Fan Fiction ❯ A War of Three Nations ❯ Chapter Thirteen: The Battle of Destiny ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ……………………̷ 0;…………
A Was of Three Nations
Chapter Thirteen: The Battle of Destiny
Ka-Rosu growled with anticipation, creating a platform of rock for him and his brothers to stand on. The platform raced across the battlefield, un-phasing any of the elf or neko-jin soldiers, and crashed into the demon army.

Nakamura and Ishikawa jumped off at that moment and landed in a swarm of demon soldiers.

"Shadow sphere!" Nakamura and Ishikawa yelled, dropping two large orbs of darkness onto the demons leaving them blind while Nakamura and Ishikawa ran in with the advantage.

Ka-Rosu dropped off of the platform and engaged several of the demon soldiers head on.

"Traitor!!! You're supposed to work with us!!!" one of them yelled, bringing his sword down on Ka-Rosu's leg.

Ka-Rosu laughed heartily when he heard the sword snap across his knee. "Now it's my turn," he said, crushing the demon's skull with his fist.


Touchi looked at Allarayne and smiled. "My disciples are waiting for me on the battlefield as we speak. They just don't know it's me they're waiting for. Let's consider this their final lesson," Touchi said aloud, before dropping through Allarayne's shadow.


Ishikawa swung his swords around like a mad man, slaying any demon that got in his way. He continued to cut a path through the demons, determined to find who he was looking for. That's until he turned around.

Further down, Nakamura stood in the middle of dozens of demon soldiers. But there was someone else there. Slowly rising out of Nakamura's shadow.

"Master Touchi?" Ishikawa asked himself, slaying a few more demons who got too close.


Ka-Rosu threw a demon he had been holding upside down by the leg, and slammed his giant rock fist into the jaw of another demon. He stomped on the ground and caused a boulder to shoot up into his hands. He pulled his arm back, and hurled the boulder with all his might. It soared into the air, and came crashing down like a comet into some unsuspecting demons further out on the battlefield.

Ka-Rosu turned to check on his brothers' progress and saw Ishikawa chopping his way towards their rear. 'Ishikawa. Always straight to the point,' Ka-Rosu thought, before he saw Ishikawa stop. He watched him turn around and stare off in the other direction.

Ka-Rosu turned to look, and saw Nakamura swarmed by demons. But he realized what it 'really' was that Ishikawa was looking at. He swung his arm around behind him and crushed the face of a demon who tried to sneak up on him, as he watched his master rise up onto the battle field.


Touchi rose out of Nakamura's shadow and grinned to himself. 'Let's see just how much you've learned about yourself Nakamura,' Touchi thought to himself, creating a blade of darkness out of his hand.


Nakamura was surrounded. That didn't scare him though, he liked these odds. But something was making the hairs on his neck stand up. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, so he did what anyone else would.

Nakamura looked over his shoulder, and released his breath. "Master, it's just you."

"Don't you remember? I told you that once you've obtained your sword I would no longer be your master."

"I know," Nakamura said, but was a bit nervous. Why was Touchi talking to him with such indifference? And why were the demons no longer attacking?

"We are now equals. But I must confess, I kind of used you," Touchi admitted, with a grin.

"What are you talking about mas-Touchi? How exactly have you used me?"

"I sent you to obtain a sword that not even I could win. It took me years to recover after my battle with that dreaded dragon Breog. But you," Touchi pointed his finger in emphasize. "You are more powerful than me. And at a young age yet. I thought to myself, 'he might just be able to kill that damned dragon'. And you did."

"You thought? You mean you wagered my life on a guess!?!?" Nakamura shouted, scaring many of the demons and causing them to back away.

"Your life? Only a servant of Shafira can slay one of our kind," Touchi said with a diabolic smirk, placing his hand on Nakamura's shoulder. "And I think it's about time I proved that to you."

Nakamura lurched forward upon feeling a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw Touchi's other hand halfway buried in Nakamura's chest.

"Final lesson. Our breed is a very competitive one indeed. The less of us there are, the more powerful we become," Touchi whispered into Nakamura's ear, before removing his hand and blade from his disciple's already cooling body which fell limply to the ground.

Touchi looked up and saw his other two disciples watching on in horror. Indeed this war would be his favorite one yet.
Saleh watched as Lady Etaine led Preia away. Turning to Rye, he wasn't sure what to say, so he simply looked at him. Looking back to the advancing demons on the battlefield in front of them, Saleh spun around once or twice, pulling on the reigns of his steed in order to do so.

"She'll be safe in the back lines with the other archers, Rye," Saleh reassured his friend, "The demons will have to get through us to even begin to reach the archer battlements!"

"I'll see you on the battlefield, friend," he said to Rye. With these words, he galloped forwards at a building pace down the small inversion of a slope which led into the clearing of the battlefield. Looking over his shoulder as he heard the loud rumbling sound of earth behind him, he nodded as Ka-Rosu, Nakamura, and Ishikawa roared by on the top of their earthen platform.

Riding through the middle of the crowd of Neko-jins, elves, and demons, Saleh swung his sword from the right to the left, spilling demon blood in long reddish clouds of vapor that would violently burst upwards upon contact with his sword. After a few moments of what seemed like a lot longer than it had actually been, a long pole-arm swept in chest height for Saleh atop his steed. Though it wasn't positioned to impale him, Saleh had little time to react to the weapon and was hit across his chest.

For a moment he felt weightless as his body lifted up off of his horse and fell to the ground. "Ooof!" Saleh sounded as the wind escaped his lungs and he lost his breath from the fall. Before he could stand up, the same demon who had knocked Saleh off his steed held the pole arm from before overhead, ready to impale Saleh through the chest.

Closing his eyes amplified the sound of a huge object whizzing by in the air. After a loud impact and lifted dust debris, Saleh opened his eyes and sat up to see that all the demons surrounding him had been crushed to death by a gigantic boulder which had seemingly fallen from the sky (the one Ka-Rosu threw). "Aren't I the lucky one?" Saleh mused, quickly returning to his feet.

Placing his free hand around the water stone that hung from his neck, he focused his thoughts into it, causing it to begin to glow. The normal swirl of wind that circled him became mixed with his water stone's element. "Now let's see what this can do!" Saleh thought as more and more demons began to clutter up the area in which the boulder had landed and crushed the demons that were priorly there.

A demon wielding a similar pole arm to the one that had attacked him earlier charged straight at Saleh, holding the weapon in poise to impale him. Saleh, however, did not move an inch from where he stood. As the pole arm was a few feet from reaching Saleh's abdomen, the water circling around his feet rose upwards and pushed the tip of the spear to the side in a swirling motion. Saleh simultaneously brought his sword up from his side and spun around, bringing his sword down from above him across the demon's open neck, hewing its head clean off.

As more and more of the demons attacked him at the same time, the water circling his feet continued pushing away the weapons, leaving Saleh in the middle, untouched and unscathed. Some of the demons' weapons were knocked into fellow demons, killing them as well. As his "water armor" did this, Saleh spun around in sync with the motion of the water, dancing about with his sword. As more and more time passed, more and more lifeless demon corpses began to pile around Saleh, and a fresh, crimson vapor floated eerily in the air above Saleh and his slain enemies'.

Though it was very hard to hear anything on the battlefield, Saleh picked up what one of the demons was saying, "That's one of the stone-bearers. Take his stone and kill him, Lady Allarayne and Cathayna said to bring them back any of the stones' if we acquired any."

"That must be why there's an over-abundance of them trying to fight me..." Saleh thought, continuing to spin around with his sword in his wake. "I'm useless if I get stuck here doing this..."

He suddenly lowered his sword and stopped spinning. The water armor continued to swirl around his body, keeping him safe for the time being. Grasping his stone in his hand, he closed his eyes and poured all of his concentration into the crystalline gem. When he felt it was right and enough energy had been accumulated, he opened his eyes, the water gem now glowing an unbelievably bright blue.

As his eyes opened, the water armor circling his feet dropped to the ground briefly, then burst up and outwards in a massive and loud explosion of water, killing the demons around him, and knocking the ones within a certain radius around him down. Running further north, he only drew closer to the backside of the demon army. As he ran, his water armor proved very effective in saving him from being impaled on many occasions. He swung his sword about as he passed demons to the side and the ones in front of him. In short, he was effectively cutting his own path to the back of the army, where Shafira and her generals were most likely to reside. Pausing a moment to look further up the battlefield, he could make out the shape of whom he thought was Shafira. "Almost there..." he thought, a rather determined look overcoming his face.

Before he continued, however, he remembered what the demon had said earlier about the order to kill any stone-bearers and collect their stone. He turned around to overlook the carnage of the battle that lay in front of him (as well as behind him, he hasn't reached his destination yet). "I hope you're faring well, comrades..." Saleh mouthed, no words coming out. As he turned to face his destination again, he ran forward about another twenty yards before stopping. He couldn't help but feel that he should worry about Shafira a little later, and now be more focused on helping his friends' stay alive. From what he could see a little ways off from where he himself was at, Saleh spotted a small clearing that was growing in size (where Touchi impaled Nakamura). Getting bad vibes from it, he cut across the battlefield in Nakamura's direction...
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!" Ka-Rosu roared, darting across the battlefield and mowing through any demons that got in his way. Ishikawa followed suit, slashing away any who stood in his path. The two of them reached the clearing shortly and acted out their newfound hatred for their former master.

"METEOR CRASH!!!" Ka-Rosu roared, launching himself high into the air.

"SHADOW SLASH!!!" Ishikawa screamed, swinging Morthoseth in a circular manner, creating a large blade of dark energy that rushed towards Touchi.

"Fools," Touchi mumbled, before holding out his hand. Ishikawa's attack stopped mid-flight and reversed its direction, crashing horrendously into Ishikawa's chest and sending him reeling.

Touchi looked up and willed Kilgorin to his hand, the sword responding by flying up into his grip. He waited a moment, than slashed upward. An enormous black blade shot up from Kilgorin and rocketed off into the air.

Ka-Rosu, holding an actual meteor in his hands due to his attack's magic, came plummeting down ready to drop onto Touchi. Ka-Rosu could feel himself getting closer, but suddenly had an overwhelming feeling of dread. That's when the meteor split in half, and Touchi's dark blade passed Ka-Rosu.

Touchi watched as the golem landed on his feet, but stumbled to keep his balance. "Even the golems shall fall at the hands of a servant of Shafira, he said, watching Ka-Rosu struggle to stay on his feet.

Ishikawa landed several meters away, and jumped to his feet quickly to fight off the demons that had suddenly swarmed him. Several jumped onto his back and tried to drag him down, while several more grabbed his legs and arms to hold him in place. That was when he saw Ka-Rosu, stumbling and gripping his side tightly.

"Ka-Rosu!!!" Ishikawa screamed, trying to shake as many of the demons off of him as he could. "Ka-Rosu!!!"

Ka-Rosu used the last bit of his strength, and reached around behind himself. He revealed the third sword that had been found within the caves of lost treasures. Anathar, sword of power.

"It's a little late to draw that sword, don't you think?" Touchi asked mockingly, waving Kilgorin teasingly in front of his nose. "You three have grown so strong. It's a shame you've learned nothing. Power is pointless if you don't know when to use it."

"Exactly," Ka-Rosu gasped out, swinging the sword down and slamming the tip into the ground. The earth beneath their feet shook violently and knocked both Ka-Rosu and Touchi to the ground. Touchi rose first, but quickly realized what had been done.

Ka-Rosu was gone, merged with the earth to heal his wounds. Touchi wouldn't allow that. He reached down, and his hand phased right through the ground without their being any shadow. Touchi pulled roughly, and up came Ka-Rosu.

"Very sneaky. But you'll have to do better in your next life to get away from me," Touchi whispered, plunging Kilgorin into Ka-Rosu's chest. The sword slipped in easily as if Ka-Rosu had flesh instead of stone for skin. Ka-Rosu's eyes widened in surprise and in agony. His body convulsed momentarily, before it became quite still. Touchi picked up Anatharos and Anathar, and hurled them towards the summit where the demon army originated, towards the demon generals.

"NO!!!" Ishikawa roared, his body glowing a bright silver color. Suddenly, two incredibly large, incredibly beautiful white wings burst forth from his back and slapped the demon horde away. Ishikawa roared in pain as the wings extended out and spread wide, reaching a massive wing span of twenty-five feet. "What? What the hell happened?" Ishikawa asked himself, before turning back to Touchi.

"You're awakening. Your true self has begun to awaken!" Touchi shouted, raising Kilgorin to eye level. "Kill me then, if you can." Touchi yelled, extending his own two black wings, much larger than Ishikawa's.
Startled at the smile Touchi gave her, the demon general let herself give him a soft gaze before turning to her army. Allarayne raised her sword, and Vikirnoff led the army ferociously. The mighty dragon rose several feet above the ground, and grand fire erupted from his mouth, badly frying several elves and neko-jins; sadly, those who were not able to get away were, so to speak, burned to a crisp. Her blood red eyes were blazing like Hell's very own inferno, and her Darkness Heart stone was a terrible color that resembled dry blood. She saw, with her quick reflexes, two swords that came her way. The general caught them both easily. Thinking that it would be "unfair" that she held such a legendary sword when the two other generals did not, she threw one to Zephyr and another to Aceline; she then turned in the direction from where the two swords came from, and found Touchi with his disciple, Ishikawa, she thought his name was, with beautiful white wings. Her eyes scanned the field. There was Shrirava, her swords swinging and slashing all those who opposed her, and her bonded and spirits were with her, attacking over and over again. The larger of the two birds flew up high and positioned itself before arrows came from its wings. It swooped down along with its feather-arrows, and its claws slashed and tore and ripped hearts out of many elves and neko-jins. Allarayne's eyes merely widened at the sight of so much blood, and a dangerous smile descended upon her face. "Come, Vikirnoff. It is time."

The ruby dragon roared its loudest before it settled itself down in the middle of the battlefield. Its eyes were pools of molten lava as his fiery breath became active. Allarayne jumped off gracefully, and, wielding Amallaetheus and Molotoch in one hand each, she channeled her Metal and Darkness elements into both swords. Amallaetheus' hilt instantly became cold to the touch, and Molotoch's silver blade had a slightly black tint to it. Her very own energy swirled around her, and several of the neko-jins and elves who had charged at her backed away. She pointed her Amallaetheus at them, and the darkness that swam around her channeled into the sword and wrapped itself tightly around a group of elves. Their fair complexion dimmed, and their eyes widened as the darkness tightened itself as Allarayne tightened her grip on the sword. She waved the sword sideways, and the darkness ripped the elves in half, blood spurting into the air like geysers.

She turned at the very feeling of energy, and found one of the more trained higher-ranked demons that Shafira gave to her, its gruesome hand outstretched, his eyes glazing over as it began to attack one of the elves that had managed to even get close to her steed. She gave him a fiendish nod before she turned to look at the various elves and neko-jins fighting her army of demons, half her mind focused on the war, and half her mind focused on Touchi.


Svinsahdra exhumed wind and ice immediately at the demons who charged at Shafira's command, her eyes frozen and dead set on helping her country win the war. She saw Vikirnoff descend, and her eyes glazed over. Zephyr, who was behind Svinsahdra wielding Alexavier and his Wind and Ice elements at the same time, had a terrible expression on his face. Demon attacks had not happened in a very long time, and the elven general felt out of practice. To his side was his brother, riding his horse as he charged into the demon army. To his other side was his father, who, while old compared to Bade and Zephyr and was not as fit as he used to be, still fought with the energy of five elven swordsmen. Zephyr smiled fondly at his family, and then, with Eoru and Alexavier's Sword spirit roaring behind him, he charged, screaming as he gave out a battle cry. Several elves on foot and on horse followed him. His eyes blazed at the sight of several of his comrades, several of the younger warriors who had to fight despite of their low-level training had been his friends. He raised his hand along with his sword, and wind enveloped itself around the sword as he hastily drew his three daggers, each of their hilts covered by ice. He thought to himself: In one way or another, all four of you, my blades, have served me. His eyes closed in reverence, and then opened as power escaped the general. Serve me once more, and help us win this war!

He threw Cadmus and Morwenna sideways at three demons who'd managed to close into him, and the two daggers slashed them in half, Thaddeus adding the finishing touch to the third demon. Alexavier, the Sword spirit, had merged with the blade, and the blade was glowing a golden yellow as wind encased its blade. Zephyr reached his hand out, and all three daggers found their way back into their master's experienced hand, and found themselves thrown back into the air as the movement continued. He gave his horse a gentle pat before he stood upon his saddle, and then landed in a crouching position, one leg stretched back as he leaned on the other, his blade held tightly against his outstretched knee. He shot off on his front leg, and, as he called back the three daggers, they stabbed several demons at once as Zephyr struck a demon and then spun like a hurricane, Ice and Wind changing in repeated succession as the element took over a demon's body, either freezing them completely or whipping them into shreds.

He heard a voice off to the left, "General Allarayne told us to kill any Stone wielder and bring the stone back to her."

Another asked, "Is he one of them?"

The first voice replied, "Looks like it."

He spun quickly, and, using Cadmus and Thaddeus, pierced the two demons' lungs instantly. "If you plan on trying to take my Stone away from me, try it stealthily." He retrieved the two daggers, and then faced the rest of the demon army.

He turned at the sight of something sharp coming his way, and he caught it; he looked in Allarayne's direction and saw the Malonian general smirk. He frowned for a moment, and then began using it with Alexavier.


Cathayna, glaring at all of the elves and neko-jins who thought they would be powerful enough to defeat her, had Ranind and Riorath attack viciously at her command. Her two Stone spirits were hovering above her, attacking at elf and neko-jin alike while their mistress battled with Earthenstriker and Elvenslayer. Along with her sword strikes, she was also kicking. She looked like a war goddess, the way her arms and legs moved so rapidly, and her elements of Earth and Stone were also helping. The Earth beneath her feet was opening up, dragging many of the elves and neko-jins several feet under; her Stone element grew boulders and began hurling themselves down at the unsuspecting enemies. She decided that she would cover more ground if her bonded and her spirits split up- "Dyrdaran, take Ranind with you and attack the elves. Chraythin, take Riorath with you and attack the neko-jins."

They nodded at her, and set off to do their assigned tasks. Cathayna observed the hundreds of warriors that had gathered on the battlefield, and then summoned her Stone to encase several of the two other species, and then released her strength over Earth that swallowed up the Stone encasing. As she turned the other way and held out her swords to do the same thing to any of the two species that had gotten to the demons' side of the war, she caught sight of two beautiful wings and--Ishikawa!? She scanned his surroundings, and saw his master, Touchi, and stifled a gasp as her Earthenstriker clanged in her defense as an elf came up from behind. Instinctively, she wanted to run to him and aid him, but as she saw one of the elven head in Ishikawa's direction, she breathed the breath she didn't realize she was holding. Even if he may be your master, Ishikawa, remember. I wish it. Whisk me away after this war. I wish it.


Cibynel and Exosivian graced the field from their position in the air as Aceline rode in with her army. She had her bow and arrows drawn, and was more determined than ever to win the war. Strengthened by her feelings for Zephyr, the determination to keep her father alive, and her feelings for her country, she shot three arrows, two of lightning and one of earth. She smiled instantly as her three arrows pummeled through several demons at once--some of them were just so unlucky to have been standing behind one another--and her smile vanished and was replaced by fierceness. Her lightning was striking down many demons at once, and her earth powered Exosivian much more as Cibynel provided the female general's energy. This is war, she kept on reminding herself.

This is war.

Aceline saw something then flash in the sky, and her arms instinctively reached out. It was a sword. She was never one to battle with swords, but she figured it had to settle. She turned at the horde of demons running toward her, and attacked viciously.
A little in shock by Etaine's words, Rye let Preia walk away from him. He didn't like the thought of not being able to have her in his sights at all times.

"She'll be safe in the back lines with the other archers, Rye," Saleh reassured. "The demons will have to get through us to even begin to reach the archer battlements!"

"I guess it is for the best," Rye answered as he watched Preia join the other archers. And I, as sure as hell won't let any demons get passed me.

"I'll see you on the battlefield, friend," said Saleh as he raced off into battle.

"Wait!" Rye called after the elf. Unlike his comrades, Rye had never experienced battle before. Fear not, I am with you, Rye heard the spirit of the acclaimed Gaian Knight Zealous whisper through his mind.

Rye drew his sword and rushed after Saleh, but was stopped when demon soldiers appeared in front of him. Without hesitation, Rye swung down his sword, instantly slaying the three demons in his path. Panting with surprise, Rye's eyes darted back and forth around him; a sudden rush of adrenalin pulsing through is body. Something inside of him had been broken; a barrier that had been keeping something at bay. Whatever it was had been unleashed. Slowly wiping away the blood of his enemy that had splattered across his cheek, Rye felt excited, very excited. His demon blood became dominant in his veins and he craved to see more blood, and feel its moisture against his skin.

"He wields Valermos," he heard a demon shout. Rye looked down at the demon-blade he held, raising an eyebrow at the recognition it held. "It's the son of King Andreas!" shouted another.

Rye's head flicked to the right to reveal eyes that were a more intense red, at the enemy. Grinning, he moved swiftly, impaling the demon on his sword before pinning him on the ground under his knee.

"Uggh," the demon wheezed. "You are a the son of...our ruler..."

"I know," Rye replied, interpreting the demon's words in a different way than what was meant.

"Kill him! Kill the son of Andreas, and bring his stone back to General Allarayne!"

Rye's ears pricked at the statement! "Don't call me that!" he roared, rising from the dead body on the ground and racing after the culprit. His sword struck his enemy's, and they were stuck in a battle of strength. Gritting his teeth, Rye pushed with everything he had. He could see that his enemy was doing the same.

"Traitor!" the demon said between clenched teeth.

Rye growled and pushed forward harder, the enemy's sword snapping in two beneath Valermos. With the same swing, Valermos slid easily into the demon's armor, cutting through his shoulder. The demon let out a shout of pain as he fell to one knee.

"I can see your demon blood is stronger."

Annoyed by the truth in the words, Rye raised Valermos, and killed the demon execution style. Looking up in time to see Vikirnoff attack from above, Rye used his life-force and the power of the lighting heart stone to create a barrier that shielded him like an umbrella.

Witnessing members of his alliance burn to their deaths alive, Rye growled at the ruby dragon, considering about hitting it with lighting before hacking away at it with Valermos. When he saw Svinsahdra, he realized she had in under control, so he pressed forward, fulfilling his thirst for blood with every demon he slayed.

Rye Netherdrake. Use your demon blood as a tool. Don't let it use you, again came the whisper of Zealous. Rye half dismissed the words, telling himself he was in control.

Ahead, of him, Rye could see clusters of demons spill onto the battlefield. He was quite sure that none of his allies would've reached that area as yet except for perhaps Saleh. Deciding to take the risk of killing his friend, who probably wasn't even in the area, Rye looked up to the sky. The lighting heart-stone, dangling from Valermos' hilt, and Ryes slitted pupils began to glow. All of a sudden, dark grey clouds hid the blue sky away, small lighting bolts in the midst. As the sky darkened, Rye reached his right hand above him, his fingers outstretched. With his lips slightly apart, he looked as though he was longing for something from the dark sky. The clouds circled slowly above the battlefield, thunder rumbling every now and then.

Some Demons, Neko-jin and Elves looked up to see the disturbance in the sky. Realizing Rye, standing firmly with his hand reaching up to the heavens was the culprit, a demon charged towards him. "Quickly, kill him before he attacks!" the demon yelled. Demons turned and ran from all angles towards Rye. Out of nowhere, Midknight launched at one of the demons, mauling his face. With his great speed and agility, the black panther defended his master. Please hurry Master. There's too many, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, Midknight pleaded.

When he was satisfied with the size of the bolt, Rye set his sights on the targeted area. Swiftly, he brought his outstretched arm down in front of him. At the same time with the motion of his arm, a large lightning bolt struck the targeted area, causing the ground to explode, sending demons flying into the air and landing dead on the ground, electrically fried. Rye smiled at the carnage and pressed forward, his heart stone still aglow, turning around to fire small bolts of lighting at the foes against Midknight.
Lilith watched the carnage in front of her with eyes filled with blood-lust, licking her lips every now and then in anticipation of the necks she would sever with her blade. Shafira had to smirk at the young demoness' thoughts, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Who is it that you seek?" the goddess questioned, noticing the girls eyes darting around the battle-field.

"The elven bitch who stole my brother from me;" Lilith paused, looking to her goddess, "Fayria's reincarnation," Shafira's lips twisted sadistically.

"Fayria's reincarnation, eh?" she murmured, searching for said elf before turning back to Lilith, "Look to the archers."

Lilith did so, her cool eyes lighting up when she spotted the blonde elf among the many archers.

"Her life is mine!" she hissed, diving through the battlefield to get to the other side.


After firing another round of arrows, Preia paused and gazed out at the battle filed, seeking Rye's form. Finding it, she gasped in surprise, eyes widening at his actions.

He looks like he's enjoying it!

It's his demon blood, Fayria's voice whispered urgently, he was never taught to control it in battle, I'm afraid it may be taking over his mind. Preia, hurry, you must fire an arrow at-

I'm not shooting at Rye!

Not Rye! A demon close to him! Your light may be able to help him control it!

Gulping slightly, Preia pulled her bows string back, an arrow of light forming before she loosed it, the golden shaft striking the demon just behind Rye and causing it to fall dead.

Preia watch out! Whirling at Night Runner's distressed whinny, Preia barely managed to bring her bow up to block Lilith's scythe, the demoness having dived down from above her.

"Today you die, elf!" she screamed, swinging the scythe again.

Preia dodged, running to Night Runner and jumping onto his back.

"Go! Down onto the battlefield; we have to get her away from the other archers!" The stallion whinnied and took off down the hill at top speed, jumping over demons and finally landing smoothly. Lilith followed quickly, landing a few feet from Preia.

Stepping down from her horse, Preia held her sword tightly in both hands. Lilith growled at the demons that started to move towards the elf, backing off instantly.

"No one touch the elf; her blood is mine."

Preia brought her sword up, dodging around Lilith's next attack. Almost tripping over her long robe, Preia stopped briefly, grabbing the end of the garment.

'How did she fight in this?!' slashing through the material, Preia dropped the end and took a step forward in the now knee-length robe. Grinning, she dodged around another of Lilith's attacks, this time swinging her own sword back at the demoness and leaving a deep gash in her shoulder.

Lilith hissed and dived at Preia, the elf parrying the scythes blade with her sword.

Suddenly bringing the blade up, Lilith managed to knock Preia away from her and towards the ground. Preia grit her teeth and rolled to keep from landing on her stomach, panting slightly when she turned to face the now sadistic looking demon.

"You're mine now, little elf," she cackled, walking forwards with her scythe poised.
Midknight padded on next to Rye, as they moved through the battlefield. I'm not sure I like that look in your eyes, Master.

What are you talking about Midknight? This is war, we are to kill the enemy and I am doing just that, Rye replied not realizing he was any different.

As Rye treaded on through the battle field, he felt something strike his back. He flinched, feeling a pleasant tingle run up his spine. Spinning around, he caught the sight of a demon fall dead, with a golden arrow in his back. Frowning in confusion, he turned around again to move forward, but stopped to think. The surge of adrenalin had quickly subsided, and his pupils returned to their normal state. Looking down at his hand, clenching it a few times, he realized he felt less energized and slower than he was before.

That was a holy arrow, Midknight pondered aloud.

Rye smiled, knowing that Preia was protecting him, he turned around to give her a look of recognition but his smile quickly died. What he saw made the spirit of Zealous scream within his mind. Preia was being threatened by a demon.

"MIDKNIGHT!" Rye cried as he leaped onto the panther's back.

Let's go! Midknight replied as he sprinted towards Preia.

She should never have had to draw her sword! Rye cursed to himself. As he raced towards her, he saw her get knocked to the ground, revealing the demoness who struck her. Rye's eyes widened, before contracting into slits again. His heartbeat hastened, pulsing the blood through his body. He grinned and laughed quietly to himself, at the sudden surge of adrenalin again.

When he was close enough, he jumped off Midknight's back and leapt over Preia, as he brought his sword down to clash with Lilith's scythe. With his other hand, he buried it behind the girls head and yanked her hair back, hearing her gasp at the sudden attack.

"Dear sister," Rye purred into the demoness' ear, a smirk on his face. "You were not thinking of harming my woman, now were you?"
As Saleh proceeded forwards toward the area where Saleh spotted Ishikawa and Touchi, a massive crack of lightning struck the mass of demons that lay in front of him. As the explosion from the ground erupted, twenty or so demons were lifted into the air, already dead before they left the ground. Saleh spun his sword back and forth, slaying the demons' in front of him. Looking up overhead, the demons' that had been lifted into the air by the lightning blast were now falling down to the earth. Dodging and side-stepping around them, Saleh stopped a moment to see where the source of the lightning-based attacks were coming from.

Looking for a few moments, he spotted Rye standing atop a somewhat small mound of upraised earth, plenty of dead demons' lay surrounding him. From what Saleh could tell, it seemed Rye was actually enjoying the endowments of battle. "That's the kind of spirit you need!" Saleh thought, obviously dismissing that Rye's demon blood must've kicked in to bring about such a bloodlust. An arrow of golden light fell from the sky and landed in the back of a demon near Rye. Shortly after that, Saleh could no longer see Rye as he disappeared to another part of the battlefield.

Looking back to Ishikawa and Touchi, which the two of them were now much easier to see, for a pair of gigantic black wings and white wings now stretched across the battlefield. "I need to hurry..." Saleh thought as he proceeded across the carnage towards his ally. Only making his way about twenty or thirty yards forward, General Allarayne and her dragon Vikirnoff landed in the middle of Saleh's path. Watching several of his elf and neko-jin comrades back away from her, anger rained through his emotions as he watched her carelessly slaughter them all with a wave of her sword.

Running forward, Saleh spun around and countered many of the demons that were trying to overtake him, dropping many of them to the ground in lifeless clumps of flesh. As he did this, he came to realize there were no more neko-jin or elves in the area surrounding Allarayne. The demons had successfully managed to overwhelm that part of the battlefield. Not caring much that he was by himself now, he leapt high into the air in a burst of water and wind, disappearing into the sun's shadow. As he came down overhead, he brought his sword down towards a rather brute-like demon that seemed to be well-trained and protecting Allarayne.

With a stroke of his sword and the momentum of his fall, Saleh's blade broke into the well-trained demon's hardened skin along his neck and shoulder. With the momentum of his fall and the force Saleh put into his slash, his blade continued down through the demon and cleaved it in half. Standing before Allarayne, now panting and covered in the mixed blood of the demon he had just slain and the countless demons' he had already slain, Saleh lifted his sword upwards towards Allarayne and pointed it at her, a rather angry look overcoming his face.
Ishikawa crashed into the ground, a loud crack could be heard from his left arm which was now angled in a very painful way.

"Ishikawa. You're still holding back. What are you afraid of?" Touchi asked, walking over to the fallen form of his disciple.

"I'm not afraid of you, that's for certain," Ishikawa retorted, climbing to his feet. He grabbed his arm with his uninjured one and snapped it back into place with a pained growl. He knelt down and picked up Luciendar and pointed it at Touchi. "Is this how it's going to be for the rest of eternity? I can't kill you not being a servant of Shafira, but I won't be killed by you either. I've found something to live for."

"Don't you mean someone?" Touchi asked, bringing a shocked expression to Ishikawa's face. "Yes. I know of you and Cathayna. I knew all along. Who do you think put her up to it?"

"LIAR!!!" Ishikawa shouted, lunging at Touchi's throat with Luciendar and Morthoseth. Touchi stepped to the side and slammed the ridge of his hand into the back of Ishikawa's neck, sending the young demon reeling.

"Believe it, or don't believe it. But demons will be demons."

Ishikawa ran at Touchi again, this time with Morthoseth in the lead. "BLADES OF DESPAIR!!!" Ishikawa roared, Morthoseth glowing brightly as he brought the sword across in a long arc, followed by an upward slash crossing the previous one. Two large black blades appeared and rushed across the divide between Ishikawa and Touchi, who just stood with a grin.

The attack exploded, killing at least fifty or so demons. But Touchi was not amongst them. Ishikawa turned frantically, but left his back open for attack. Ishikawa grimaced and turned his head, looking into the face of his former master.

"How can you expect to beat me if you don't use your full potential?"
"Rye!" Preia gasped when he leapt over her and blocked Lilith's strike, pulling the demoness back by her hair.

"Dear sister," he purred into the demoness' ear, a smirk on his face. "You were not thinking of harming my woman, now were you?"

Lilith froze, bloody eyes wide in shock at what had just occurred. Her brother was protecting the elf and attacking her!

Noticing how the elf flushed when Rye called her 'his woman', Lilith's anger and hatred began to boil in her blood, her grip tightening on her scythe's handle.

"You choose to protect her over joining me, brother?" Lilith hissed back, voice darker and more sinister then it had ever been before, "then I shall kill you both!" ripping away from his grasp, Lilith whirled and growled at Rye. Multiple strands of the demon princess's hair were still held in Rye's grasp, but she had felt nothing, only cold, angry hatred that had once been obsession.

Preia, get up! nudging his mistress urgently, Night Runner whinnied until she finally stood, supporting the slightly shaky elf.

There are demons coming, mistress, take them out with your arrows! Preia looked back to where the siblings stood facing each other, biting her lip.

"But Rye..."

Keeping the demons away will help him! nodding, Preia morphed her sword back into it's bow form, drawing various arrows of light and loosing them at the demons that came closer. 'Be careful, Rye.'

"Your blood shall be mine, brother!" Lilith snarled, diving at him with her scythe poised to strike. She would not forgive this betrayal until his head had been severed along with the elf's.
Allarayne's eyes caught quick sight of a figure moving toward her quickly, and she smiled unpleasantly at the elven warrior who'd made his way toward her. She noticed the "threatening" sword pointed in her direction, and she noticed the rather angry expression he had on his face. "Why, elf," she murmured dangerously, her red eyes narrowing into slits as she stared at the very tip of his blade, said eyes burning with malevolent rage. "You wish to take me on by yourself?" She stood up and jumped off of the seat she had occupied on Vikirnoff's neck. She held a fierce grasp on Molotoch as she felt its power surge through her, Amallaetheus nearly pulsing with the energy of the Darkness Stone, and the Stone itself roaring with power. She had a gleeful, devilish smile on her face as she sauntered toward Saleh's outstretched blade.

A dark look crossed her eyes as she recognized the Stone around his neck, before a smirk crossed her elegant mouth. "I see you wield one of the Stones, young one," she whispered as she lowered the tip of his sword forcefully as she held her two swords in one hand. The other hand reached up and caressed his face, a long finger tracing down from his cheek, down to his neck, and then finally stopping and curling around the blue Stone. She leaned in closer, and then murmured into his ear, "It's such a shame that I'll have to kill you for it." She closed her eyes demurely, and when they opened, there was nothing but raw hatred in them. She grasped the Stone tightly in her hand, and pulled Saleh close. She formed a fist with her free hand, and then punched Saleh's stomach, sending the elven warrior hurling into several of the trees. She ran so fast at him that it almost seemed as if she flew.

"Have it me then, elf. Then you'll know why I've remained general for so long in a country where so many generals have perished from the hands of mere commoners." Her two swords were held in two hands once more as she claimed a battle stance. "Only two people have beaten, or have come close to beating me, and young one, let me assure you that you are definitely either one of them."
Ishikawa roared in pain, the searing sensation in his back creating a splitting headache. He looked down and saw Kilgorin's blade sticking out from his stomach, having entered through his back.

"Ishikawa. This feud shall not continue for an eternity. Only for as long as it takes for me to kill you."

"Like I said. I have someone to live for." Ishikawa pushed himself off of the sword and spun around, slashing Touchi across his chest with Luciendar.

The sword brightened at the sensation of cutting through demon flesh, and brought a questioning look from both Touchi and Ishikawa. Ishikawa looked up at Touchi then, and smiled.

"Look who got hurt by his student."

Touchi's angry face was sufficient enough that all the demon soldiers surrounding the two backed away a significant amount. "Well, at least I know there is one thing I can do that you can't. Not even Nakamura could figure out the secret of flight, it being difficult to obtain for a flightless breed," Touchi explained, before his own wings flapped and carried him from the ground.

"You can fly?" Ishikawa asked himself, before looking at his own wings. "Then I can too." Ishikawa began flexing his back muscles, trying desperately to make his wings move.

"It's pointless. Not even you can fly without proper teaching." Touchi called out, before diving straight for Ishikawa. Touchi neared his intended target, and held Kilgorin poised for a killing strike. But the attack never landed. Touchi spun in the air, and his jaw almost dropped.

There was Ishikawa, floating gracefully before him. His wings beating softly as they kept him aloft.

"My desire to protect the one I love gives me the power to excel. What drives you, master?"
You choose to protect her over joining me, brother?" Lilith hissed back, voice darker and more sinister then it had ever been before, "then I shall kill you both!"

Lilith tore away from Rye's grasp, leaving Rye with a chunk of hair in his hand. He smiled darkly at her, raising the clump of hair to his nose to take in her scent, in an attempt to stir and mock the young demoness. Moving his hand away from his face, the strands of hair tangled between his fingers started to singe before burning within a small flame he had created with his fire magic.

"Your blood shall be mine, brother!" Lilith snarled, diving at him with her scythe poised to strike.

"Then come," he replied calmly, flicking away any remains of ash from his hand and lunging towards is sister. He brought his sword down to meet her scythe, holding it in front of them both.

"My, my. Hasn't father spoilt you so?" Rye smirked, his face inches from hers. "Is this how you always react when you don't receive what you desire?"
Lilith was furious, eyes staring at Rye's that mirrored hers perfectly.

"Thou are of mine own flesh and blood!" she snarled, pushing against his blade, "it is my right to claim your head for this treachery!" she swung out with her blade and managed to push him back several steps before diving at him again, fangs bared.

Preia bit her lip as she watched them, then turned and jumped on Night Runner's back, surprising the stallion.


"We're going to find Zephyr." The stallion whinnied and took off into the battle field, Preia loosing arrows at the demons who got to close.

Finally spotting the elven general, the girl jumped off Night Runner's back and raced to him, grabbing his arm when he had finished with the demon he'd been battling.

"Zephyr! I think something 's wrong with Rye," she paused, waiting to make sure he'd heard her over the commotion of the battle, "I think his demon blood may be taking over, and not only that, but he's fighting Lilith! Please come with me uncle Zephyr, I'm really worried!"
Zephyr resumed his crouching stance immediately after, and then shot off for another part of the field. His five blades, including the blade that the demon general had tossed his way, were attacking again and again simultaneously as his eyes scanned the field. Aceline was still fighting with the demons over to her side of the field. He noticed that the number of elves and neko-jins were decreasing rapidly, and so he quickened his movements, determined to even the numbers. Then, as he sliced down a demon, he heard a familiar gallop coming toward him, and he turned to the view of his adopted niece, Preia, who had a very worried expression on his face. His eyes narrowed, and then asked gently, "Preia?"

"Zephyr! I think something's wrong with Rye," she said frantically, and then that caught his attention. His Ice and Wind elements flared out, immediately killing any demons who threatened to come closer, and he motioned for Svinsahdra, Eoru, and the spirit of Alexavier, and they instantly began fighting once more. Eoru and Alexavier stayed close to their master, while Svinsahdra went off in Vikirnoff's direction; Zephyr felt her telepathically calling out to Exosivian. Then he turned his attention to Preia, motioning for the girl to continue. "I think his demon blood may be taking over, and not only that, but he's fighting Lilith!" His eyes became slits at the mention of the demon girl's name. "Please come with me uncle Zephyr, I'm really worried!"

Zephyr gave her a quick nod and whistled for Silverwind, who came galloping faithfully. He mounted the horse, and then followed Preia back to where Rye was, throwing and reclaiming his daggers at the demons who dared come closer. He dismounted upon reaching their destination, and, there, his eyes widened from their earlier slits dramatically. He felt the sudden change in the atmosphere at Rye's amazing energy, and he could understand why his adopted niece was so worried. He wanted to reach out to the boy, but couldn't figure out an appropriate way - "appropriate" meaning that he didn't interfere at all with the course of Rye's fight. He pulled Preia close to her and gave her an endearing hug. He whispered to her, gently, "I'll handle this, Preia. Don't worry." He rubbed circles on her back so as to soothe the girl.

Rye! he sent out telepathically. You're letting your demon blood control you! No! Youmust control it, and not the other way around! He let his Wind and Ice start gathering around the boy, but then remembered Rye's control over Fire and Lightning, and then instantly pulled back. He would be easily conquered, even if he was the elder and had more practice. He resorted back to telepathy, knowing full well that he could not make Rye follow him with compulsion, and therefore resorted to pleading. Rye, Preia is worried about you, scared for you. Controlyour blood! His grip on Alexavier was tight despite his sweaty palms, and he gazed imploringly at the half-neko-jin, half-demon man.


Exosivian! Svinsahdra called out to the emerald dragon that was roaring at the demons who came close to her mistress.

Exosivian's long neck swiveled around and stared placidly at Svinsahdra. Yes?

Svinsahdra twitched her neck in a certain ruby dragon's direction, and then Exosivian's eyes hardened as she turned to Aceline for permission. Aceline caught her dragon's gaze and she nodded swiftly. Defeat him.

The two dragons roared triumphantly, and then headed over to where the other dragon was rampaging. Vikirnoff sensed their energies, and he turned to them with a cruel smile. "So you've come to be defeated then?" His voice was deep and rumbling. His face looked as if there were something vilely unpleasant under his nose. "Very well."

The three dragons ascended into the open air, and began firing attacks at each other, Earth, Ice, and Wind against malicious Fire.
A single bead of sweat rolled down Saleh's face as his sword was forced downwards. Much more to his dislike, the Malonian general stroked the side of his face tauntingly before taking grasp of the water stone around his neck. Struggling to step back a little to put more of a distance between himself and Allarayne, Saleh raised his free hand to take grasp around the wrist of her hand which held the stone.

"It's such a shame that I'll have to kill you for it." She closed her eyes demurely, and when they opened, there was nothing but raw hatred in them.

"Then it'll be such a shame to tell you that you won't be getting the stone anytime soon..." Saleh was cut off as she delivered a swift, hard punch to his gut, and despite his battle armor, his breath escaped him entirely as he flew back ten or so yards, slamming back first into a tree. Landing in a crouch, Saleh stumbled upwards to his feet, pointing his sword tip first at Allarayne.

"Have at me then, elf. Then you'll know why I've remained general for so long in a country where so many generals have perished from the hands of mere commoners."

"Your over confidence will be your death!" Saleh blurted out as she quickly charged him, almost looking as though she were flying at him. Judging his timing as she was only a few feet from him, he fell down onto his butt and leaned backwards slightly, extending his sword, tip-first, towards Allarayne, who rushed at him with such speed, it'd be un-imaginable to slow down before being impaled. She was the General of Malo for a reason though.
"Thou are of mine own flesh and blood!" Lilith snarled, pushing against his blade, "it is my right to claim your head for this treachery!"

Swinging out her blade, Rye was pushed back a few steps. He giggled to himself as he caught his balance.

"I'd welcome death sooner than let you take me to our father's side," he said, before rolling away from her attack.

Rye! You're letting your demon blood control you! No! You must control it, and not the other way around! came the voice of Zephyr.

Feeling a cold wind, in the corner of his eye he saw ice and wind begin to grow around him. Growling at the interruption, he was about to question Zephyr's allegiance when the icy attack subsided.

Rye, Preia is worried about you, scared for you. Control your blood!

I AM in control, Rye growled back telepathically back to Zephyr.

In those few moments that Rye stood still to argue with the elven general, Lilith almost caught Rye off guard, causing Rye to leap and tumble along the ground to avoid being cut in half.

Just shut up for a while, you're distracting me! I can finish this in minutes if I wanted to!
Preia bit her lip as she watched Rye continue to battle with Lilith, apparently ignoring Zephyr's words judging by the look on her uncle's face. Clutching tightly to her bow, she decided she needed to try to get through to him before anything happened.

Rye, please stop, she sent quietly, keeping her eyes fixed on the battling duo, I don't want to see you get hurt, and no matter what you think, your demon blood isstarting to gain control over you! You're scarring me... the last bit was admitted very quietly, almost inaudible in the telepathic conversation.

Lilith growled and dived at her brother again, scythe aimed towards his chest. This time, she would not miss!
Rye, please stop, came the voice of Preia. Rye was close to telling her to shut up as well when she continued. I don't want to see you get hurt, and no matter what you think, your demon blood isstarting to gain control over you! You're scarring me...

Her last words cut through his heart and Rye stopped running to look at her. He parted his lips to say something but was cut deeper with the pained expression on her face and the tears in her eyes.

Then, everything seemed to play in slow motion as the world around him went silent. He turned his head back to see Lilith's scythe pommel towards him. All he could do was blink, noticing too late that the scythe had sliced into his armor, cutting through his collar bone and ribs, the slash ending just above his hip.

Not being able to feel a thing, he knew his mind had gone into shock. He was thankful that the armor he wore hid the fact from Preia that he was dying, but became angry that blood gushed out from under his breast plate, painting the bronze armor wrapped around his hip and legs a shiny crimson. He felt it spill onto the hand that held Valermos by his side.

Dropping his sword, he raised his bloodied hand towards Lilith's face, resting it on her cheek before he gently scraped at her face as he fell to the ground, leaving smears of blood across her face, the same colour as her eyes.
"Rye!" Lilith watched with a wickedly satisfied smirk, licking the blood from her face as if it were candy.

Preia ran from her uncle's side and collapsed on her knees beside Rye's bruised and bloodied body, placing her hands gently on is wound to try and slow the bleeding but pulling back when he gave a sharp gasp.

"It's all my fault," eyes filling with tears, Preia looked to his face and shut her eyes to keep from sobbing out, "I shouldn't have said anything! I distracted you, I caused this!"

Lilith grinned as she watched the two, taking a step forward before leaping into the air above them with her scythe raised above her head.

"Two for the price of one!" she screeched as she descended upon them.
In that very moment, every bit of self-control Zephyr had been forcing down upon himself disappeared as if they'd never existed. His dark blue eyes widened and his elements swirled around his body like whips, forming a sort of transparent cocoon over him. He roared with anger, and his eyes blazed like somebody had kindled fire behind them, and every bit of emotion shined through: Anger. Despair. Rage. Sadness. He became as transparent as any other emotionally unstable person in the three nations. He gave another scream as his wind quickly transported him in front of Preia and Rye, Alexavier raised up in front of him, the blade tinted gold and blue. His elements swum around him and around Lilith, forming a sort of barrier that nobody could pierce even if they released all of their elemental energy. He pushed Lilith off roughly, and took three long strides toward her, fury radiating off of his form. Alexavier was held out, its blade gathering energy on its tip that flew from the very tip down to the hilt.

"You," he said, his voice low, dark, and threatening. "You. Little. Bitch!" He caught sight of Lilith's paling face, and his free hand was outstretched in the direction of her scythe. Ice covered it from tip to tip, and then he clenched his fist. He opened it forcefully, and the scythe broke into several bits of ice. "You. Spoiled. Little. Bitch!" He regained his crouching position - his eyes gleamed at the sight of fear in Lilith's eyes - and leaned on his outstretched foot. He quickly kicked off, shouting his head off as his elements roared around him. His Wind gripped Lilith's throat. His Ice froze her in place, creating some sort of ice slab that the very Ice element chained her to. Alexavier, pulsating with power, impaled the demon princess to it, first striking her stomach, then her lungs, and finally her heart. Lilith fell limp against his sword, and he then withdrew Alexavier. He whispered, "My sword is worth too much to let rust in demon's blood."

He instantly felt a warm presence ghosting over him, and he felt the familiar touch of Aceline. His shoulders sagged slightly, as if being enveloped in an invisible embrace, and he heard Aceline's telepathic voice whisper to him, comfortingly in his ear, Zephyr... It's done... She'sdone...

Zephyr felt as if his anger was suddenly being washed away. Aceline... Thank you... Aceline's presence then disappeared, most likely off to battle once more. He took control over himself once more, and then turned to Preia and Rye. Rye-- the half-breed was a mess. There was blood spilling out everywhere. He found himself inwardly cringing at the sight. He turned to Preia, pulled the girl slightly away from Rye, and then held her gently in his arms as he gazed with pity at Rye's body.

Oh, Etaine... Please... Let me help the boy... he prayed silently. Iaccused him of being on the wrong side. Iaccused Preia's heart of loving the wrong one... His heart wrenched tightly. If it should be anyone bleeding to death, it should be me. Please, Etaine... Help me help him... Please... He, whom Preia loves so much... He does not deserve this. He bowed his head ever so slightly.

He gazed at Rye, then at Preia in his arms, and then back at Rye. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... This is all my fault... Out loud, he murmured desperately into Preia's ear, "I'm so sorry..."
Rye coughed a few times, feeling Preia's hands against his wounds. Turning his head to the side, he let the blood that pooled in his mouth dribble out passed his lips and cheek to darken the ground.

Please, Preia. I don't want you to see me like this, he said telepathically, starting to feel dizzy.

Knowing that Zephyr had taken over the fight, he wasn't sure of much else that was going on. The shock subsiding, Rye began to give in to the pain. He couldn't hear much else than his loud heartbeat, and couldn't see much else than the world whirling around into a blur. He was unaware that Preia had been pulled away from him by Zephyr, only moments ago.

Please, don't look...
Please, Preia. I don't want you to see me like this; and his weak words in her mind only caused Preia to sob harder into Zephyr's chest, clinging to her uncle for support despite her fear of him only moments beforehand.

So distraught, the young elf didn't notice Etaine descending behind she and Zephyr, eyes gazing sadly upon Rye. Stepping forward, she placed a hand on the elven generals shoulder to get his attention.

"Zephyr," she spoke softly, not wanting to disturb Preia anymore then she already was, "I cannot interfere directly, but I can aid through another way. If you truly want to save him, and you truly believe that it is possible, then this small gift will allow you to save him," a small light transferred from Etaine's fingertips into the generals shoulder before the goddess smiled sadly once more and stepped back, disappearing once more to the archer's mount.

Rye's fate was in Zephyr's hands now.
Zephyr flinched at Etaine's sudden appearance, and then he felt something warm flow through him as the goddess said, "Zephyr, I cannot interfere directly, but I can aid through another way. If you truly want to save him, and you truly believe that it is possible, then this small gift will allow you to save him." The very same warmth then began gathering at the tip of his shoulder, and then Zephyr gave Etaine a final, grateful nod, before the goddess stepped back in line with the archery defense. He began rubbing circles on Preia's back over and over again, wanting to somehow soothe her, to transfer all of her pain to him instead, because he did not want to see Preia suffering. Preia-- if there was any way to transfer the pain you feel to me, I would gladly accept it, he murmured to her mind. I would take it all away from you.

Then, he gently let go of the girl and turned all of his attention to Rye. He softly caressed the halfling's wounds, feeling Etaine's "gift" work through his fingers. The edges of his handsome, dark blue eyes had tears, and as he continued to heal Rye, the said tears began descending down the general's flushed face. He directed any and all of his negative emotions inwardly, and tried to force hope out. Tried to force back in the thoughts of him being too late, of him being the very cause of this dilemma, and tried to force onto the surface the optimism that he had always admired in his adopted niece. Rye... he projected telepathically, his voice racked with sobs that he now freely released. Please... Live-- even if not for our country, even if not for me... Please. Live for Preia... He ran his hands over and over again on his wounds, not stopping until he made sure the bones within Rye had healed. After he made sure every wound was sealed, his body shuddered as he heaved one last sob, created a sort of platform with his Ice, gently cooled it with his Wind, and then placed Rye on top of it.

Live for Preia, Rye.
Rye blinked groggily, very slowly. He could see Lady Etaine talking to Zephyr and Preia sobbing to herself. He couldn't hear what was being said, his gurgled wheeze blocking out all other sounds. Wishing he could comfort Preia, he looked at her down his outstretched arm, tensing his fingers, wishing he could get his arm off the ground to reach for her. Tears welling in his own eyes, he unwillingly succumbed to the darkness of unconsciousness.

He began to dream. He dreamt of the time he was just a young boy, the village women tearing their children away from him and scolding them for playing with the demon child. He dreamt of the time he sobbed into his mothers breast, relishing her soothing stroke against his hair. He dreamt of the fated day he said goodbye to his beloved sister and brother in-law, to begin a quest of self discovery. He caught a glimpse of a black haired girl collapsing under him; A man in pearly white armor questioning him, who became a comrade and good friend, Saleh; the beautiful and powerful raven-haired female general, Aceline; and his demon brethren, whom he wasn't sure even to the end if they were allies or enemies.

Rye... came a soothing voice, breaking through his visions, causing them to disappear. It was Zephyr. Rye's mind created another dream. He and Zephyr knelt on tatami mats at a table, dressed in robes, drinking sake together.

"Please... Live-- even if not for our country, even if not for me... Please. Live for Preia..." Zephyr said before sculling the sake.

Rye held the cup to his lips but did not drink. The cup slid from his fingers and crashed upon the table, spilling the sake it held. He then found himself lying in grass staring up at the beautiful elven girl.

"And I'll be looking out for you to, you know... on the battlefield, I mean," she said to him. "So I won't be letting you leave me either, Rye, not for a long time."

Live for Preia, Rye.


Rye opened his eyes sharply with a soft gasp. He stared up at the grey sky above him, feeling a little confused and disoriented. Turning his head, he felt the wet cold of the icy bed he lay on. He stared at Zephyr and Preia, not finding the words to speak. That's when the sound around him kicked in. The sound of war.

"What, happened to me?"
Preia froze when she heard Rye's voice, her eyes widening as she turned slowly.

"Rye..." her voice started out as a whisper, then grew louder when she saw that she wasn't dreaming, "Rye!" the elf scuttled hurriedly to his side, collapsing into relieved sobs as she leaned heavily on his chest.

"Rye... thank goddess..." she pushed the tears back, offering him a weak smile, "I thought you'd left me; you almost died Rye."
Ishikawa landed on his back with a soft thud. His body battered and beaten from the fight with his more experienced former master. But Touchi was not without his own share of injuries. He landed beside Ishikawa, one of his arms limp, and grimaced.

"Indeed you have become very powerful Ishikawa. But without the knowledge of how to use that power, your are still powerless," Touchi whispered, loud enough for Ishikawa to hear.

"And what of you? You speak of me as if I'm weak. But I know the truth. We were a threat to you, and you knew that from the beginning. That's why you killed Nakamura and Ka-Rosu, because they would've eventually killed you."

Touchi roared with laughter at his disciple's accusation. "You don't know anything. I trained you three for one purpose, and one purpose only. To be the ultimate adversaries for this war. If you three hadn't been here, This war would've been over ages ago. 'I' would've seen to it."

Cathayna. I'm sorry, but I won't be able to whisk you away as promised. Ishikawa thought, resigned. A single tear rolled down his eye at the thought of never seeing her again.

"TIME TO DIE!!!" Touchi roared, raising Kilgorin above his head, ready to run Ishikawa thru as he had to Ka-Rosu.
"What, happened to me?"

Zephyr heard Rye's voice, and his tears sped down at a much rapid pace. However, they were not of sadness, nor were they of rage. They were tears of joy and of relief. The general collapsed, his arms around his lithe figure as he gazed gently at Preia and Rye; as he realized how their affection played a part in Rye's actual healing, and then he leaned against the Ice platform that he'd created. He told the halfling telepathically, The ice will help numb any pain you're still feeling. His eyes shifted as he stood up and then they glazed over as he scanned the battlefield. He frowned instantly at the horde of demons that managed to get closer to them, and they were coming closer. Of course. They were huddled together; and if the demons were to manage to kill them off, they would gain three Stones to give to their general. He took at glance at Rye and Preia again, and then jumped over them gracefully, and landed like a predator on hunt. He sheathed Alexavier, and outstretched his hand. Wind and Ice came out immediately: His Wind gusted over them, leaving the demons confused - they were lower-classed demons, he could tell that much - and then his Ice assumed position of attacker as quick as the Wind finished gusting over them. He shook his head as they froze, and then did the same thing he did to Lilith's scythe. He formed a fist with his right hand, and then he opened it vehemently, the demons bursting into small particles of Ice.

He turned to Rye and Preia again, willing his Wind to gently cool the Ice off so that it would not technically freeze off Rye. He, after all, only wanted the Ice to numb the boy's wounds before he returned to battle - should Preia let him return. However, he being the cautious one, he warned them both aloud. "I'll form a barrier around the both of you," he said, "before I return to battle. You, of all people, Rye, need the rest, and will do good with Preia by your side." He nodded at them confidently before telling Rye, "Your powers of Fire and Lightning will be able to take down this barrier swiftly, but I expect you not to exert so much energy after what you've been through. Is that clear?"

He didn't, however, bother to wait for any reply from either of them, and began building a very interwoven web of Wind and Ice. The light golden green of the Wind began winding itself around the royal blue of the Ice as it built a dome around the area Preia and Rye were in. He murmured quietly then, knowing Rye's neko-jin sentences would pick it up, "You only need to send your Fire against it."

And then, he brought his faithful Alexavier out once more, mounted Silverwind, and ran off to fight with Aceline in battle.


Svinsahdra, Exosivian, and Vikirnoff were in the air, fighting a battle of several elements at once. While Svinsahdra's Ice and Wind were susceptible to Vikirnoff's Fire, Exosivian would constantly douse the Fire with her Earth, and then the cycle would repeat over and over again. The dragons glared at each other, for they all knew the reasoning behind their hatred. Svinsahdra's clan of the Dastrazano Dragons had been, once, allies of Vikirnoff's Von Shrieders; Exosivian's Kaisers were merely caught in the middle of a battle, supposed to be neutral. However, when their dragons joined Svinsahdra's, this also turned Vikirnoff's clan against her. It was a war that had even begun before the very dragons were born. Vikirnoff let out a roar of Fire that began spinning around both Exosivian and Svinsahdra, before Exosivian's Earth gathered around it, and she blasted the Fire away with a growl.

It is an unending cycle, she said hopelessly to Svinsahdra as Vikirnoff began another whirlwind of Fire.

Then we must hope that his Mistress is defeated, Svinsahdra told her, craning her neck over toward Saleh and Allarayne.

Exosivian sighed, faced Vikirnoff, and let the cycle begin once more.

Allarayne heard his voice over all the clashing of swords and roaring battle cries: "Your over confidence will be your death!" She had to admit, however, that she was not expecting him to read her so quickly that he had his sword outstretched before him when she was just a few feet away from him. It was impossible to stop now, and so she had to rely on her element to help her. Darkness began rising and formed a shield in front of her, the element turning Saleh's sword against her. Then, she jumped a few paces back, and outstretched Molotoch.

"You challenge me in swordsmanship, then, elf?" she asked haughtily.

"Give me your best shot!"


Cathayna felt the strong surge of power in another part of the battlefield. Never mind the dragons in the air, Zephyr's barrier that stood erect and proud in another field, and Allarayne's continuous battle with the Fayrian elf. No, this was another surge of power. She spun quickly and gracefully, and saw the image of Touchi, Ishikawa's master, ready to run him through. Her eyes widened dramatically as she ran to him, hands outstretched as her Stone gathered around Ishikawa forming a barrier several feet thick. Her eyes glistened as her feet quickly carried her over to that part of the field, her energy swirling around her as several Gaian neko-jins tried to take her down. Ranind and Riorath swooped down from above, and Dyrdaran and Chraythin were faithfully protecting her.

"ISHIKAWA!" she shouted in a pained voice as she flung her body to him beneath her wall of Stone. She was crying, desperately holding on to him as she felt her wall shatter. If he was going to die, she was going to die with him.
Touchi looked down at Cathayna and grinned, giving Ishikawa a knowing nod. Ishikawa growled to himself and closed his eyes.

Touchi drove the sword down, and got pushed back. Ishikawa's wings had formed a protective shield around Cathayna and Ishikawa. Ishikawa rose to his feet, his wings still wrapped around himself and Cathayna.

"As I said before, Master. It is my need to protect the one I love that grants me my power." Ishikawa's wings flew open with a powerful gust, and revealed him holding Morthoseth and Luciendar with one arm wrapped around Cathayna's midsection. "And anyone who threatens the one I love, shall die by my hand."
"You challenge me in swordsmanship, then, elf?" she asked haughtily.

"No, I challenge you to the death, you will pay for the countless deaths and endless sin you have committed, Allarayne!" Saleh yelled back in reply, his face was still red all over from the anger that was confiding inside him.

"Give me your best shot!"

"I'll give you more than that!" Saleh growled. Rising to his feet quickly, he slid his sword into his sheath. Rather than letting go of its handle, he kept his hand gripped tightly on the hilt of the blade. The water element from his stone kicked in with his wind magic and began to swirl around him as it did before. Kneeling down, Saleh brought his gaze to the ground, the water stone around his neck now glowing a very bright blue.

In a massive up burst of water and wind that tore at the ground, Saleh rocketed high up into the air, disappearing into the blinding shadow of the small glimpse of sun overhead. As he came to a slow in his rise, he leaned forwards and began to fall at a building pace, still keeping his grip tightly on the hilt of his sheathed sword. Moments before he would make contact with Allarayne, Saleh's outline became visible as a dark shadow amongst the outline of the sun, his descent aimed at Allarayne herself.
Ishikawa released Cathayna and stepped to the side, his wounds already healed as were Touchi's.

"You can't kill me Ishikawa. I've seen to that. Not being a servant of Shafira, you are at a disadvantage."

"No master. I can't kill you, this is true. But I can uncreate you," Ishikawa replied, looking at Morthoseth and Luciendar. "You said it yourself, the power to create and destroy is hidden within these two blades. You said this to me and Nakamura when you gave these swords to us. Fortunate for me, I've unlocked the secret."

"Impossible! Not even I could figure out the secret of matter deterioration" Touchi said, squeezing the hilt of Kilgorin tightly.

"Enigmatic Paradox," Ishikawa whispered, causing Touchi's eyes to widen. "Only one of both light ad darkness can fully control the power and change it to the ultimate power." Morthoseth began to pulse, zapping the battleground of all its light leaving both armies in total darkness.

"This is impossible. How can you absorb so much light so fast?"

"This is the true power of Enigmatic Paradox. The light does not go into the sword as we thought master. It enters the wielder of the sword." By this time, so much light had been absorbed, the sun itself seemed to grow dim. "AND I SHALL USE THIS POWER TO ERASE YOUR VERY EXISTANCE!!!" Luciendar erupted with a surge of bright light that caused all those around to turn away. When the light died down, Ishikawa stood there with one enormous white wing, and one equally large black wing spanning more than fifty feet.

"And now it's time for you to die, master."
Allarayne was able to make one more retort -- "And to the death it shall be!" -- before the elf ascended, blocking her line of view as he descended, outlined against the very light that the sun provided, and she was too absorbed into attacking that she did not manage a defense. Saleh managed to hit her, but not so much that she was not able to throw him off right when he hit. Molotoch still held out in front of her with Amallaetheus, her ever-faithful sword still sheathed, she ran at him. She was focused on nothing else, not of Zephyr and Aceline and their elven and neko-jin armies destroying her demons; not of the battle Touchi was having with his disciple, but there was truth to the matter that she was worried about Touchi; not of the three dragons directly above them, roaring and attacking for control - she did not notice her dragon's unfair disadvantage as he was being attacked by two dragons, one that was completely weak against his element and another that was completely immune to his said element; she focused on her sword, and she focused on its target.

However, Allarayne's sword was not aimed at Saleh himself, but she aimed at his sword, roaring, "Draw your sword and prove yourself worthy to be my killer!"

In her mind, she sent out a distressed call. Touchi... Be safe!

Beads of sweat poured down the face of Gaia's own General Aceline Aaralyn. Cibynel fought valiantly beside her, and was often replenishing her quiver of arrows. She preferred not to use the sword that Allarayne had thrown in her direction, and if she could avoid it as much as possible, she was quite happy with it. Hands trembling slightly in the memory of a terrifyingly angered Zephyr, him killing Lilith happening not even several minutes ago, and she feared that, if she hadn't interfered and soothed him, he would have gone on a killing rampage. A memory claimed her as she released five arrows at once...


"When we come out of this war alive and happy that we protected the ones that we love the most, I want to whisk you away."

"As in--?"


She shook her head to clear the thought, and then claimed the lives of five demons again and again as she released five arrows over and over. She heard the familiar whinny of a horse, then, and familiar footsteps. Before she turned around to identify the one who'd come to aid her, Zephyr instantly said, "You look like you need help with that." Along with him were his two spirits; Eoru of his Stone, and Alexavier of his sword. Aceline nodded gracefully, before Zephyr smiled at her, and charged at the demons circling them.


Cathayna blushed immediately as Ishikawa held her by the waist, and then looked in awe as he, later on, released her as he took and absorbed the light in the area. She even felt the energy in his voice as he spoke to his master as she stared at his wing, one pitch black and another a regal white.

"Ishikawa..." she breathed in awe as she felt her knees weaken; she collapsed from the very sight of him, the power that he emitted was amazing.

Is this really him? she asked herself, and a fleeting voice in the back of her replied,

Yes, it is.

Can he really love me like I love him?

Yes, he can.

Do I really love him?

Yes, you do.

Yes, yes I do! she thought to herself, and murmured aloud, "I love him." Her eyes widened. "I really do."
Slowly, the realization of what had happened to him moments ago sunk in and Rye became aware of his close encounter with death. He carefully placed a hand on Preia's head, stroking her hair as she sobbed into his chest. He looked at Zephyr, noticing the tears that rolled down his cheeks. Rye smiled sadly at the general as he encased both Rye and Preia in an icy barrier, before returning to battle.

I could hear you Zephyr, Rye told him telepathically. And I followed your voice. Thank you for pulling me out of the darkness of my dreams. I'm not sure how you healed my fatal wounds, but I will forever remember it. I will live, not only for her, but for my comrades, and for the alliance. Thank you, my friend, my brother. Let us drink sake together, after all this is finished..."

Then, tilting his head to look at the girl weeping into his chest, he swept her hair from her face.

"I'm sorry," his voice rasped. "I was reckless, and I hurt you because of it. I couldn't control it, I can't change the fact that I'm half demon, no matter how much I will it. It's a part of me, that's who I am, I can't change that."

He paused as he sat up, groaning with slight pain in the process.

"Preia, I love you. Knowing what I am and how I can become, will you continue to love me? Can an angel love a devil?"
"Idjit," Preia murmured, pausing a moment to let her tears dry before leaning up to kiss him softly.

"If you think that my heart will change it's mind just because of how your blood reacts in battle, then you can't be thinking clearly. I love you to, Rye; don't think I'm going to change my mind so quickly," she smiled slightly, running her hand gently along his cheek.

"I'm just glad that you came back,"
Touchi growled angrily and bore his eyes into Ishikawa's. The former demon general, and his angemonic disciple now held a deep hatred for one another and didn't care to hide the emotion.

"I'll see you perish!!!" Touchi roared, darting across the field towards Ishikawa.

"Today you die by my hand!!!" Ishikawa hollered, launching himself at Touchi.

The two collided in the air with an earth shaking crash, swords drawn and fists flying. The two were relentless with their attacks, Touchi hacked into Ishikawa's white wing with Kilgorin while Ishikawa stabbed into Touchi's wings with Luciendar and Morthoseth. Blood rained down onto the battlefield as master and student fought heatedly, neither ones wounds lasting more than several seconds.



"TIME TO DIE BOY!!!" Touchi brought Kilgorin to his chest and began chanting. The sword began to glow an eerie purple color, it's power growing exponentially.

"I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!!!" Ishikawa pointed Morthoseth and Luciendar at Touchi, both swords glowing with their growing power.

Touchi screamed one last time, before pointing Kilgorin at Ishikawa. "APOCALYPTIC CATASTROPHE!!!" A ball the size of half the demon army, powerful enough to wipe out half the planet's population, appeared before Touchi and raced towards Ishikawa.

"ENIGMATIC PARADOX!!!" Ishikawa roared creating an attack equal in size to Touchi's, but imbued with the power of creation and destruction, which flew across the battlefield determined to hit its mark.

The two attacks crashed into each other, creating a phenomenal explosion that engulfed both Touchi and Ishikawa, along with hundreds of demon, elven and neko-jin soldiers.

When the dust cleared, the battlefield was littered with the bodies of the soldiers unfortunate enough to get caught in the blast. But there was no sign of either Ishikawa or Touchi. Two single objects remained telling of their presence. Two feathers, one pure white and the other the darkest black.
Rye smiled warmly, closing his eyes and leaning his face into her touch, as he placed a hand on top of hers, relishing her caress just like a cat would.

"I would like to return with you to your hometown, and see with my own eyes where you were born and the people who grew with you. Then, I wish to marry you," he replied, taking her hand from his face and kissing it gently. "But. Before that may happen, we must get through this retched war. Come,"

He stood, raising his right hand with concentration. A flame alighted in his palm, growing as he willed it. Then, as he was about to throw the flame at the icy barrier, something caught his attention from his left. On the battlefield, he saw and felt two great powers summoned. When he saw the two demons throw it at each other, his eyes widened and he let his flame dissipate before jumping a top of Preia, making sure every inch of her body was covered by his. He felt a pain, stab through his ribs from the earlier injury as he landed.

There was a few seconds of silence before a loud explosion, and a blinding light from the collision of the two massive energies. Rye heard the ice barrier shatter, sending shards of ice onto his back. The ground shook violently, before it all subsided.

Rye carefully eased himself from Preia and looked around, noticing the large sum of dead bodies and survivors screaming in pain.

"Ishikawa..." he said to himself.
"I would like to return with you to your hometown, and see with my own eyes where you were born and the people who grew with you. Then, I wish to marry you," Preia flushed brightly at Rye's words, waiting for him to continue, "But. Before that may happen, we must get through this retched war. Come,"

Preia nodded and stood up beside him, then yelped in surprise when Rye tackled her back to the ground, thanking Etaine that he hadn't hit her stomach at all. Preia looked up when Rye moved off of her, looking around at the sudden chaos in surprise.

"Ishikawa..." she heard him mutter to himself, and her heart clenched. Had the demon sacrificed himself for some reason?

"There is no time to sit and think about what happened," Preia looked up when Etaine appeared, her face determined, "There is a way to seal Shafira away, but I will be sealed as well; however, I'm willing to make that sacrifice in order to end this once and for all."

Striding away, Etaine sent out a mental call to all of the stone wielders on her side of the war, 'I'll lead Shafira to a point and fight her; get yourselves into the formation of a five pointed star. Zephyr and Aceline, somehow get Cathayna and Allarayne in position to be the other points, Preia and Rye stay where you are; it's time we finish this war once and for all.'

Etaine stopped in the center of the battle, staring at the goddess of darkness. "Shafira," she called, "Let's end this."
As Zephyr fought on the battlefield, he heard two calls come from two different people, both of which whose voices he was glad to hear.

The first was Rye's telepathic voice, and the young halfling seemed to be doing much better when Zephyr heard him within his mind - `I could hear you Zephyr. And I followed your voice. Thank you for pulling me out of the darkness of my dreams. I'm not sure how you healed my fatal wounds, but I will forever remember it. I will live, not only for her, but for my comrades, and for the alliance. Thank you my friend, my brother. Let us drink sake together, after all this is finished…'

He smiled as he sliced one of the demons behind Aceline immediately, face looking as if he were lost in thought, but he replied with a steady voice, `We will drink and we will be merry, Rye - my brother, my companion. I would be glad to.' Then he added in a teasing voice - as any concerned uncle of the `father-figure' group would, `Just as long as, of course, you will invite me to your wedding day? Aceline and I will make sure to invite you to ours.' He sent a chuckle along to accompany his teasing tone, knowing his adopted niece would most certainly blush a lovely shade of cherry-red should she have heard what he had just said.

The second voice he heard had a much more ethereal quality, much more heavenly, and it was Etaine's; Zephyr sighed with relief, but his face hardened immediately as he heard the message her voice carried out to the other wielders of Heart stones on her side - `I'll lead Shafira to a point and fight her; get yourselves into the formation of a five pointed star. Zephyr and Aceline,' - and here he listened much more intently because he had addressed her and the general fighting beside him - `somehow get Cathayna and Allarayne in position to be the other points, Preia and Rye stay where you are; it's time we finish this war once and for all.'

He almost wanted to respond, to tell her that if they were to be paired up in a way that he assumed Preia and Rye were now, one of them would not bear a partner - whether that may be one of the two demonesses or Saleh, because he knew he would be paired with none other than Aceline. However, with his Stone- and Sword spirit fighting alongside Aceline's Stone spirit, both of them managed to get across the field - Aceline to where Cathayna was weakened with some sort of emotion and was on her knees, and Zephyr to where Saleh and Allarayne were battling. He did not like interfering with battles, but he surmised that Saleh heard Etaine's call, and therefore, he enforced it. `Saleh! Come - Lady Etaine calls us. Go and I will take care of Allarayne.'

He unfurled his Wind with all his might, and they shackled Allarayne's hands together, forcing the other general to stop in her tracks; her feet were also shackled together, but this time with Ice. She growled dangerously at Zephyr, “What game do you seek to play, elf? That one and I have unfinished business to take care of.”

In an uncharacteristically cold change-of-expression move, he smirked at her - this time with some sort of dark gleam in his prideful dark blue eyes - and yet while his appearance screamed otherwise, his tone was level and his voice was calm as he responded to the hotheaded general who fought and battled merely for the enjoyment of killing and for taking in pleasure of seeing a sea of red blood flow: “It is a game in which you cannot, and will never win. For if you play merely for the sake of playing, and not think of your moves and not strategize before, you have already lost before the game has even begun.”

The metaphor was as plain as day to the other general whose eyes widened in comprehension as Zephyr kept the smirk on his face. His message was as plain as day as well - he need not have spoken them, for Allarayne had already recognized what message he was trying to convey - “You have lost this war. This war - its victory is ours for the taking.”

Forming Ice around her and Wind encasing her - he watched her summon her dragon back into one of her swords with a defeated expression on her face (he himself looked quite pleased at the sight of the once-proud female general defeated) - he dragged her to a point on the five-pointed star, shackling her tightly before he removed both Ice and Wind. The general seemed, while still headstrong and stubborn, very shaken and pale as there was a sudden rise and drop of energy among them. There was a look of utter despair in her eyes, but Zephyr paid it no mind for he had no business, opted to have no business, concerning the demon general.

Cathayna, with Aceline over to one side of the battlefield, was much of a different matter. She gazed with a horrified look at the two feathers - one of darkest obsidian, another of brightest white - and she stood up slightly swaying over toward where the two feathers had landed. She caressed the white feather gently, before gazing forlornly at the black one, several unfamiliar emotions rising up in her chest; she did not even bother to hide her emotion as Gaia's general approached her carefully with a clueless, intrigued expression on her face. She said in a ghost of a whisper, “Cathayna—”

“We have been defeated,” said the demoness, gazing up at the general, her face completely blank except for the tears that streamed down her pale, exquisite face. “Do with me as you wish.”

The general paled slightly at the voice that came out from what used to be one of Malo's strongest demonesses, but ushered her up into her place, setting her on the point closest to Allarayne, before she looked toward Zephyr and went to him. Both of them gazed over at what they had formed: Etaine and the goddess, Shafira, would be in the middle of the star; there were five points, Stone-wielders resting on all of them; there were Preia and Rye - beside him lay the Heart stones of his half-sister Lilith; Allarayne; Saleh; Cathayna; and, in a point beside Preia and Rye, the two generals stood, eyes glazed as they watched over the sight. They called back their dragons, Svinsahdra to Zephyr and Exosivian to Aceline, and they also called back their Spirits, who returned faithfully. Zephyr eyed the Spirits beside Allarayne and Cathayna, but realized that they would not be able to do anything without their mistresses' commands.

To their left and right, in every direction possible, demon and elf and neko-jin fought bravely and just and true.

But Zephyr felt a source of strength within him as he gazed unwaveringly at Etaine, his faith with her.

No matter what would happen, he knew they had fought their strongest.

He knew that they had already won.
A sudden whistle ensued over the battlefield, as if something had been dropped from a high place at a rapid pace of speed.

Those who would've looked up, would've seen two shadows falling towards the ground, hidden by the light of the sun. Their voices loud enough to have definitely caught at least a few people's attention.


Ishikawa and Touchi fell from the heavens, and nearly crashed into the ground. But at the last moment, both men spread their wings and flew mere inches above the ground. Touchi flew towards Allarayne while Ishikawa soared for Cathayna.

Ishikawa landed in front of Cathayna and placed his hands on her arms gently. He looked deeply into her eyes, and smiled before saying to her, "Cathayna. I promised you that I wouldn't die. I promised to whisk you away from all of the fighting and bloodshed. I still intend to do so, if you would still have me."

Touchi landed before Allarayne, and sneered at her condition. "Why would the ever-strong General of Malo bare such an expression? It is not fitting." Touchi placed a finger under her chin and looked into her eyes. "It pains me to see you this way. After today, I promise I shall never let anything happen to you, if it'll keep you from wearing such a despaired mask."
"Draw your sword and prove yourself worthy to be my killer!" Allarayne roared, throwing Saleh backwards through the air after he had descended on her.

Saleh slowly rotated through the air, landing on the ground in a crouch. Digging his toes into the ground just a little, a small bit of dust floated up into the air in Saleh's wake. Saleh closed his eyes, remaining in his crouched position. Almost as if timing his attack, Saleh drew his sword from his sheath in a blindingly fast notion. Instead of connecting with steel or skin, what he was expecting to connect with, or feeling the demoness general's blade in his side, his blade found nothing but air.

Opening his eyes slowly, he came to view the familiar shackles of ice around Allarayne's ankles and wrists. "Wait a minute, those are..." Saleh thought, turning to the side a little to see the Fayrian General, Zephyr.

`Saleh! Come - Lady Etaine calls us. Go and I will take care of Allarayne.'

Saleh nodded to Zephyr, reassuring him that he had indeed heard Lady Etaine's call. Re-sheathing his sword, Saleh walked passed General Zephyr, then passed Allarayne.

“What game do you seek to play, elf? That one and I have unfinished business to take care of.”

Though Allarayne's words were not directed towards him, Saleh stopped a few steps passed her. "We'll finish what we've started one day..." Saleh thought, remaining silent and at a lack of words. Rushing off to the spot Lady Etaine called the stone wielders to, Saleh got the feeling that Allarayne held similar thoughts.

Reaching the familiar clearing where Saleh had last seen Preia and Rye, he slowed from his sprint into a walk, finally stopping a few feet from them. Looking at the pairs around him, his eyes brought him from each couple to couple: Preia and Rye, Zephyr and Aceline, Ishikawa and Cathayna, and Touchi and Allarayne.

The last two couples surprised Saleh a bit. He wasn't surprised about the pairings of them, but more so surprised that Touchi and Ishikawa were still both alive. From what Saleh had seen of their last attacks, he'd assumed they were both dead. Glad nonetheless that his companions were still alive and well, Saleh took his place among the remaining point in the star formation surrounding Lady Etaine.

'I place my faith in you...' Saleh thought, closing his eyes.
As soon as Saleh had moved to his place, the star they had formed lit up along the ground, surrounding the two goddess's. Shafira whipped around, staring in outrage at the glowing lines.

"What is this?!" she screeched, whirling to again look at Etaine; the white goddess completely calm. In fact, there was a small smile on her lips.

"The end," she said simply, watching as the star began to shrink around them, forcing Shafira back to Etaine's side.

"No!" the black goddess screamed, attempting to leap from the star but being thrown back by the magical barrier, "I've waited to long for this...!"

"You have no choice," Etaine spoke calmly as the star began to form a crystal around the two of them, it's magics beginning to make them drowsy.

Shafira gave in to the spell along with Etaine, but, so quickly that none would notice, a black shadow seeped from the goddess's body and disappeared.

The crystal finished forming and in a bright flash of white, was gone; the two goddess's had been sealed away permanently, somewhere that they could never be awakened again.

The demons who were still alive cried out and fell to their knees when their goddess disappeared; they knew they had lost.

Preia stared at the place the diamond had been from her place beside Rye, eyes wide.

"We did it," she whispered quietly, then, her face breaking out in a grin, she spun and through her arms around Rye's neck, "We did it! We won the war!!!"

Cheers rang out from the Fayrian and Gaian armies, Queen Fara and King Rai riding down from their places with the archers to stop just in front of Allarayne and Touchi.

"It would seem that, with your goddess and king gone, you are the current leader of the demons," Fara spoke, Rai turning his gaze to the general.

"We propose a truce between our three countries."

Back over with Preia and Rye, Fayria split from her present life for one last time.

"Fayria?" Preia asked quietly, looking at the former priestess.

Fayria simply smiled, "I have one last goodbye before I go," she said, turning to look at Rye. However, she wasn't truly looking at him; she was looking through him to his past life.
Holy shit loooooooooong chapter Xx . But next ones the end! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! …Snoweh's gonna kill me for the length of this chapter…. *hides*
*hunts Amaria down and maims her* THIS TOOK FOREVER TO BETA! Anyway…