Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Flame On!! ❯ the FUN we had.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

<A HREF="">Twig</A>
and I got together and put together a response... and now we're
sharing it with you... *grins* hope you enjoy... oh... um, please
ignore the fact that there isn't any kind of host segments, just
straight into the actual flame...

Disclaimer: neither Twig or I own any of the Final Fantasy 7 Trio, nor
do we pretend to... we're just borrowing them from Squaresoft for now


the co-authors Dina and <A
HREF="">Twig </A>
proudly present: Flame On!!


>you should be shot

Cloud: ....shot? well, we could always borrow Vincent's gun...

Zack: Cid might protest...

Cloud: *sweatdrop* wrong gun...

Zack: oooh... my bad ^_^

>you sick bastard.

Cloud: *blinks* she's a bastard? I thought her parents were married?

Zack: *smirks* maybe she was using it as an insult.... besides,
technically Seph's the bastard...

Seph: *glare*

Cloud: um....

Seph: Zack, who's _your_ daddy?

Zack: hey, they're in the game and everything...

Cloud: yeah, and they got more screen time than you too...

Zack: *glare*

>i have nothing

>against homosexuals

Cloud: *mutters* except for the whole *gay* thing...

>but cloud, zack, and sephiroth were not gay and should not

>be drawn so.

Zack: well, there went the 30 chapters of Twig's 'A Long, Hard Road'
down the crapper...

Cloud: and the side-story...

Zack: you're not really helping... chocobo head...

Cloud: *glares* *mutters* baka...

>it just....wrong. so very wrong.

Cloud: no, the thing with the vaseline, the guide ropes and the live
octopus... now THAT was wrong...

Sephiroth: SOLDIER or not, we are never doing that again...

Zack: but if we do, _I'm_ holding the camera. It took forever to get
that damned octopus off....


I hope you enjoyed the co-production of Dina and <A
HREF="">Twig </A>
^_^;; review please?