Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ Brotherly Love ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty-Seven
Life is not measured b the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
Brotherly Love
“YOU DID NOT JUST SAY WHAT I THINK YOU SAID?!!!!” Eriko (who had already showered and was now downstairs) stared at Kyo who was originally eating breakfast was now roaring at Shigure, but then again, Yuki wasn't all that happy either.
“Oh dear me, what did I say? Let me think…” Shigure said.
“What are you yelling about now?” Eriko asked, she wasn't as tired as yesterday, but she did have a bit of a memory loss of the original events as of now, she doesn't remember Kyo's loyalty of staying at her bedside yesterday, but fortunately, Kyo never asked if she remembered.
“Shigure is letting an idiot of a brother of mine come over,” Yuki answered, for some reason that didn't give her good vibes. But what could have been so bad about-
“Ayame Sohma is Yuki's older brother,” Shigure said after Tohru placed their breakfasts down, school was in an hour, but they were more eager to leave than eat since Ayame would be there at any moment. “He's a bit on the over confident side, oh yes, he also owns a fabric shop.”
“I don't see anything wrong with that, Yasashiku-kun has the most confidence or so I think,” Eriko replied.
“You'll think differently once you meet him.” Yuki retorted gently, besides his strange morning behavior, Eriko could tell it wouldn't be such a good day.
Instantly, Kyo and Yuki winced and became stiff. Eriko sat there as Shigure volunteered to get the door and sprung out of the room instantly.
“Ah! Hello, you must be…?” Shigure greeted, Eriko waited for it.
“I'm Yasashiku Sanotomono, Eriko's cousin, and this is Myuu Kosanike.” Yep, the day was going to be bad.
“So you two are lovers aren't you?” Yuki and Kyo snickered as they heard a bam! On the other side of the wall, how much they wanted to do that themselves but the Lion had more guts to do it. Also, Shigure had no authority with him, so he was free to do that.
“So…who was that?” Yasashiku asked as he and Myuu entered the room.
“Shigure Sohma, our guardian…” Eriko answered.
“Oops…sorry,” He didn't mean it, but he was busy smirking over at Kyo.
“What are you staring at?” Kyo hissed.
“Whoa! Easy there Cat, no reason to get your tail in a knot.” Yasashiku stated, grinning as Kyo broke his chopsticks in one reflex.
“Cat! You have no right to call me that you good-for-nothing…thing!!” Kyo roared as he glared up at the Lion, his glare fixing on him like searchlights. Eriko sighed and stood up.
“I don't see what the big deal is, Yuki calls you it all the time.” Yasashiku pointed out.
“I don't like him using it either!” Kyo pointed out.
“Then cool your jets and just say so,” Yasashiku said with a sly grin.
“Hello everyone! It's a pleasure to meet you all Sanotomonos!” Everyone went silent as a silver-haired man stepped into the room with a black-eyed Shigure following behind.
“Ice! Ice!” Shigure cried as he scurried past the teens. Myuu stared, not knowing at whom to look at for an answer.
“My name is Sir Ayame! And who might you three be in my wonderful presence?” Eriko's lost all track of what she said before and stared at the Snake with everlasting puzzlement and an unexpected feeling of surprise. This was something she hadn't expected-at all…
“Sir Ayame? What kind of name is that?” Yasashiku asked, Yuki and Kyo exchanged worried glances, they were going to be late for school for sure.
“Why it is only a pseudonym I decided to use at that very moment! But anyhow! I do believe I asked you a question so do not be hesitant in telling me! I will not bite your head off I a sure you!” Ayame cried, it certainly felt like his voice alone would wake up the neighborhood, so nonetheless their heads being knocked off their necks. Eriko looked over at Yasashiku, but before she could introduce herself, Yasashiku went first.
“The name's Sir Yasashiku! I'm a Sanotomono obviously, but you would do well in telling me why you're here?” Yasashiku asked, Eriko sighed again, Myuu though quickly introduced herself, and Eriko was left in the dark.
“Myuu? Myuu? How about Myruru? That is such an adorable nickname! Maybe you should use it for her Yasashiku-kun! Nicknames tell of out secret feelings and inner emotions on those we love and care about.” Ayame stated, Yasashiku blushed a slight red, but as always, had a comeback.
“Myruru? Where the world did you get that from? The tag on a teddy bear's ear?” Yasashiku asked sarcastically.
“That's where Mine-chan said she found it,” Ayame replied. They sweat-dropped.
“My my, what a temper you are brewing today Kyonkichi, is something bothering you?”
“So you must be Eriko, Kyokichi's girlfriend! A pleasure it is to finally meet the young princess who is sworn to merry our dear beloved Kyonkichi (STOP CALLING ME THAT DAMNIT!!) but anyhow, how are you doing Yuki-kun?” Ayame had bounced from Eriko to Yuki, bringing Kyo to utter anger. Yasashiku and Myuu alone stared with wonder at Ayame while Tohru stood next to Yuki (who was glaring murderously at Ayame). Eriko sensed a bit of a gap between the two and wisely backed away.
“Why are you here?” Yuki asked.
“To see my great little brother and his little friends of course!” Ayame answered.
“But they're about to go to school Ayaa,” Shigure pointed out.
“Oh silly me, I came too late when I thought I came too early, shame on me, but there's always after school!”
After school? Dear Kami… Yuki, Kyo, and Eriko thought.
“We're going straight home after school Myuu.” Yasashiku stated.
“But I thought we were coming back here with Eriko-chan and the others.” Myuu stated.
“Oh yes! Do come back! MORE THE MERRIER AS THEY SAY!” Ayame cried out happily.
“GO HOME!!!”
It took more than thirty minutes for Yuki, Kyo, Tohru, Eriko, Yasashiku, and Myuu to be able to get out of the house without some saying that had nothing to do with the situation from Ayame to be able to get out of the house. They also could even hear him talking to Shigure even down the street! Yuki had his head hanging, possibly hoping no one would look at him.
“He's your brother?” Yasashiku asked, Yuki nodded. “Wow, believe it or not you two do kind of look the same, but you are two different people. To think, I can barely get sentences out of you,”
“?” Yuki looked up.
“See what I mean?” he asked, Yuki looked away and Tohru looked at him worriedly.
“So what does he do? I mean, is he an ambassador or something? He was wearing a dress for cryin' out loud!” Yasashiku stated.
“Ambassador? You're kidding right; the guy can't even keep himself straight let alone other people. He's twisted.” Kyo said.
“I wouldn't say twisted, more like eccentric,” Yasashiku replied.
“Eccentric doesn't even cover it,” Eriko said.
“True,” Kyo and Yasashiku replied in unison.
The school day went on as Eriko remembered on the first day, even though she had only just enrolled here, she still felt like she had been here forever, but was still left in the dark. It scared her when she would go to her locker and discover that it wouldn't open. She yanked over and over and it wasn't till Haru came around and spotted her having difficulty. Even though she wouldn't admit it, she secretly thanked him when he opened her locker with one jerk (breaking the shutting device so she had to get another locker). But besides that, it was an `all right' day, at least until people began talking about the school elections.
“Yuki's getting president again, I guarantee it. He was awesome last year after all,” a girl whispered to her friends as Eriko passed by. She silently sighed, poor Yuki, getting more than enough attention he ever wanted. Why he ever ran for the campaigns were beyond her, she didn't understand him by much.
“Hey watch it!” Eriko lifted her head and spotted a girl nearly tripping when a black-haired girl `accidentally' bumped into her. Eriko didn't recognize her; she had auburn, straight hair that was a quarter up with thin bangs. Her chocolate eyes were drawn away from anyone, avoiding eye contact. But Eriko caught sight of the girl that apparently pushed her and walked towards her.
“Hey, you're name is?” Eriko asked, the black-haired girl looked at Eriko and instantly freaked.
“Why would you want to know Vixen?” she cried.
“Well, by the way you walk around here it would seem you would be Queen Victoria.” Eriko answered, “And I must state my say, you are not of the kind and you should keep your mouth and body away from people who don't need to heave it around.”
“Are you calling me fat?”
“I won't say I'm not trying to insult you,” Eriko stated, the girl's hair bristled.
“You think you're so smart huh? You should be apologizing to saying that to a senior!” The black-haired girl cried, by now there was plenty of eyes on them and the girl had gotten up and leaned against the wall, looking dully at the verbal fight.
“A senior? How old are you?” Eriko asked.
“I'm eighteen!” the girl answered.
“Centimeters tall, look, without making more of a fool out of yourself, just try and keep your business where it's wanted and don't get anyone else involved or harassed by it all right. It's not hard to do, or shouldn't be for a senior.” Eriko replied.
“What is going on? Oh! Eriko! You're back, feeling any better?” It was Noami, she was dressed in a forget-me-not blue skirt and blouse with a white bow around her neck and dark panty hoes. She wore white shoes and her hair was up in a tight bun. She had placed her reading glasses on the top of her head. She smiled down at the Fox, Eriko had never been so happy as to see her here!
“Sorry Sanotomono-san, but this girl here has been harassing students with her body?” Eriko answered, Noami raised a brow.
“How so?”
“Not in the way you're thinking!!” The girl cried out with a definite blush, some of the students snickered. It was then that Eriko scented Hanajima; things were about to get interesting.
“She just decided to push a girl to the floor Miss Sanotomono,” It was Hanajima, Eriko gave her a planning look. Noami looked at her.
“Is that so Miss Ito? As you know I do not allow such behavior, but I need to hear this from the person that was actually influenced by it?” Noami was always fair, it would be here downfall one of these days. Eriko just hoped the girl would admit what happened, by her aroma she doesn't talk much.
“Don't worry about it,” It was the girl! And she didn't admit it! Noami sighed and the black-haired girl, Ito-chan smirked. Eriko was bagged and thrown away, she hated being proven wrong.
“All right Kuragi-chan, now everyone, get to class.” Noami shouted out, everyone went on with his or her business again, but Eriko walked straight up to Kuragi-chan.
“Why didn't you tell her?” Eriko asked, “It's just going to have more people push you around like you're some toy.”
“I don't need your pity, so go and bug someone else.” The girl replied, Eriko was taken back a little. One of the first people she has ever given any pity to was non-existent, she gave no pity to anyone, and it wasn't even in her vocab!
“I don't pity, I try and look out for those who can't seem to admit anything.” Eriko stated.
“Oh Eriko-chan, we have to-oh! Konnichiwa Machi-chan!” It was Tohru; Eriko sighed as the Riceball came to her left. “You're in our next class right? Why don't you walk there with us?” Leave it up to Tohru to say something like that, but Machi agreed and hesitantly began following the two. Catching glimpses of Eriko as she did so.
“Why are you staring at me?” Eriko asked.
“…” She remained silent the rest of the way, Eriko was happy to be able to sit at her seat as far from her as possible. What was with this girl anyhow? The name `Machi' comes to mind, where did she hear it from?
Oh yeah! Yuki was talking about student council and said something about a girl and a boy…
“So Yuki, I hear you made it in student council once again this year, so who else is in it?” Shigure asked, it was sometime yesterday or some other time around a meal that they began this conversation. Eriko was eating slowly, she hadn't felt very hungry for the last few days.
“There's Kakeru Manabe the vice president, and let's see, the secretary is Kimi Toudou-”
“I know her, she's in my third period and can't shut up! Do something about her, you're the only one she ever brags about.” Kyo growled.
“She was flaunting around in the hallway on the first day of school, it was rather annoying,” Eriko pointed out.
“You know her?” Yuki and Kyo asked at the same time.
“Why wouldn't I?”
“Well, you're new and all-”
“What's you're point?”
“Never mind, continue Yuki,” Shigure said with a forced smile. Tohru glanced back over at Yuki, then at Kyo and Eriko, then back at Yuki.
“A few other members are Naoto Sakuragi, and then there's Machi Kuragi, she doesn't talk much…”
Machi Kuragi…? Hmmm…
“Turn to page 456 please,” the teacher instructed, Eriko grimly did so, but held herself together by only thinking that there was a nightmare waiting for her at home.
“WELCOME BACK MY DEAR LITTLE BROTHER! How was your day today?” Ayame cried.
“They had another forty minutes till school ends Ayaa, why don't you give you greeting a tune-up.” Shigure said, ever since the four left Ayame had done nothing but talk about Yuki with Shigure, but it only ended up getting to the point that Ayaa wanted to start a speech as soon as he got home and Shigure wanted to read the newspaper.
“Maybe if you didn't try so hard maybe you two could actually bond.” Shigure said.
“Now how would not communicating with one another make a brotherly bond hm Gure-san?” Ayame asked as he became more physically dramatic and appeared to be the queen…erm…king of England.
“At least it would help him notice that your wild behavior has toned down a bit, and help acknowledge you.” Shigure pointed out.
“Maybe it would, and maybe it wouldn't, I don't think I should risk it. I'll keep going my own way!”
“But your way seems to be too dramatic, he isn't all like you, wait a minute, he isn't like you at all now that I think of it. Maybe you should try things his way.” Shigure suggested.
“Really? But I must admit that it would probably not work, I do get carried away.”
“True, but it is worth a try. After all, you're willing to jump off a bridge (even though he probably wishes you would) so why not give him a shot to bond with you in his own way, though I guarantee it'll take time.” Shigure explained.
“Well said Gure-san! Maybe I can do some bonding over that garden he said he had…” Ayame went into thought.
“What garden?” But do remember to let him lead you by the hand this time…
“Why don't we play badminton or something, there is no way I'm going back home.” Kyo stated as he leaned against the lockers next to Eriko's.
“Ayame bothers you that much?”
“You're kidding me right? You can barely stand Shigure but you can stand Ayame, that does not make any sense.”
“Who says I can't stand Ayame?”
“Forget it,” Eriko smirked with success as she shut her locker and put her backpack around her shoulders.
“You two coming home?” Eriko turned around, it was Yuki and Tohru, they seemed rather pleased for some reason.
“What do you think you stupid Rat? Hello no,” Kyo answered.
“Why don't we go shopping then, Eriko and Yuki can go home. I'm sure there we're not needed,” Tohru said.
“Miss Honda?” Yuki gasped, Eriko sniffed anxiety from Tohru, what was she up to? No, wait a minute, Tohru? Up to something? Something was amiss.
“It's all right, and besides I need to pick out the right ingredients for supper tonight with Ayame here.” Tohru said, Yuki smiled grimly.
“All right.” He said, she smiled and with a wave (and blush from Kyo) they began walked away.
“Is there something wrong with her? She hasn't been herself lately.” Eriko asked.
“I noticed, but I find it obvious with what's wrong with her. But it'll be harder for you to understand, especially when you have similar feelings.” Yuki stated as he began walking the other way, Eriko followed. As they walked, Eriko spotted Machi as she placed stuff in her locker. She also spotted Yuki eyeing her, this made her determined.
“Hey! Kuragi!” Machi turned towards the two as they stopped Yuki and her both stared at Eriko in confusion.
“Why don't we walk you home, after all I have to make up for my manners earlier.” Eriko said, Machi stared numbly at her for a second, then agreed before shutting her own locker.
“So where do you live?” Yuki asked as they walked out of the school, it was getting slightly warmer as it was nearing February. The snow had melted as it hadn't snowed or any other weather had set in except gloomy, cloudy days.
“You can just walk me to Makuwatari street and I'll walk myself the rest of the way.” Machi replied; Eriko who was now used to it sighed. Yuki looked from one girl to the other.
“Is there something the matter Miss Kuragi?” Yuki asked, Machi turned away and it seemed like her street came right up as she quickly turned down the street. Yuki stared baffled at her behavior as he watched her walk on till he could no longer see her past the buildings. “I know she is quiet and often keeps to herself, but why do you think she is like that Eriko-chan?”
She knew, she scented it, Machi only turned away to avoid him seeing her ferocious blush creeping up from her neck, it wasn't from anything horrible.
“It was nothing rude, I assure you.” Eriko answered, surprising Yuki.
“Then she's just shy?” Yuki asked.
The same way I was to Kyo, but now, I hate to admit…
“So are still wondering why Tohru wanted to go with Kyo to the store?” Yuki asked with a grin.
“Do I want to know?”
“I don't think so,”
…I don't know what to feel now…
“HELLO DEAR BROTHER! GUESS WHAT? I have decided to dedicate the rest of the day (exactly four hours) to you!” Eriko didn't jump when the door opened for them and Ayame bounced out of it like a Jack in the Box, but Yuki didn't seem neither pleased nor upset that he was still here, but if he bugged Kyo so much, then wouldn't it bother his own younger brother?
“Really? Did you think that up all by yourself?” Yuki asked.
“Now Yuki, be nice.” Shigure cried from inside, Eriko squeezed her way inside as Ayame elegantly helped Yuki in and immediately felt forgotten.
“I have decided we should go to an all-time (favorite restaurant of mine) five-star restaurant in Tokyo, Japan! How about the Umeboshi? No, no, no, how about Sugoi Stick, specializes in yakitori you know! But wait! How about the Tokyo Crane?” Eriko nearly fell, anywhere but there! Riku would be there, all hell would break lose if Ayame and Rikuyami mixed. No good would come out of it at all!
“Those are all your favorite restaurants.” Yuki said with a throbbing vein. Eriko spotted Shigure at the table and took advantage of the empty seat across from them.
“We could just stay here and wait till Tohru gets back to make a wonderful dinner better than any other chef in the country.” Shigure suggested.
“And excellent idea Gure-san! I would never have thought have anything better!” Ayame cried.
You always have something planned `better'… Yuki thought.
“But in the meantime-”
“You'll sit down,” Eriko said boredly. Ayame stared at her questionably; Yuki seemed to be begging.
“Oh yes! You must be Eriko-”
“We met…this morning…” Eriko replied.
“Oh yes! Now I remember! Sorry my dear blooming vixen was much too distracted by my brother! How could you do such a thing Yuki-kun! Making yourself stand out when your new housemate stands in the dark along! Cold! Frigid! In need of a blanket! But you look fine to me so why don't you fetch some tea! I would make some myself but only three people are allowed to drink my tea! They are Hatori-san! Akito-sama! And of course my beloved brother Yuki! But I don't feel like making any at the moment so serve your guest with tea Vixy-chan!” Ayame cried out. All three, Shigure, Yuki, and Eriko, looked like they had fish slammed in their faces.
Blooming vixen? Housemate? She looks fine to me…and what about this tea he's talking about? Yuki thought.
Let's not spill it Ayaa, but I don't see why you never let me drink your tea! Shigure began to (fake) cry as Eriko began to pale.
He knows? Wait a minute, could it just be the nickname from my school? No way! It's only the third day how could he have possibly have know? And what is this about his tea, me being cold and frigid, and serving tea? Eriko felt like she was forming fangs. But for all she knew she probably was.
“She is not going to serve you tea! Get your own!” Yuki protested.
“Now, now Yuki-kun, you mustn't act so rashly towards your dear older brother!” Ayame replied.
“If you were my brother you would make some tea!”
“Is that a request? Oh Yuki you're finally realizing my intentions of bonding with you! I'll get started on the tea right away!” And with that, Ayame zoomed to the kitchen, leaving a petrified Yuki.
He just doesn't get it…
“You two may look alike, but you two have nothing in common, and I mean that literally. Are you sure you are related?” Eriko asked, Shigure chuckled.
“Sometimes I wish I wasn't.” Yuki replied Shigure raised his head above the paper as Yuki took a seat next to Shigure.
“Sometimes? I thought you wished you had nothing to do with him.” Shigure replied.
“Well, before I thought that way.” Yuki snapped, glaring at Shigure coldly enough to send him back to the shelter of his paper. Avoiding the Rat's glare.
“Before what? You changed your mind over what?” Eriko asked politely, she didn't want to sound too curious, but she had to admit she wanted to know.
“I'm just starting to see things in him that I never saw before, it's possible that we're not ever going to understand one another. But that chance is a 99 to 1, we're lucky we can be in the same room together.” Yuki explained, “We're not alike at all exactly, but he does have his moments, just like everyone else does.”
Yes! The perfect tea for Yuki!!!!! La la! Ayame thought as he placed the tea in a single cup and carefully began to carry it towards the room. But froze.
“I don't think anyone understands him, well, besides Shigure, Hatori, and Mine Kurame (his assistant at work) and well, I don't see anything wrong with that…at the moment.”
Eriko found this believable, which surprised her. She had always had a hard time believing people having sibling problems while she and Yuri were usually inseparable, but now, it probably doesn't count as of now, they were always just cousins. But, that doesn't mean that they couldn't be sisters right?
“It's him that I can't understand really, sometimes he's…something else then the next, a complete different person I needed when I was little…” Yuki sighed heavily. “Now he's trying to close a gap between us caused by him, but I can't help but think that part of that gap was also caused by me. Maybe I just didn't think up to him as much as I should have or gave him the credit I probably owed him. But the past is the past, there's nothing either of us can do except wait and try and reconnect that gap that began to rip years ago.”
“But are you…glad that you are brothers?” Eriko asked out of the blue, but Yuki seemed to be expecting this, but before he could answer…
“OH YUKI!!! HERE IS THE SPECIAL AYAME TEA JUST FOR YOU!!” Ayame cried as he burst into the room.
“Oh! And you couldn't have made some for us Ayaa?” Shigure whined as Yuki stared down at the cup of tea Ayame placed in front of him, he glared at it.
I think the only thing that's keeping the gap from closing is just a simple word… Eriko thought.
“We're back!” Tohru cried as she and Kyo walked in, both carrying bags.
“Welcome back you two!”
“You need help Miss Honda?”
“No, I'm all right. But Kyo might need some.”
“I would help but I can't ruffle my clothes nor can I expose my hands to any labor work,”
“You're pathetic and a pitiful excuse of a man!” Yuki hissed.
Acceptance, and maybe a bit of maturity…