Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ Clueless ( Chapter 31 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Thirty-One
Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.
H. G. Wells
Yasashiku sighed heavily, he was sitting next to Myuu in the bus that would take them to a spring (it was a school field trip to study botany and experience the outdoors), but if anyone was unhappy and prepared to complain about it, it was Eisuka. Unfortunately, she ended up behind the two, but Myuu didn't seem to mind; though it seemed that she didn't even notice the girl's irritating complaints.
“I don't see why we have to go here anyway! Why couldn't we have gone to the beach or the mall?” Eisuka complained, Yasashiku's right hand went through his blond hair, how much he wanted to rid the bus of the annoying girl there behind him. “It's just as bad as that good-for-nothing hanging around my Yassy.” And yes, she still considered Yasashiku hers, even though he detested it and made it clear that day not long ago.
“I can't wait to get there, are you excited Yasa-kun? I was told that they also had Hot Springs there at the Tokushima's Public Botany Garden.” Myuu asked brightly, looking up at the Lion. They would be there for a couple of days. But yesterday was Valentine's Day, and personally since she had gotten him chocolates for the occasion. He was looking forward to giving something in return to her on White Day.
“So honey? What are you and Yassy planning on doing there? Do some sight-seeing of the gardens or in Yassy's boxer drawers?” Eisuka asked Myuu in a high-pitched whisper into her ear, making her both grimace and blush. Yasashiku though, being the lion did hear that, but before he could say anything the bus's engine went silent and the vehicle stopped. Even the lights went out (it was now eight thirty as this was going to Nagasaki, it would take at least three days by bus to get there, but they would only stay there for two days.)
“What in the world?” Yasashiku growled as he rubbed his eyes, he refused to sleep as long as he was on the same bus as Eisuka, he never knew what she might do to Myuu. Though Myuu had fallen asleep for a few hours and awoke later, so she was rather happy and energetic.
“Don't tell me we have to walk the rest of the way!” Eisuka cried out as the teacher stood up at the front.
“We are having some mechanical problems, but the driver will see to it that he will fix it as fast as he can, so sit tight and talk amongst yourselves.” Mr. Usaki said the thirty students. Only his class was able to go thankfully, Yasashiku didn't like large crowds as he used to.
It wasn't till about fifteen minutes later the driver found the problem and announced it would take at least thirty minutes to fix, so Mr. Usaki suggested that they got out and enjoyed themselves outside. But Eisuka and her group of snide friends went against it, but by the time they were done with at least half of their complaints, the bus was already emptied.
“It's so lovely out here!” Myuu cried happily as she and Yasashiku wondered over to the side of the high way (which was ghastly empty with a forest on both sides of it). But Myuu didn't seem to mind it at all, Yasashiku noticed some of the girls and boys behind them staying together while they alone strayed. He smirked.
“Stay here Myruru.” Yasashiku said as he quickly vanished, Myuu occupied herself with a small swallow on a maple branch that was thawing out from winter still.
“Man what I wouldn't do for at least a match…” a boy complained as he rubbed his arms, his jacket close against him. His name was Benjiro Nishinaka, around 6'1” with a spiky haircut of brown with sarcastic, azure eyes. He and his best friend, Kaemon Zen, one of the intelligent redheads in the class with a clever streak he inherited down from his father, whom was a top detective in the police department were both shivering slightly, but Kaemon refused to reveal any cold was getting to him and eventually ignored the aching in his tired body.
“Be grateful we have a bus,” Kaemon mumbled back.
“But it isn't working and if it weren't for it we wouldn't be out here in the dead of the night!” Benjiro shined.
“If it weren't for it we would probably have taken another bus that wouldn't have probably have broken down and thus, probably still be moving at this point and be much closer to the institute.” Kaemon said with only one breath, but Benjiro wasn't surprised.
“My point exactly Kaemon,” Benjiro replied sarcastically. Then a hand gripped his shoulder, “What is it Kaemon?”
“Who said I was Kaemon?” a smooth, sharp voice hissed into his ear, he jerked and something caught his leg, causing him to fall facedown on his front. He heard someone laughed heavily above him, he knew perfectly well who it was.
“Damn you Yasashiku!” Benjiro cried as he pulled himself up and threw a punch at the Lion, but he caught it even though he was close to doubling over and pushed him back down. Kaemon was staring at the two with boredom, as he then walked away.
“What' wrong Benz? Lost your balance or did someone sneak up on you?” Yasashiku laughed Benjiro throwing punches at him with a mouth full of curses, people nearby watched with amusement as Yasashiku blocked every one and continued to laugh.
“What are you doing?” Kaemon asked, Myuu jumped slightly and turned her attention to the boy instead of another bird that nestled down next to the other. She enjoyed the little birds of a feather as they called it, she wondered how odd it would be if she and Yasashiku did that.
“Don't they look nice?” Myuu asked, Kaemon could have sworn she was a six-year-old in a freshman body, because who in the world would say a pair of snuggling birds looked nice? Well, they did look cute…
“If you mean in a couple way, yes, I suppose, it's because they go together.” Kaemon answered, Myuu looked up contentedly at the swallows, and with a chirp they flew away. Kaemon couldn't help but notice the glimpse of sadness in her emerald orbs. If he weren't so stoic he would probably reveal how much of a sucker he was to girls like her. Too much of one he had to admit.
“What's wrong Myuu-chan?” he asked, breaking the silence. Myuu looked at him for a moment, thinking about how to answer the question. Kaemon made no movement; he was good at being quiet, and especially motionless. Benjiro had once set up a little fun competition of a staring competition during lunch break once and nearly everyone was stared down Kaemon because he didn't seem to feel the urge to blink. It wasn't till the teachers came angrily to the cafeteria announcing that lunch ended fifteen minutes ago that Kaemon was free of the bothersome stares. But the last one never got to end since the teachers interrupted, but that was when he was up against Yasashiku, he had a dedication to every little thing, it was rather funny.
“If I told you would you laugh?” Myuu asked, he shrugged.
“Depends on what you want to tell me, if it's something personal I advise that you share it with Yasashiku, he is your boyfriend after all.” Kaemon stated emotionlessly. But Myuu didn't seem convinced, she had only know Kaemon since the beginning of the year, but as friendly and naïve as she is, she already considers half the people she has met as friends, or maybe even everyone.
“Kaemon…? Has there ever been a moment in your life that you wanted to do something, but you didn't know what you wanted to do?” Myuu managed to ask, scanning the skies. Kaemon stared at the sky as well, thinking of an answer. His father usually spoke of his cases at parties they had at his rather large house he thought was a mansion when he was younger. But out of all the cases from robbery to murder, he had never heard such a baffling mystery as Myuu's questions.
“I suppose people have many moments like that,” he finally spoke; she looked at him as he continued to stare up into space. “I had moments like that, especially back in my old district…”
That's right! He was from a different part of Tokyo! I wonder if I should ask… Myuu wondered, but he continued before she could speak.
“I lived in a dangerous part of Tokyo, that's why the police practically worshipped my father. He was a genius, he was an athlete, and he was the detective, the hero that saved the day back then before we moved. I remember I had plenty of people that I preferred classmates rather than friends, but one day, I came across something that changed my mind forever…”
“I was coming home one day, alone. It wasn't till I came across an alleyway that someone was sobbing, I turned to look, it was one of the gangs in the neighborhood, beating up someone I scarcely knew as Kentaro Matsuya. I was scared, so I ran all the way home. It wasn't till I was safe in my room I began to think what I could have possibly done to help him, I wasn't a fighter, but I was a rookie in martial arts at that moment so I didn't think of the possibilities I could have done for him till I became better. Yet when I came to school one day, I became a ignored, no longer the guy who people wanted to talk to, I knew people thought of me as different because they knew I was intellectual, I could have skipped grades and grades, but I didn't want to, I didn't want to be out of school.” Kaemon explained.
“Did you…did you see him again?” Myuu asked, he looked at her with a sad glimpse.
“No…the beating caused his ribs to collapse, puncture his lungs. If paramedics found him sooner, he probably would have survived…” Myuu gasped silently, staring at the boy she knew so little of. He continued to stare at her with warmth, it must have been hard to think of ways to repent for something that wasn't his fault…
“You shouldn't think of it as your doing Kaemon-kun,” Myuu suddenly spoke, “everyone has something they regret. Some are far worse then others; some are really nothing to worry about. But all you can do is repent for them, make up for them you know? I have never experienced what you have I'm afraid, so I can't really explain how to deal with it.”
“It's all right, and besides, I have started repenting, I'm making up for my cowardly act by becoming stronger…so I can protect the next person I come across in danger and help them in any way I can…” Kaemon said, looking down at his right hand. “But Myuu? What's troubling you?” She looked at him again and gave him a small, soft smile.
“Oh…it's nothing,” she replied, his right eyebrow rose a little.
“Really? Then I suppose such a question didn't really come from the Lil' Myuu did it?” Kaemon teased lightly, she stuck her tongue out at him playfully.
“I'm fine, really I am. Don't get worried over me,” Myuu said in her usual, childish voice, he sighed.
“All right, then let me give you some last minute advise. Do what you think is right, everyone has their point in time where they won't be able to look to someone for answers, so it's up to you to make the best of a situation. But…” Kaemon said with a smirk, Myuu spotted Yasashiku coming up behind him. “I think there is someone willing to be at your every call, and he's coming up right behind me too isn't he?” She put up a hand to stifle her giggles as Yasashiku silently poised his body in fake attack mode over Kaemon. Kaemon though, remained in his stoic posture.
“Yo Yasashiku,” Kaemon said, Yasashiku fell.
“Man! You're no fun!” He whined as he came to his side and looked from Myuu to Kaemon, Benjiro came up as well and noticed the strange aura in the air that a conversation of great importance was just held.
“I don't think I came on this trip to have fun,” Kaemon retorted with no emotion in his voice, Myuu approached them.
“Is the driver almost done?” Myuu asked.
“Feh! As if, the old geezer thinks it's funny to keep stalling!” Yasashiku growled.
“Oh? What was he doing?” Myuu asked.
“Sitting on his fat ass every five minutes, we tried to convince him to hurry and stop stallin' but it just convinced him to take longer, I think Mr. Usaki is getting annoyed as well.” Benjiro answered.
“Should be, hey, Kaemon, good ol' buddy! Why doncha do us all a favor and go and you know, persuade the guy.” Yasashiku suggested, staring at the redhead. Though Kaemon remained emotionless and stared back at Yasashiku. Benjiro and Myuu looked from one to the other.
“I don't see what the point would be, if he's anything like you-which it seems he probably is-then there's no way I'll get through him.” Kaemon said, Yasashiku jabbed him playfully with his right elbow.
“C'mon Kae! Do it, for me, Myuu, Benjiro, the whole the class for Kami's sake! You don't want to sleep out here do you? And besides, what do you mean by he seems he probably is?” Yasashiku asked.
“As if you don't know,” Benjiro chuckled with a smirk.
“What was that Benz?”
“Oh nothing worthy to your ears,”
“That's it buddy you're going down!”
“Um…no don't start a fight-“ Myuu gasped out from oblivion, all three boys stared at her.
“Oh Lord! She recognized a fight at last!” Benjiro cried as he got puzzled Myuu in a tight embrace, but when he noticed Yasashiku's dark glare, he edged away slowly. If I go slowly enough he'll lose interest…I hope…
Yasashiku did lose his interest in glaring at Benjiro, but he did instantly jump at Myuu's side and wrap his left arm around her neck, continued to stare Benjiro down. Myuu on the other hand, looked downright confused. Kaemon was the only sane one left and started walking away.
“Go Kaemon the Man!” Yasashiku and Benjiro cheered on, filling the night air with noise; most of the students (most sleepy) stared at them with bizarre looks that could describe how much they hated the noise even though it helped them stay awake. But when Myuu joined in the cheering people looked away, hoping whatever they ate wouldn't rub off on them as well.
“Do you think it's funny?” The driver looked up from the front of the bus with a wrench in one hand and the other gripped tightly to the opening so he wouldn't lose his balance as he leaned over. He frowned at Kaemon, possibly ready to spat a nasty comment at him for interrupting his `work'.
“What cha talkin' bout kid?” The driver asked irritatingly, Kaemon's face did not falter though.
“I will repeat, do you think it's funny?”
“Think what's funny?” The driver asked, his accent reminded him of a disgruntled pig, it annoyed Kaemon slightly, but the redhead pushed it aside and stared the man down, it made him grimace.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about, you think sitting on your rear-end that you'll still be paid? And sometime get us to the gardens as well? If you think this then you are very wrong, you see…” Kaemon unsnapped a small, rectangle devise from his belt under his shirt and flipped the front, to reveal a screen, it was then that an image showed. It was the driver sitting around doing nothing, drinking some soda then returning to his work, then back again a few seconds later to sit around some more. The driver gaped at him. “If you don't hurry, I am willing to show this to your boss, and I don't think either of will think he'll be happy one of his employees are slacking on the job. Don't you agree?” The driver went to a pale, and slightly scared pudgy face to a violent red as he shook with anger. But he eventually went back down and working faster, muttering curses under his breath that Kaemon considered not worth over-hearing.
“When you send the Kaemon! You're in for victorious, and fast-to-come occasion!” Yasashiku cried out with a yawn. They were now back on the bus around ten minutes after Kaemon revealed what he had hidden under his shirt, but how he taped him without anyone noticing was unknown to the driver, whom was the only one who knew about the threat. But no one bothered to question him because one, they were too tired and two, too eager to get back on the bus and sleep.
“You must be awfully tired Yasa-kun, why don't you get some sleep, Usaki-san said we would be there in another seven hours.” Myuu stated he smiled wearily; Kaemon was reading with a flashlight in his left hand and a rather large novel Yasashiku mistaken as a dictionary. Then there was Benjiro next to him, sleeping like a wet log, literally, he was drooling but occasionally moved around, even once falling onto Kaemon. Though Kaemon shoved him away, he still didn't wake up. But as long as he stayed off Kaemon, they were both fine.
“Nah! I can't do that while you stay awake! I'm much too…” he yawned, making it impossible to finish the last of his sentence, and Myuu made sure of it.
“Who said I was going to stay awake? You can lean on me and I'll lean on you,” Myuu suggested.
“Hell no sweetheart, but Yassy here wants nothing to do with you,” Eisuka hissed quietly into Myuu's ear, but Myuu brushed it off, thinking she never heard anything. But Yasashiku didn't hear it at all, as his hearing was blocked by the constant urge to yawn.
“No, it's all right, really, I don't want to ruin your night.” Yasashiku said back, Myuu smiled sweetly.
“You would ruin my night if you don't sleep at all Yasa-kun, so please, do what I suggested. What can possibly go wrong?” Myuu asked, for a moment Yasashiku was amazed she was being assertive, but he shoved it aside as another yawn escaped him.
“But wouldn't Mr. Usaki notice and get mad?” Yasashiku asked, again she smiled.
“Look and see for yourself,” she said, Yasashiku's right eyebrow shot up into his bangs as he then pushed himself up and looked at the rows of seat ahead of him. Everyone was snuggled up in his or her pillows and blankets the students brought for the trip so their heads weren't visible above the seats. But he heard Mr. Usaki light snores, he was asleep. “And besides, since when did you care what other people see and think?” Yasashiku flushed slightly as he sat down and tried to pay more attention to the outside scenery passing by.
It wasn't till he felt a warmth and solid hit his chest gently that he returned back to reality. Myuu's head was now on his chest, apparently she seemed to know he wouldn't change his mind and decided to lean against him instead.
Yasashiku couldn't and wouldn't force her off, she was a shy and absent-minded girl, but she did occasionally (once a year or so) get stubborn and do what she thinks is worth it. But when the quarter moon hit their window as it appeared from behind some foliage, her strawberry-red hair gleamed with the moon glow, her skin glittering a wonderful creamy milk color. She looked like an angel from that point of view, but when she opened her eyes and looked into his. Her eyes showed unbelievably true innocence, such a rare pair of jewels that resembled emerald diamonds the second they show happiness.
She smiled softly with a little tint of pink around her cheeks; he flushed too, much more heavily though.
“I don't bite,” she said, he chuckled nervously.
“I know you don't, but it's better to be safe than sorry eh?” he asked as he gained the courage to bring down his arms and wrap around Myuu. She giggled lightly as her emerald orbs closed, ready for the rest of the night's slumber. Yasashiku grinned and placed his left cheek down on her head, his golden locks falling down on hers. Eventually, he too joined her in dreamland.
Meanwhile, back at Kaemon. The redhead peered over with a small grin on his face. The novel he just so happened to bring was actually a dictionary, but the cover said otherwise. He didn't feel safe revealing the hidden codes written in dead languages in the Latin dictionary. He didn't know who else had studied Latin and he didn't want to risk someone peering over his shoulder and reveal what he was reading. The flashlight's gleam was bright and wasn't going to go out anytime soon, but even Kaemon needed sleep.
Myuu and Yasashiku had finally gone to sleep, Kaemon was interested in reading more but he too began to yawn and with a small clap, the dictionary closed quickly. The cover was in Japanese, saying it was a rather large mix of different stories and legends. Kaemon didn't mind those books actually, so no one suspected it was a Latin book disguised as a Japanese novel. But no one was willing enough to go up to him and ask what he was reading or peer over his shoulder. Benjiro and Yasashiku hated to read so they wouldn't ask much, and Myuu was too naïve and trusting then to invade someone else's privacy, so she wasn't a problem either. He really didn't have much to worry about, except Yasashiku.
Not that Yasashiku was a problem; it was whom he was related to that was a problem. His father was on a case several years ago about a missing man and before that was a missing young woman about to leave high school. Apparently they were both Sanotomonos and distant cousins. The woman was Mikomi Sanotomono and the man was Saniiro Sanotomono, who apparently was Eriko Sanotomono's father, who Kaemon knows is a close cousin of Yasashiku's. But Saniiro disappeared twenty-seven years later after Mikomi went missing, and so far, there were no links to these disappearances except the two being related.
But not only that, there were many other cases that other Sanotomonos went missing as well, none of them were solved like Mikomi's and Saniiro's cases. But when Kaemon's father and his other fellow researchers went through their files, it turned out the first Sanotomono to go missing was only in her Freshman year, and the next six went missing around Freshman year as well, but then Mikomi went missing at Junior year and Saniiro went missing on his twenty-sixth birthday, leaving behind four kids and a wife that died recently after.
There were no clues and no bodies; none of those cases were solved. But the suspicion that these were works of madmen during each generation the police kept the missing files well kept from the public. But they have thought of the fact of warning the Sanotomonos and telling them their theory. But because Mei was pretty young back then and couldn't talk, Kita took over and thanked them for their kindness, telling them lies since she obviously could not reveal the curse. When they left, they weren't expecting anymore missing for awhile, especially since both Mikomi's and Saniiro's mysterious disappearances happened at greater lengths of time then the one before.
But nothing added up except the fact that they were related and it seemed that whoever was behind this was giving them more time to cooperate. But then, Kaemon came across this book.
Kaemon peered down at the now ill lighted book since he had turned off his flashlight. It looked sinister in a way, but the girl who gave it to him looked no more innocent then Myuu. She didn't say anything to him, but simply gave the book to him, her warm orbs told him everything it seemed. But how did she know he knew Latin? And why did he feel like he shouldn't tell anyone about it? He simply covered up the book's identity out of pure instinct, but why? Nothing in the book was telling him much, except facts about how the Chinese Zodiac came to be and the order of the animals and so on. What was the point of giving this to him? It didn't seem to be a charity gift at all…unless…
Kaemon's eyes widened, could it have been a Sanotomono? Did she know about something she couldn't say? Did she know who he was and what his father was working on? Who was that girl? She was so sickly it seemed, but bright all the same and the atmosphere just seemed to lighten when she appeared from behind the wooden fence that surrounded an estate. It was last spring he believed, but he didn't have many free moments to himself except class time where he was the first to be finished with work. So he read then, thanking the teacher for putting him in the back row next to the window.
He remembered that the cherry blossoms were abnormally showy, appearing out of nowhere in a gust of warm breeze when the girl came out in a white kimono with a pastel pink flower behind her left ear. She smiled at him, she had the hair of an elderly woman, but her eyes were so bright and the color of autumn. He never seen such a combination before, and knew instantly it wasn't fake.
If there was anything he knew for sure about the world, was that anything was possible. He knew though, when someone lied and wouldn't go looking for the Loch Ness Monster just because someone sent him a picture claiming they saw it. He wasn't gullible, just curious about the other worlds out there with endless mysteries humanity would probably never solve.
But when he saw Yasashiku for the first time and realizing he was a Sanotomono, he instantly knew he had to solve the case. No matter what, for all he knew he could possibly be the next victim. He couldn't possibly imagine him being harmed in any way, especially now that they were great friends. He wasn't all that social and when Yasashiku, Myuu, and Benjiro came, it seemed that they respected that, but hung out with him all the same.
It was a nice feeling he had to admit, but such feelings couldn't get in his way in cases. That was something his father taught him, emotions were like steel walls that could help make you falter on a search for evidence. If you overlook the simplest thing it could ruin the whole case. That was why he was always so testy when it came to being interrupted by someone when he was in deep thought. He thought too much, or in Benjiro's and Yasashiku's opinion. But they were grateful for his stealth and intellect, especially when he got them out of tough situations, most concerning the teachers or janitors, or even the cafeteria ladies.
Because of his father's connections to the government Kaemon had been to several different camps, most of them were martial arts or computer camp. Getting him ready for a career he was certain he wanted. Like his father, Kaemon wanted to be a detective, and he worked hard for it. He even went on some cases with him, some were plain simple to figure out, but now that he was older, the crimes became more gruesome. They were from deaths from choking, etc. or to suicide. Kaemon though remained the same, having the same dedication to becoming a homicidal detective.
But one of his father's cases was so gruesome; he was forced to stay home. His father came home late the next morning. Saying something's like `…gruesome thing…', `Who would ever do something like that?', `Where's my coffee?', `Poor girl…', and even `Stupid teens don't know what they're dealing with till it's too late,'.
It turned out that there was a heavy and gory murder at a high school. But what made it was worse was that there was a second victim. The only one breathing was a small girl that his father couldn't help but sympathize over and ended up adopting her, he and Kaemon's mother fell for her, but it turned out she was extremely shy and fragile, didn't speak unless she was spoken to and kept her limbs to herself and eyes at the ground. But every now and then the girl would shoot in surprise if there were a sudden noise and cling to him or his mother, but it was mostly his mother. For some reason she clung to Rika Zen more then him or his father, whom both had red hair, but Rika had black. His father said that it might help with whomever came around and saved them, as the boy who was found dead with his heart next to him (and discovered was high on LSD) was obviously not taken out by a mere six-year-old and now, they had a new case on their hands. But another fact that came to mind was that Eriko was there, and she was another person the police were concerned about as she ran into the forest for no reason at all. Leaving her family behind.
Kaemon yawned, the two morons were right, he thought too much. He once told Benjiro and Yasashiku that they would have the brains to think as well if they didn't kill so many brain cells when they fought in playful head-on fist fights. But their well beings weren't what concerned him, they could protect themselves, Myuu on the other hand, could not. Maybe that was why Yasashiku was always around her.
Like Yasashiku, Kaemon and Benjiro also noticed how nasty Eisuka could be, as well as her gang of girls. They came from their school and told Yasashiku and Myuu that they were anything but polite. They were polite, but he didn't forget to mention that they were seductive and were pretty wealthy in their departments. Their were rumors that they bought their way through about anything, especially when it came to bribing `cute' guys into being their dates for about some thousands of yen each. Though Benjiro pointed out they were pretty `hot', they both agreed not to fall for them. They weren't the only ones.
Other guys from their old middle school stayed clear from Eisuka, saying she wasn't worth taking to the movies because she would change her mind and try to lure them into one of her many rooms in their large houses at night when their parents were gone. Though it was a wonder that none of the guys did anything to the girls at night when they eventually did lure them in a room. It turned out that they were so spooked by how odd the places sounded and how she acted at night that they practically kicked in the gear and ran all the way home. Making up plausible tales to their parents on where they've been for the extra hour.
Not that Kaemon blamed them, Eisuka had the physical things any man would want, but not the personality a man would need to succeed in a married life. If anything, Kaemon preferred jumping into an active volcano than go on a date with Eisuka or any of her hags that were at her beck and call. But now that they were a new school with eager older boys, who knows who would fall for it even though the guys from the old school spread rumors. Maybe the guys were waiting for the opportunity and just might go for it.
“So Kaemon-kun, still awake?” Kaemon mentally cursed, why didn't he know the girl was awake? Maybe it was because she was strangely quiet, he figured it was because her friends were asleep. Wow, shouldn't he feel special she would talk to him then!
“What is it to you?” he asked sharply, narrowing his silver eyes at her. She smirked.
“No reason to be so edgy Kaemon-kun, honestly you would think I was asking you out.” Eisuka said, he grunted.
“Not interested,” he replied, closing his eyes and folding his arms.
“Fine, let's cut to the chase, what's with you suddenly being friends with those three losers? You're the smartest one in all our classes and you end up being friends with those dorks,” Eisuka said with a disgusted sneer, he opened his right eye and looked at her, making her grimace under the cold stare.
“Who I prefer friends is none of your business Asakuruma-san,” he stated with a cold tone, she grimaced again. How easy it was to scare her when her money could do nothing to save her; he knew why she didn't try bribing neither him nor Yasashiku. For one thing the Sanotomonos was a huge family, thus, wealthy. The Zens though, had a line of detectives and surgeons, making them able to burn money as well.
“Don't be a smartass as always Kaemon-kun, you know me you don't have to act so cold towards me, why can't we be friends?” Eisuka asked, the sneer not leaving her pretty face. All that beauty wasted, it was a shame she could never see the light.
“I never have considered you a friend and I never will for as long as I live.” He retorted quietly, loud enough for her to hear as he closed his eye. He could tell she was growing rather impatient, he loved to feel himself getting under someone's skin. It was easier to get through to them and predict they're next move.
“You don't consider me worth dating?” she asked with a stupid impersonation of a baby, a vein throbbed. Will she ever shut up?
“But Kaemon-kun-”
“Do not call me that,”
“Why not? Can't stand the fact you're younger then me?”
“But a month,”
“How would you know? I was born in July!”
“I was born in June,”
“Whatever, just don't go complaining to me when some other guy gets a hold of me. Just don't think about stealing me away, though I find it rather romantic if you would,” Eisuka said, smirking as she leaned back in her chair.
“I don't complain,” Kaemon stated. “And hopefully you control that seducing of yours, you don't know what a man could do.”
“As if you would know,” Eisuka said, then her eyes widened in mock surprise, a sneer replacing the smirk. “Or did you already do it?”
“Do what?”
“Lose your virginity?”
“What-” Kaemon growled as his eyes opened and glared at the girl.
“Just a hunch, as you seem to know just about everything, including sex.” Eisuka said.
“You have no idea what you're talking about.” Kaemon replied, shifting back in his original position. Her eyes glinted slightly, Kaemon hated her eyes, they revealed more then he wanted to know.
“Do I not? Are you saying that you have indeed lost your virginity?” she asked, he made no motion or noise to show he heard her question. But she took no notice either and sneered in her sleep, taking it as a yes.