Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Three: The Battle with Katsu ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiyaz! I just finished one project (as I announced before) and working the on the next one in line! But since I'm so dedicated to my fanfic (yea chris it's not free time, it's dedication!!!) and to my loyal readers (I probably don't have a lot of them yet but I'm getting there!) I decided to keep on working! And our guest speakers today are Mairead and Chris!

Mairead: hi

Chris: Hello ^-^

Me: Okay enough with them

Chris: HEY! I'm special………so don't leave me out

Me: No you really aren't

Mairead: ………I have soccer bye ::leaves for soccer::

Chris: Yeah I uh gotta go too

Me: OoOoO follow Mairead will ya?

Chris: shut up you know I should hit you……….or maybe kill you………

Me: One, you are not supposed to hit girls and two, I can get you faster remember I'm

small but fast ^-^! And I still got that secret I can use against you…Clau--

Chris: So what……….You're not a girl………you're just Rosie and SHUT UP! ::tries to tape mouth so can keep secret a secret::

Me: ::getting mad:: AND BEING ROSIE IS DIFFERENT FROM BEING A GIRL??? ::smacks back of chris' head::

Chris: owww I'm telling!! ::runs off::

Me: Okay so much for our guest speakers………

::comes back:: Chris: Oh yeah I'm back and with an attorney!

Me: Liar! You're not an attorney Chris!!

Chris: Shhhh….they don't know that!

Me: Now they do………Will you just do the disclaimer??

Chris: fine………Rosie (the non-girly girl) does not own Zoids or the characters……….really she only owns the characters she makes up………to tell you the truth I don't give a crap about her whole story………

Me: Hey!!! Just cuz you don't have people read your LOTR fanfics doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!!!

Chris: people DO read my fanfics………I'm not talking to you ever again! And I don't post them on this site that's all!!!

Me: FINE!! ::stops talking to chris::

::comes back from soccer:: Mairead: did I miss anything?

**sees angry faces, gets the picture**

Mairead: okay Chris come with me ::drags chris out of room kicking and screaming; lets me finish::

Me: okay sorry bout that now let's get on with the story! Please read and Review and remember ENJOY!


Chapter Three **The Battle with Katsu**


Travis literally jumped 2 feet into the air. When he was calm enough to talk he turned around to see who had scared him.

It was Mika. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," she giggled.

Travis started to stutter. "It-It's okay really! It's okay! I wasn't really scared."

Mika giggled some more at Travis' attempts to cover up his embarrassment. He could feel his cheeks getting redder by the second.

Travis decided to say bye before he got more embarrassed. "Well, I uh gotta go. My friends are waiting for me out on the battlefield," not knowing Mika already had a zoid, he asked, "Would you like to come and see? I mean you could ride in my Blade Liger if you'd like."

"No that's okay. I don't like to ride in other people's zoids. It just doesn't seem the same."

"Oh okay." Travis jumped into his Blade Liger and left for the battlefield. While the Blade Liger was being piloted by his organoid Shiro, he thought about how Mika reacted to his offer.

--She had acted so calm when she said that,--thought Travis--why wouldn't she come onto the battlefield with me? Does she really like Camus than me? No, that can't be. She said herself not to be jealous of Camus. But then, should I really care? I mean I shouldn't be liking a girl like her………but then why do I feel this way?-- Travis kept on thinking, not knowing what truly was in Mika's heart or his own heart.

Suddenly something popped onto his radar (I think that's what it is) and it was following towards him at fast rates. He put on turbo boosters to try to outrun whatever that thing was. It didn't work. The zoid was soon next to him, even though he had Shiro AND turbo boosters. --Who is this??--thought Travis.

He set up a comm.-link with the pilot, but received no answer. --Where is that pilot??--he thought. Then the mysterious zoid was close enough to recognize. "It's the White Blade Liger we saw before!" Travis said excitedly. "Wow whoever is piloting that zoid is really experienced!" Then he saw her. "WHAT??"

"Hi Travis!" a voice called out.

Travis opened his cockpit shield and even though the winds were strong (what did you expect he's going wicked fast!), he was able to talk to the pilot for a short amount of time.

"MIKA! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??? YOU COULD GET HURT!" Travis tried to scream over the prevailing winds.

"No I won't," replied Mika calmly, without any tone of danger in her voice, "I always do this. It's safe enough."

She was sitting on top of her Blade Liger, not even flinching at the tremendous gusts of winds hurled at her by the incredible speeds she was going.

Travis then noticed she didn't have any boosters and noticed her organoid. "Is that your organoid?" asked Travis.

"Yep, it's Blast. She's been with me ever since I found my White Blade Liger."

"Wait, how can you be going so fast without boosters or your organoid helping??" Travis sounded astonished.

"I don't know, like I said I always do this."

Travis had to close the windshield again before he got hurt from the strong winds.

--Wow, she's really good to be able to sit on top of her zoid like that………and to go that fast! I don't think I could be able to do that………--Travis got lost in his thought, not knowing that someone was keeping a close eye on them (his thoughts).

They finally made it to the battlefields behind the school. Travis was still lost in thought when Mika popped up on his screen, all dressed in different clothes.

"When did you change?"

"Just now. Can't get my uniform dirty. Now who are we fighting?" asked Mika in a calm voice again.

"Don't know yet. We gotta wait until someone else appears. Then we can--Uh oh………."Travis trailed off in his sentence when he saw another zoid approaching. It was a Lightning Saix. Travis opened his cockpit window (whatever its called).

The other pilot in the Lightning Saix did the same. "So, Travis you ready to battle me today? Oh cute partner you have there. Hahaha!" the boy in the Lightning Saix had said, apparently looking at Mika who had climbed out of the cockpit again and was sitting on top of her zoid.

Travis looked at Mika and then back to the boy. "You gotta be kidding Katsu! I'm--I mean she--she's not my partner!" Travis was able to stutter. "Mika's not gonna fight with me!"

"Well, you need a partner! Because you wouldn't want to fight me and my partner alone, now would you?" Katsu started to snicker.

"Oh and where is you partner?" Travis was going to regret saying that, because at the moment, something had launch missiles all around him.

"What the??" He screamed. He couldn't see another zoid. He wasn't hit, but the missiles were launched so that if he moved, he could get hit.

"It's a stealth Hellcat. Coming from west of Katsu. He's easy to take down. 50% of missiles were already used up just to spook us," Mika had deciphered for Travis, "just watch out for the claws, they're stronger than the regular Hellcat's."

--What am I gonna do? I guess I DO have to fight him now………but if the first sign of danger shows, then Mika's gotta get off the battlefield--Travis kept thinking, still not knowing about anything happening around him.

"Don't be such a worry wart!" Mika said, causing Travis to become more confused about how she knew what he was thinking. "Now let's fight!" she screamed to Katsu, who was enjoying the little missile show.

And they went off to fight. Mika, still riding on top her Liger, had run off to fight head on with the invisible Hellcat, leaving Travis to fight Katsu.

"So who's your friend in the Hellcat Katsu?" questioned Travis.

"Oh so you found out it was a Hellcat attacking, heh took you long enough," Katsu had replied while trying to dodge Travis' blade.

Missed. "Hah! Like you think you can get me with your puny Blade Liger! I have a lightning Saix! And don't even think your organoid will help you! I got boosters that make me TEN times as fast!"

"O yeah? Shiro!!" Travis called out for his organoid. After fusing with the Blade Liger, Shiro increased speed and power by 20%.


Travis was about to cut Katsu's zoid in half when a missile swerved his way.

"What?? Oh god I forgot about Mika!" Travis looked frantically around for her.

--Where did she go?? No, she couldn't have been………--

The Lightning Saix ran up to the Blade Liger and Shiro while Travis was distracted and………


Okay, I left this at the worst possible point for my beloved readers………heheehehe now you know why I'm so hard to work with!

I'm sorry I couldn't get this up sooner because with grades closing, I needed to organize my binders and everything and omg it was just a hectic week but hey I got through it!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Well stay tuned for the next chapter of "Lost Dream of Hope"!

And if you didn't catch the disclaimer from the conversation up at the top, I DO NOT OWN ZOIDS I JUST OWN MY CHARACTERS THAT I MAKE UP! Hehe buh*byez!

::runs away into kitchen to get candy::

o yea please review! If I don't get more reviews………from other people……….I might as well just stop this story………actually I don't know what I'll do so review you people who still need to read this story!!