Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ Horror Meant for Her ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seventeen
Hope is the denial of reality
Margaret Sohma - Year 1933
The Rooster
Horror Meant For Her
“Welly welly well, look who's back!” Shigure cried as Kyo came in through the door. Tohru raced towards him and resisted hugging him.
“Where have you been Kyo-kun? Are you all right? Are you hungry?” Tohru asked. Kyo grunted `no' before walking on. He spotted Shigure poking out from the doorframe and mentally growled at what he wanted to find out. He ignored Shigure's curious and shocked look when he walked past him and sat at the table. Yuki was sitting there, watching TV.
“Shigure, I have a question.” Kyo stated as the Dog sat down, his arms folded in his sleeves.
“Wow really? I thought I was suppose to ask all the questions like where you have been last night?” Shigure joked.
“Cut the crap Shigure, I'm serious.” Kyo growled. Tohru brought in riceballs than sat down on the topside of the table, across from Yuki.
“What question could be sooo serious that-”
“Who the hell is Sunmei?” Kyo growled. Yuki jumped slightly and looked at Shigure, Tohru whom was half finished with a riceball looked at him too. Shigure looked a little shocked himself with a hint of nervousness etched on his skin. “And not only her, who are Noami and Mihoshi as well? Noami said she knew you five since grade school.”
“Where were you last night?” Shigure asked.
“What does it matter?”
“Sanotomono Estate?”
“…” it was silent for a few minutes, only Yuki began talking which brought out the awkwardness.
“I would like that answer as well if you don't mind.” Yuki said.
“Well…” Shigure murmured, his face growing grim slightly. “It's a long story,”
“We have no where to go,” Kyo growled.
I need to go shopping… Tohru thought. Yuki seemed to have read her mind.
“You go ahead and shop Tohru, if anything happens we'll tell you later.” Yuki suggested.
“If you're sure, all right, be back in a bit!” Tohru said than hurried out the room. No one talked till they heard the door shut.
“So, you were at the Sanotomono Estate?” Shigure asked again.
“Already told I did,” Kyo growled.
“Sorry, but it has been forever since I've been there myself.” Shigure said. “But yes, she told you right, we have been friends since grade school. And the six of us did so many things together too, I'm unsure whether I should tell you our story…”
“Just spill it!”
“Almost done,” Tohru told herself as she placed a fish package in her shopping bag.
“Tohru?” Tohru looked up and saw Yuri, was she shopping alone or was she with her mother?
“Yuri! How are you? Where's your mom and where is Eriko?” Tohru asked brightly as she walked towards her.
“Oh well, my mother's at home working on schoolwork and my sister is…no longer with us,” Yuri answered glumly.
She must think I'm saying that she died… Yuri thought nervously with a smile. “Erm…Tohru?”
“WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I SAYING I'M SO SORRY!” Tohru cried as she began bowing in from of Yuri, “I must be making you so sad!” People passing by stared at Tohru for a moment, before quickly walking away. Yuri's face burned up slightly from embarrassment.
“Tohru? She's alive and well with just a sprained ankle,” Yuri stated quickly.
“It's all my fault! I shouldn't have been so emotional in front of you-”
“Tohru! She still breathes!”
“Oh! Sorry...” Tohru said, now standing up straight and turning red slightly. “I thought you meant that she died.”
“No no no no, she just isn't living in our house anymore. She's now living at the Sanotomono Estate,” Yuri explained. “Ever since that tragic night we decided to have her spend some more time with our family.”
So that was why Kyo was at their Estate, I was beginning to think he went there for some other reason… Tohru thought. “Yuri?”
“Are you all right with it?”
“With Eriko living there you mean?”
“To tell you the truth, ever since we dropped her off yesterday, everything seems out of place.” Yuri said as they went down an isle and she picked up some rice. “Like she was a piece of my heart, and now that she's gone, the piece had fallen out and left behind a hole that cannot mend on its own.”
“I know how you feel, it was the same when my mother died,” Tohru said.
“Sorry to hear that,”
“Don't be, she died about two years ago, ever since I've been living with Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo. But you what, the hole that was once for my mother has been filled.” Tohru said.
“How?” Yuri asked, her curiosity made her forget about the food she needed to get, and the wispy cold air from the freezer isle.
“It's like what you said before, a hole that was left behind and cannot mend itself. Well, others can mend it. Simply by filling it,” Tohru began to explain. “If it weren't for the Sohmas, I would still feel lonely, sad, and miserable. The day my mother died and I began living on my own, that hole was a constant reminder to the one I loved most was gone. But than Yuki and Shigure found me and let me live with them, Kyo than came along and moved in as well. It's like they moved into my heart as well, filling the emptiness I so really needed filled.”
Yuri remained silent, not noticing her fingers becoming slightly frozen from the constant air coming from the frozen meat.
“What I'm trying to say is that when one goes, another comes to help mend the pieces back together. Maybe someday, someone beloved to you will come and hopefully fill that hole that had bothered you.” Tohru finished. Yuri smiled.
“You're a wonderful person, you know that?” Yuri said kindly.
“Oh no! I was just trying to help! Sorry if it sounded too uncomfortable!” Tohru said blushing as she picked up a random food from the meat section than began walking off.
“Oh um Tohru!” Yuri called.
“Yes?” She turned around to see Yuri holding out steak. Tohru looked at her basket and blushed harder.
“Sorry about that,” Tohru said as they traded meats.
“Oh and Tohru?” Tohru again turned around, Yuri's eyes closed happily.
“Thank you,”
“Any day now Shigure,” Kyo growled impatiently.
“Shut up Stupid Cat,” Yuki snapped.
“You shut up! Don't tell me you don't feel just as annoyed! That bastard hadn't said a word! And it would be better if this got out before Tohru came home if it's such a bad thing to say!” Kyo pointed out.
“He does have a point - for once,” Yuki said.
“Shut up!”
“Yes, well…it didn't start out bad, but if only we could have stopped it.” Shigure mumbled they weren't sure if he was talking to himself or to them. “It seemed such a long time ago, it would be nice to travel back to enjoy them, and to take back what we have done.”
“What did you do?” Yuki asked.
“Well, I don't think I should tell you really, I would suggest to hear it from Hatori, but it's a burden to him too. I suppose Ayame could as well, but he would probably get so dramatic that you wouldn't be able to understand him. Well, that would leave me now wouldn't it?” Shigure said.
“What do you think? Now get on with it!” Kyo growled.
“All right…now where do I begin?”
“Hey everybody I'm home!” Yuri cried as she walked into the house. No reply, but she did hear the sound of the faucet running in the kitchen. Yuri's face looked puzzled as she than walked through the house and walked into the kitchen. The faucet was running, but no one was in there. Yuri than turned off the water after placing the bag of food on the table. It seemed…eerie. There was no one in the house, but she remembered that her mother was home. So where could she be?
“Mom? Dad?” Yuri called out, her voice echoed slightly. But no other reply came. Something clutched at her stomach; it made her feel slightly afraid. “This isn't funny,” She felt a slight breeze, it was coming from upstairs. Cautiously, she began walking up the stairs, her instincts telling her to call someone. But her body wouldn't listen.
When she reached the top, she looked around; the only door open was the one to Eriko's old room. She gulped before walked towards it.
“This is meant for her…” a feminine voice rang in her ears as she looked at her cousin's room. She suppressed a frightened scream.
“…if she doesn't listen…” Yuri ran out of the room and down the stairs and instantly caught hold of the phone. She dialed her father's cell phone number. It rang twice before she heard him.
“Yuri? You sound scared, what's wrong?” Dikatou asked.
“I don't know where it came from Dad! But there's-”
“There's what?” he asked, sounding slightly intimidated himself.
“I can't dare say it! But there's one in her room and no one's here! -” Yuri choked on sobs.
“Hold tight Yuri, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Where's your mother?”
“I don't know, she said she would be here working on school work by the time I came back!”
“All right calm down Yuri, I'll be there as soon as I can!” Dikatou than hung up. Yuri began to shake and had trouble punching the off button on the phone. She than placed it on the shelf, the image that lied on her cousin's bed sprang into her mind. She fell to the ground in a heap, her shoulders shaking heavily. A small piece of paper landed next to her. She didn't notice it as she wrapped her arms around her head and brought her legs up to her chest. The food lay forgotten on the table and the note sat there.
I went to school to get some things. I'll be back soon `kay! .
And under the signature, was a pawprint of a fox, smeared in blood as if it were red paint.
“This is meant for her if she doesn't listen to fate…”