and Apollo to get back from hunting. Even with the fire built next to her, a blanket, and her fire wings she was stil cold.
She looked around. She didn't belong here. She belonged somewhere else far from here, with her friends having fun and not having to hide.
Apollo flew into the cave. No one was with him.
"It's about time."Artemis groaned shivering,"Where is Thomas?"
"Still fishing. What about Reisee?"Apollo said sticking a few fish in the fire.
"Where else? In the village."Artemis replied hopping down next to her brother.
"Again"Apollo moaned.
"She's spending the night."
There was a long silence as they waited for their food to cook.
"We don't belong here."Artemis finally broke the silence.
"I know, you more than anyone. Your place is with the empire fighting for them. I dragged you into this."Apollo said looking at his sister.
"Why can't I tell him?"Artemis said grabbing a fish out of the fire, it didn't even singe her hand.
"I don't know."
"This isn't us. I can't keep this up. I can't tell Thomas but I want to."
"We agreed to stay hidden till Hilz is found and he is threat to us or our friends. We put them in danger by being alive, it's us he wanted dead. We are the only beings on Zi that can beat him."
"I know, I know. Every time I look at him I want to so badly. What I would give to tell him, tell him who I am."
"Fal, it's too dangerous."
"I know. I....I don't know, part of me is telling me to tell him. The other part of me says no."
"Go back."
"Go back to the military. It will take a little work."
"I see. You're right. I'll have to get Colonel Schubaltz to trust me as Artemis. It's perfect. Where's Ligara and Doomstar?"
*Right here.*Doomstar growled coming out of the shadows.
*We already know. We could tell the moment we saw you.*Ligara growled following the amethist organoid.
"You're coming with me then?"Artemis said hugging the two.
*Duh.*Ligara growled.
"You better get going. I'll cover for you."Apollo said.
Ten minutes later Artemis, Ligara, and Doomstar were headed for the last base where Colonel Schubaltz was when Thomas was with him.
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What will happen? Those two are crazy aren't they?