Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Forget Me ❯ Renewal ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6: Renewal
The breeze lifted her hair as she sat on the porch outside of her room; the sunset was starting to take place with the moon rising behind the hills of the less populated Tokyo. It had taken a few years just to clean herself up after the mess that had almost cost her, her life. The alcoholism, the nightmares that she had been having, the drugs and most of all, her family. Where there was once happiness and joy that filled her, nothing was left after everyone in her family was being torn apart. Her daughter, her partner and her parents hated her for the mistakes she made. Although they were dead now, there was no evidence showing their forgiveness. Life was barely something to live for, she had lost everything and she never got them back. Now all she could do was sit inside her home with others that also went into depression, and wait…wait for hope that would save her from her dread. If there was one wish she would want granted, it would be to see her daughter once again, the appearance, her personality…
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Yuki looked at his watch, it was 5pm, in one hour he needed to be home so he could attend the Sohma dinner at the main house. He held a box of chocolates and rang Karina's doorbell.
`Apart from the chocolates, I don't even know why I'm here…I feel so idiotic right now…after all, she's not even home.' He thought after nobody answered the door. He left the chocolates outside her door and left a note.
`Perhaps I should just get home...maybe the best way to avoid those two might be by making no eye contact…it will feel too weird now whenever I talk to Tohru or that stupid cat…'
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“Tohru we will probably be back before midnight, don't forget to close the windows and lock the doors.” Shigure called out to her as Hatori sat in the car waiting for the three of them.
“Ok, bye and be safe!” Tohru waved while Kyo, Yuki and Shigure sat inside the car and they drove off to the dinner that Akito was holding for everyone including the cat.
The only thing Yuki had said to her once he had gotten home was `thank you' once she had given him the chocolates, she didn't want to ask him about where he had been since it felt like he didn't want to talk to anyone.
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“About time you four got here.” Akito snickered as he greeted them at the entrance with an unhappy glare.
“Sorry Akito.” Hatori apologised as he entered the dining room with the others as they saw the rest of the juunishi seated formally at the table. They had all started to eat except Kyo, apparently Akito needed a word with him in private. He followed Akito into the living room while Akito spoke.
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Meanwhile Yuki had gotten up from the table to use the bathroom, on the way he heard Akito's voice and Kyo's as well, he decided to stop to hear what they had to say. His insides froze within the next few seconds.
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“I think your unworthy half-sister should meet your father, don't you think?” A cold smile hid behind his evil face.
“Don't call her unworthy, what did she do to you anyway.” Kyo tried to defend her as much as possible without making Akito angry.
“I will call her whatever I want and I hate her just as much as I hate you, I mean after all, she does have you're blood and you're the cat so I have enough reason to despise her.” He replied in his mighty voice as Kyo gritted his teeth trying not to lose his temper.
“Back to the point, it's time that you bring her in to meet her birth father.”
“What? Why does she have to do that? I'm sure he doesn't want to see her anyway.”
“Oh but he does, it will be a happy family reunion.” He said coldly.
“Yea right, it's not like her mum's here, nor is mine and he is not my father, I don't have a birth father.” Kyo started to raise his voice a little.
“You can't deny the truth, now bring her in tomorrow if you know what's good for you.”
“What if I'm not available.”
“Then I'll have to make my own ways of getting her here and keep in mind that I can do anything.”
“Your choice, either bring her in yourself or face the other option now which do you pick?” Akito had things that really annoyed Kyo and one of them was his major threatening.
“How do you even know is she lives here?”
“Because I've paid her a visit before.”
“What? When!!” Kyo was now shouting.
“Oops, shouldn't have said that, now you know our deal and one more thing before you can eat, don't tell anyone about our little secret.” He hissed as he exited the room leaving Kyo helpless.
`What am I going to do….oh I hate that Akito so badly, if I bring her in, what is he going to do and what will that rotten fake father of mine do?!!” Kyo stepped into the room of the juunishi's and god himself who shot him with a warning glance.
After the dinner, they went back to sitting in the car as Hatori drove them home. Shigure was singing songs to Hatori while he just inserted earplugs and Yuki and Kyo were lost in their thoughts, staying silent all the way. Kyo thinking about the possible results that Akito could come up with from preventing Kyo from telling anybody what had happened and Yuki was still trying to figure out what was going to happen to Karina after he overheard the conversation between Kyo and Akito.
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“Morning everyone.” Karina came down the stairs from the guest room.
“Morning K.S.” Kenji greeted her with the usual `come out of nowhere and kisses her' greeting while calling her by her nickname K.S (short for Karina Sohma, in other words her initials)
At that time Risa came into the room and dropped her mug of tea as Karina and Kenji pulled away from the kiss and looked back at the broken fragments on the floor along with spilled tea and Risa's shocked face.
“Mum…Are you okay?” Kenji ran to his mother while Karina got some equipment to clean the broken china pieces.
“You….you…two….what….were you…doing?” She stuttered.
Kenji started to blush madly; both he and Karina had forgotten to tell her about the…thing between them.
“We're…uhh….kinda….together…” Kenji turned his back on his mother and started to help Karina in order to hide his embarrassed expression.
“You two are ….d-d-d-dating?” She asked stumbling on the d word.
“Umm….sort of.” Karina put the pieces into the rubbish bin.
“How did this hap-pen?”
“Oh would you look at the time, I'm late for the train and you know what happens if I miss it, thanks for letting me stay…buh-bye!” Karina grabbed her handbag and left the house feeling a bit guilty for leaving Kenji by himself to do all the explaining…but it was true, the train was due to leave in 10 minutes and if she missed it then she'd have to stay another night. After catching the train back to Tokyo, she decided to walk to her apartment instead of taking the cab since she wanted some exercise and some breakfast along the way. Her cell-phone then rang with Kyo's name on the receiver.
“Hey Kyo.” She greeted him casually.
“Karina, where were you?” His voice was in panic.
“I was at Nagoya, I was attending a funeral yesterday…why?”
“Can you stay in Nagoya for the next few days?”
“What? Why do want me to do that?”
“It's a long story.” He answered bluntly.
“Kyo what's going on?”
“I don't have time to explain but please just stay in Nagoya for a while.”
“Kyo…I can't I'm back in Tokyo, I took the train an hour ago and I'm on my way back to my apartment.” Karina pointed out.
“Damn it, why didn't you switch on your cell-phone earlier.” He sounded stressed.
“It was on…I'm guessing there was no service.” She assumed.
“That doesn't make sense…okay….umm….just whatever you do don't go home.” Kyo warned.
“Uhh…you don't want me to go home…why?” Karina was finding this conversation a bit odd.
“Please just do me a favour, stop asking questions.” Kyo sighed.
“Okay…so what do you want me to do?”
“Nice try.” Karina turned around and found a man grabbing her by her wrist tightly. She soon recognized him as the murderous man who attacked her at her apartment the other day.
“Karina, are you there?” Kyo's voice called out to her.
The guy snatched the phone off Karina's hands and spoke into the speakers.
“You really think you can hide Karina from me forever…Kyo?” He said as Kyo shouted back.
“Let her go Akito!”
Karina stood there speechless although she was struggling to get away from the man known as Akito. She was wondering who he was but there was one clue, Kyo knew him which must've meant something pretty bad.
The next thing that happened was just too fast and too brief. Akito shut the phone which meant Kyo could no longer reach Karina.
“Nice cell-phone, too bad you'll be spending some time without it for a while.” Akito grinned in a scary looking way and dragged Karina into a sleek black car. She tried to defend herself by kicking him in the `you know what' but it didn't work since he blocked her kick.
“Help someone!” Karina tried to use all her remaining strength to scream but as soon as she tried again, Akito held a cloth to her nose as she breathed in the drug, she felt her world growing weaker and fading as she lost consciousness.
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“Kyo where are you going?” Tohru saw him grab his coat as he left for the door. He turned around at the sound of her voice and gave her a look of apology.
“Sorry Tohru, I got to go to the main house, I got to do something important.”
“What's wrong Miss Honda?” Yuki walked into the room seeing her sad face.
“Kyo had to go somewhere…I think something's happened at the main house…he had to leave so he couldn't explain.” She said quietly.
“Umm…I apologise but I have to go too.” Yuki said after putting a hand on her shoulder, it definitely must of had something to do with the conversation last night.
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Kyo sprinted as fast as he could knowing that Shigure didn't have a car and that he himself couldn't drive yet. He then found the closest taxi and fished out a handful of coins when he reached his destination. He chucked it at the taxi driver and ran off speaking into the intercom at the Sohma main house.
“Yea, can I help you?”
“I need to get into the main house now, it's Kyo.”
“I'm sorry, I'm afraid I cannot let you in without permission from the master Akito. I am aware that you are the cat of the zodiac which is why you need a permit.”
“God dammit, I don't care about a stupid permit.” Kyo yelled just as Yuki appeared behind him.
“Excuse me, this is Yuki Sohma, can you please open the gates for me?”
“Oh hello young master Yuki, you may enter.”
Kyo felt as if his head was about to burst after hearing this, the rat was able to go, but not the cat, the cat needed a frickin permit. Now he was mad except he had calmed down once Yuki let him into the building as well.
“How'd you get here so fast?”
“I took the train.”
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Karina awoke, still dazed and clueless at the thought of being kidnapped and drugged unconscious. She found herself in a dull room, the walls were plain grey and the bed was just dead uncomfortable. Her head felt dizzy as she spotted Akito sitting at the other end of the room.
“Finally, you're awake.”
“What did you do to me?” She asked hating every inch of him.
“You should be thanking me, after all you're going to be meeting someone special today, shouldn't you at least show a slight expression of happiness?”
“Not at all.” Karina clenched her fists.
“Oh…whoops, did I mention that the particular person is you're birth father?”
Karina suddenly tensed up, her whole body felt like it was unable to move…she felt rock solid and there were butterflies in her stomach, except they seemed more like moths than butterflies.
“Yes, you're birth father is outside waiting for you.”
“Y-y-your lying.” Karina chose not to believe it since it was weird if she saw her father right now at this age after the series of events.
“Oh really? Go ask you're half brother yourself, maybe then you'll believe me.”
“Fine I will. Once I see him.” She had a strong spot inside of her that was often known as stubbornness.
“He's not here I'm afraid.”
“The hell I'm not.” Kyo's voice toppled over Akito's as he slammed the door open receiving a death-sentence glare from Akito. Behind him was Yuki who stayed silent.
“Speak of the cat.” Akito insulted.
“So Kyo would you like to tell Karina about her `father'?”
“Kyo…is it true?” Karina asked.
“So what if we are genetically connected, doesn't mean I have to call him father, neither do you Karina.” Kyo obliged.
“But he is…my birth father right?”
“I want to meet him.” Karina interrupted.
“You want to what?” Kyo bit his lip.
“Karina, I'm not sure if you should...” Yuki mentioned.
“No…but I want to.” She responded slowly.
“But you…you were the guy that attacked me in my apartment!” She turned her attention towards Akito and stepped closer feeling the urge to punch him.
“What?” Kyo and Yuki said in unison.
“Ahh…you remember…that's good, at least you have some memory.” Akito made a lame joke.
“You were the one who did this.” She ripped the plaster off her forehead and showed him the scar.
“And what if I did?”
Karina couldn't stand it, she needed to practice her martial arts on someone, why not him. She raised her arm and aimed for a punch when Yuki stopped her.
“Karina...stop…I know what he did was wrong and…disturbing but…you can't punch him.”
“Why not?” She rebelled.
“Because…Akito, he's the head of our family, he's god.” Yuki spoke softly.
“Don't tell me you didn't know that.” Kyo raised an eyebrow.
“No…I didn't…I truly didn't.” Karina stopped her punch in mid-air.
“So you're saying that…the god, the bond thingy with the zodiac…he's the thing…like the core of the apple?” She used that as an example while Yuki trying not to laugh at the example she chose, nodded.
“Excuse me Akito, but how long is it till I daughter….” Kyo's father entered the room and saw the only girl in the room was Karina which meant she had to his daughter.
“Is that….my father?” Karina looked at Kyo.
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A/N: Just a note, Kyo's father really hates Kyo because he blames him for his mother's death and that will also happen in my story but the reason why he wants to meet Karina is because in my story, he is still quite mean and he needs to use her to do something for him…so yea… thx for reading and please review!!