Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Phantom ❯ Disaster Strikes ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Hi fanfic friends! I hope you don't find my story too confusing, if you do, send me a message and I'll help you through with that so relax and have fun reading chapter 7!!
Chapter 7 Disaster Strikes
Tohru started to stutter. “But I don't understand, I-I never saw this coming, how could this happen?”
“Its okay, let's just calm down. Kureno, if you could help me get Kagura to the ward.” Hatori lifted Kagura up and made his way outside.
Tohru looked at Rin; Rin's usual tough and fearless image had just gone down the drain, but who could blame her, it's not like Tohru wasn't scared, Tohru was dead frightened, not to mention the absence of her nightmare was a fake. Tohru and the others had just set their hopes up too high.
“What are we going to do? For all we know I could be next…” Ayame spoke up, ruining the silence.
“I'm not so sure either Aya, it's terrible, it's just so terrible.” Shigure replied in agony.
“We have to do something; we can't just sit here and be lazy!” Rin shouted as she got up and walked off obviously in a bad temper.
“My, my… Rin are you having a temper tantrum again? Don't assume we're not trying, we're just out of ideas.” Shigure pointed out.
“Ahhhh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's all because of me, I'm not thinking hard enough, oh why does this brain always function to its worst, I'm so sorry, please forgive me.” Ritsu burst out making everyone jump.
“Ri…don't jump to conclusions like that, it's not your fault now stop panicking.” Shigure said with a heavy sigh.
“I'm afraid the Sohma main house isn't very safe anymore, Akito just reported to me that Ryoichi's grave is missing.” Hatori spoke as he entered the room.
“Oh my, really? So do you think Ryoichi's the one doing all these awful things and causing trouble for us?” Ayame asked.
“Well that is a little farfetched but it's possible.” Hatori answered bluntly surprised that Ayame's imagination could think that far, he had always thought Ayame was a little thick sometimes.
“So what are we doing? We need to get out of here, it's far too dangerous.” Shigure cut in.
“No, we are going to stay here and solve this, even if it is the case that this place is haunted, so is your house Shigure, I think we should just look out for any mysterious things.” Kureno tried to say the sentence strongly so he could motivate them.
“Okay.” All of them agreed as the maids started to clean the table.
Tohru and Rin walked back to their room, once they entered, they both froze instantly. Rin swore silently as Tohru's heart began to race. The bed sheets were stained with blood and ripped apart, there were pillows that were torn apart and the window was wide open. Tohru turned the light on to get a better view but the light was broken into tiny fragments on the floor. Then suddenly it started to rain heavily outside, the sound of thunder and the sight of lightning appeared in front of them.
Tohru's body turned to ice as she discovered the ghost behind the window. She tugged on Rin's sleeve and pointed to the ghost. Rin looked straight ahead and she fainted, it seemed as thought Rin herself couldn't handle the sight of seeing a ghost for the first time in her life. Tohru would never think that ghosts existed, but then again, she wouldn't have thought of the Sohma curse either. She tried to wake Rin up as she could hear the ghost laughing out words of cruelty. She turned towards the ghost and tried to be brave.
“Why are you treating us this way? What is your problem? What did we ever do to you? Leave us alone! Do you think it's funny to make other people suffer?” Tohru demanded.
The ghost didn't reply, instead he just gave her an evil smile and disappeared. Tohru closed the window then called Hatori who just happened to be next door.
“What happened? Is Rin sick?” Hatori rushed over.
“No, she just fainted, Hatori…I …I saw the ghost and so did Rin.” Tohru admitted feeling goose bumps as she mentioned the word ghost.
“Are you sure? Really?” Hatori turned to look around the room.
“No, he's gone now, but I swear…”
Hatori interrupted her as he saw the state of the room. “Who in the world did this?” He asked as he took the torn sheets and saw the blood.
Tohru explained what had happened just less than two minutes ago, the sight of the room, the open window, the sudden downpour of rain, thunder and lightning and the appearance of the ghost.
“Did you see what the ghost looked like?” Hatori asked Tohru.
“Well, he was wearing these really old fashioned clothes, umm… his hair…well I don't know how to describe his hair, but do you think he could be the ghost of the dead person with the grave missing?” Tohru thought as she remembered that she had seen the ghost next to the grave that was now missing.
“That's what I was thinking, you know Ayame could be right, follow me.” Hatori gestured towards the living room.
Tohru followed Hatori as he place Rin on the couch and covered her with blankets to keep her warm. He brought Tohru a glass of water.
“So overall, are you okay? You don't seem that surprised to see a ghost, I mean Rin here fainted.” Hatori said as he took a seat on the couch next to Tohru.
“This isn't the first time I've seen that ghost, he's been around me for a while, I'm just afraid that he might do something to us that is worse than just illnesses and I still wonder who's blood that belonged to, on the sheets, Ryoichi sure knows how to cause a mess in the room.” Tohru replied without a care that she was insulting Ryoichi. She was just so mad, she just couldn't be sorry for what she had just said.
Hatori was amazed; this was the first time he had ever heard Tohru being impolite. He figured that this was just all too much for her. Shigure and Ayame arrived with pale faces.
“What is up with you two, you look a bit white.” Hatori stated.
“We saw it.” They both replied with blank expressions.
“Saw what?” Hatori asked.
“A ghost!” They're voice became squeaky.
“Why am I the only one who hasn't seen it?” Hatori asked himself out loud feeling frustrated that everyone else had seen Ryoichi.
“It's incredible, it really is a ghost, me and Aya were watching t.v when it just appeared in front of us for like…a few seconds.” Shigure explained excitedly.
“It's a bad thing you know, and plus what were you two doing watching t.v when I was in my office trying to find a cure for the illness, while you guys goof around when you could help by looking after Rin here.” Hatori said trying to remove the migraine in his head.
“Why…Hari, don't sound so angry…oh what's wrong with Rin?” Ayame asked as he spotted Rin on the couch looking like she was having an afternoon nap. He waved his hand in front of her face and waited for a reaction.
“She saw the ghost too and fainted.” Tohru told Ayame and Shigure.
“That is scary; you know I always thought Ryoichi was a nice old man.” Shigure confessed.
“Apart from his ghost form you've never even met him.” Hatori replied.
Then Tohru turned around and saw Rin gaining consciousness. She ran to Rin's side to check that she was okay. Rin looked at Tohru oddly.
“What am I doing?” She asked Tohru.
“Umm…the ghost…”
“Oh…was that thing really a ghost, oh my god, it was freaky…and yet I thought they only existed in stories, but I guess I was wrong” Rin exclaimed.
“We've found out that thing is the ghost of Ryoichi Sohma, the first head of the Sohma clan. His grave is missing as well, we have to stop him from causing more damage or else things could get worse.” Hatori told Rin.
“Ok, this is too much; I'm going to get a panadol.” Rin replied getting up to open the medicine cupboard.
Just then, Rin felt a sharp pain in her leg, it was so painful she was unable to walk. A few seconds after she fell to the floor, the whole world became a blur.
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Thanks for reading Chapter 7!!
LOL, by means of saying chapter 7 was going to be a delay, I think I meant chapter 8.
Oh well, hope you liked this chapter.