Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ Fork in the Road ( Chapter 38 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Thirty-eight
A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.
Bo Bennett
Fork in the Road
“It's raining again, Kyo must hate it.” A younger looking Sunmei said as she pulled the curtain to the side and peered out at the outdoors. Eriko sat on the ground, for a seven-year-old, the only thing that could get her attention was a book, not being able to play outside all day in bright sunlight. Her other cousins, a four-year-old Kaede, nine-year-old Aikoko (Ginry wasn't born or adopted yet), and ten-year-old Mei sat in a circle, napping on one another with several blankets ad pillows. Eriko alone sat on the recliner of the western themed house of Sarah and Dikatou's. Her older `sister', Yuri was ten at the time as well. But she was awake, talking with some of Sunmei's friends - Shigure, Ayame, and Mihoshi. Noami and Hatori, like Eriko, at the time preferred the quiet and were as well reading at the dining room table in the same room. Sunmei sighed and went back to the foursome and sat down.
“It isn't all that bad you know? Kyo's only seven, but he's been dealing with it since he was born after all. Same with Yuki and his asthma attacks. No need to worry, they're both safely at the Sohma Estate with everyone else.” Shigure said, Eriko rolled her eyes behind her book. She didn't know these cousins of Shigure's and didn't care how Sunmei, Mihoshi, and Noami knew of them as well. She didn't need to know them after all.
“Hey Eriko-kun! Come and join us! It isn't healthy being glued to a book all day long you know!” Ayame announced rather loudly, Sunmei shushed him, but he didn't seem to notice her silent plea for silence. Kaede made a small whimpering sound and went to cling to Aikoko, only to transform into a small tiger. The room filled with `try-to-be-quiet' chuckles as Kaede the cub purred and curled up into a ball against Aikoko, all they had to do was wait till she transformed to do anything about it.
“It's healthier than being here,” Eriko snapped from behind her book.
“Now now, Eriko-kun, no need to be testy. Why don't you join us in a game of Poor Man Rich Man?” Shigure asked, Eriko didn't reply, but simply turned the page to read on in her novel. They sighed, knowing they couldn't get her to do anything she didn't want to do.
“I'll join, you know how to play Yuri-chan?” Sunemi asked.
“Hai, Haha taught me!” Yuri cried happily, Shigure patted her head.
“You know what Seven Minutes in Heaven is Yuri-kun?” Shigure asked.
“SHIGURE!” The teens in the room scolded even Hatori and Noami looked up and glared at the Dog, he sweat-dropped and held his hands up in defense.
“That isn't something to be played at the moment Shigure,” Hatori stated.
“You have no fun whatsoever!” Shigure whined.
“We can play it tomorrow at Sunmei's party!” Mihoshi cried out happily, Noami rolled her eyes and kept to her book, she hated matchmaker games. She didn't have any personal crushes on anyone anyhow, she preferred to be by herself and just go to being a best friend level and stay there.
“Agreed!” Shigure cried.
“But while we're here let's explain what the game is exactly!” Ayame suggested as he glanced over at Yuri, her eyes grew big.
“I don't know, it sounds a bit more older in my time…” Yuri stated, Sunmei let out a laugh as they all cracked a smile.
“Those are good instincts Yuri!” Sunmei cheered as she shuffled the deck of cards.
“Oh! Those kind of instincts give you nothing but a boring boyfriend in the future, let her enjoy what she can learn from us.” Shigure said, Sunmei sweat-dropped.
“Certainly from us, not from you and Aaya,” Mihoshi stated with a rare expression of a matter-of-fact. “That would give her a whole new definition of gay in her vocab.”
“What's gay mean?” Yuri asked.
“Oh nothing important!” Sunmei announced, jabbing her elbow lightly into Mihoshi's left forearm. She sweat-dropped and mouthed sorry.
“Are you going to play yet?” Hatori asked from behind his book.
“Of course! But I think Sunmei's stalling, are you sure you can shuffle dear?” Shigure joked, while Sunmei sent a playful glare in his direction.
“Is she going to be all right?” Tohru asked, she, Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, and Kazuma were outside in the lobby of the Tokyo Mercy Hospital. Only Kazuma and Shigure were calm enough to sit down while Tohru stood up straight with her hands clasped together at her chest. Yuki stood beside her, as for Kyo, he leaned against the wall with his hands shoved his pockets. His expression was angry and baring his teeth wasn't helping the situation. Due to the late hour, there were only a few people in the lobby, about to leave since the visiting hour was almost gone. But they weren't moving, and the staff wasn't eager to argue with what looked like an angry cat.
“I'm sure she'll be fine, she was hospitalized before.” Kazuma said.
“How did you know?” Yuki asked politely.
“Kyo tells me a lot when he comes to the dojo, he probably forgot that he even told me half the things I know because of him.” Kazuma said with a sad smile. Yuki blinked and whispered some reassuring words into Tohru's ear. She nodded a few times, but her eyes didn't stop shining from worry.
“I don't get what happened though, and where's Noami? She dropped us off, so where did she go?” Shigure asked out of the blue.
“She got a call from Dikatou-san's. Turns out they're worried as well and wanted her to wait at the entrance for them.” Kazuma answered, what followed was an eerie silence. The last of the guests left with pained expressions. Tohru watched them with sympathy, hoping they wouldn't leave with the same feelings. The lights dimmed, but were still lit. The secretary adjusted her reading glasses and shifted some paperwork aside and did some typing on her computer. Nurses came to her and left, probably wondering where doctors were.
“Who else is coming?” Yuki asked, probably not liking the silence, none of them did.
“Noami is already here, Dikatou's family. Um…let's see, I think Momiji and Hatsuharu, Hatori said he called and Momiji picked up. Not sure who else, oh yes, her brothers and sister are coming as well.”
“Her brothers and sister?” Kyo suddenly spoke; he was quiet ever since they got into the back of Noami's car. They were extremely squished, as the only ones who didn't transform were Noami, Tohru, and Kazuma. So Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo sat in the back, Shigure had to sit in the middle to avoid any possible fights. But Yuki who was asleep and still weak from his asthma attacks was silent. While Kyo continued to stare out the window that was once the hot surroundings was now the dim and humid.
“Yes, Ken'ichi, Hoshiki, and Ruubii Sanotomono. She isn't Dikatou's daughter remember? But she is actually the daughter of the original Fox, Saniiro and Mina Sanotomono. In fact, Mina was Kazuma's younger sister. Therefore, Kazuma is Eriko's uncle, well, other uncle that is.” Shigure explained.
“You mean she's related to us?” Kyo asked, completely shocked. Yuki and Tohru were the same as well.
“Yes, distant cousins though. Not too close to make marriage illegal.” Shigure said with a hint of a joke within it. Kyo didn't blush though, but fumed.
“Oh shut up Mutt, I'm not in the mood for it right now.” Kyo hissed as he turned away and went back to his original position; leaning against the wall. They fell into silence once again; at least until they heard a door sliding open and out came Hatori, looking tired.
“It's a bad case of pneumonia, very serious.” Hatori stated.
“She would probably have a small case of the flu by morning if she weren't possessed Kyo. It's simply the curse of the Fox. She is very deep within the symptoms of her fate, it turns out becoming weak and vulnerable to diseases as such are part of it I'm afraid. Let's just hope she can pass through this, it'll probably be a while till she wakes though.” Hatori explained.
“Is that why she is always tired, I mean, not just like my case, but tired all the time even when she claims she had a good night's rest?” Yuki asked. Hatori nodded so did Shigure and Kazuma. Tohru's eyes welled up.
“Is there anyway, we can help Hatori-san?” Tohru asked, trying to keep her voice calm. Hatori looked at her, his expression not changing.
“No, I'm afraid not. It just begin, the disease has so it is contagious. In a normal virus, it won't be contagious till a few more hours. But I'm afraid since she's possessed, I'm not sure if it'll ever be safe tills he makes a full recovery.” Hatori answered, Tohru's head began to hang. Kyo shot Hatori a heavy glare and Kazuma stood up.
“Her siblings will be arriving soon Hatori, maybe you should have them meet her.” Kazuma suggested.
“Why on the first impression of her sleeping in deep illness?” Hatori asked.
“Ken'ichi has already met his younger sister, he can tell the truth behind the image that is here.” Kazuma answered, sitting back down.
“Very well, I better go and ask for more masks then. I want you all to stay here, do not cause trouble, Kyo.” Hatori stated, Kyo snorted and looked away. Hatori then walked back and out of the lobby, a nurse ran to him when he called, but the doors closed before they could see anything else.
“There is no need to worry, Eriko will not go as far as death.” Kazuma spoke, as if answering everyone's question. “If you want to know why, it's because the Fox has never been seen when it dies.”
“You mean, even in illness, she will run?” Yuki asked.
“No, it's strange. When Saniiro ran, he was ill from a cold. But before Mina passed on, she stated that it was gone in a second and he was full of healthy energy. My theory is that the Fox gains the ability to heal and gains the necessary energy to run. That's how it happened, the minute his cold was gone. He said he had to run, run the energy off…she wasn't sure it was a good idea, as running was feared by loved ones of the Fox when they mentioned it, as they aren't very athletic in the endurance category. But Saniiro insisted, and the day she let him out of the house to run that energy off. He never returned, he ran away…” Shigure explained. Yuki and Kyo narrowed their eyes at him.
“How do you know so much? Do you and everyone else that knew about the curse know so much about Eriko's fate?” Yuki asked.
“I'm afraid so, and the bad part is, we can't do anything about it.” Kazuma answered. Yet if what Akito wants is to see something no other head before him saw, then just maybe…we'll be able to save her. Kazuma caught Shigure's eye and he nodded gravely. He also knew of Akito's plan as he overheard and tried to hide the expression on his face from the teens. By the time Hatori returned, Noami had walked in, with Yuri, Dikatou, and Sarah in tow.
“Hatori-san, give them my mask, they need to see her first before me.” Tohru suggested tearfully, Yuki and Kyo also disagreed and Hatori politely nodded as he handed two to Kazuma and Shigure, the rest to Dikatou's family. He had one of his own handing around his neck. Noami suggested waiting out in the lobby with the teen trio.
“Kyo, Yuki, Tohru, wait for everyone else with Noami.” Kazuma ordered kindly, they nodded as they turned and left through the doors. The secretary gave them all disapproving looks, they knew why; it was some time since visiting hours ended. But Kyo's ticked expression was all the warning any sane person would know without words. When the doors shut behind the group. The teen trio and Noami were silent. All grave and solemn. The rain continued to beat down on the windowpanes, adding to the gloomy atmosphere.
“I know this will kind of sound stupid, but since…since you knew Eriko since she was, well, you know little, was she always erm…so…you know…” Kyo muttered, breaking the silence. Yuki got Tohru to sit down, and sat beside her, trying not to get too close to her. Noami's face brightened slightly, but a sad smile was all it gave.
“Yes, I'm afraid she had always been the restless type. Her case is…very similar to your head's, Akito. I knew him as well, they both knew since they were very young that they wouldn't have long to live. The Fox curses Eriko, she was destined to run and die alone. While Akito wasn't to live to around the thirties or was it twenty-five? I don't know, but both have very similar pains that burden them, but very different views. When Eriko was young, she didn't see life worth living if you were destined to die off as soon as you were of age, but she never thought it would be kind of her to ruin others lives. It was obvious…that she never wanted us involved with her.”
“It's healthier than being here,” Eriko snapped from behind her book.
“Her words were harsh, but it was to keep us away, to keep us from getting harmed. She wished for us to be happy, but with each and every passing day, she grew more dark and distant. She made no friends, just more enemies. She caught notorious criminals and school vandalizers, but she was never caught getting to them and only left them for someone else to find. You could say she was the heroine of the night, she kept people safe when she was with them. Yet she could never keep her well being safe, there was always something there to accuse her, but being Eriko, she always got out, always got away with it. Someone else always took the blame, someone she didn't hate, she didn't like it…” Noami explained in a glum tone.
“It was like having someone else pay for your crime, my…my mother used to say that whenever you pay for another's crime, don't ever think of that one criminal as notorious. They would have to walk on, with the un-defying guilt hovering above them, to remind them whenever they tried to do what they did that caused that person a problem, especially to someone close, sometimes that person never liked it either, but just didn't know what to do…” Tohru said, jumping in with her eyelids drooping.
“They could have turned themselves in, apologized to a mother or a father or even both, do what they could to repent, but sometimes, some people never thought of it as enough. Sometimes they would resort to different things…”
“I know it's painful, but they cannot know Yuki…” Yuki remembered the day he had accidentally bumped into a girl playing game. He transformed, and every one of those children had their memories suppressed. They probably never understood what they saw, so they probably didn't understand what Hatori was doing to them when they dragged them to his hand one by one. Yuki didn't want to watch he didn't want to be forgotten by his friends he had gotten to know in such a short period of time when he was outside the estate.
“Is it so bad that they cannot see me that way?” Yuki asked, “They didn't mind that I was a Rat, they just stared at me. They didn't run away…they didn't tell their parents, they just stared at me…”
“All the more reason that they should forget, one day the secret will leak out of one of them, I don't think you would like the results…when it is no longer secret…” Hatori had once said, back when he was younger, when he was almost finished in his medical exams in medical school. He patted Yuki's head, it meant to be reassuring, but Yuki all-in-all, found it hopeless, truly hopeless…even Akito went against it, something that could have made him happy.
“A boy who turns into a rat? You don't think they will like you do you? They'll hate you, they'll be disgusted…they'll be horrified…would you rather be talked down to as a lowly boy that transformed into a rat? Or would you rather keep it a secret and people not treat you in such a way?” Akito asked.
“It's hard to try to repent for something serious, maybe whatever Eriko ever tried to do was repent for not herself, but for the Fox. I found out a while ago when she saved me from a speeding truck on the day we were coming home from the store together. She wanted to say it was her fault for almost getting me killed, I'm sure that's what she thought. And I think she had only saved me that day, not because of the Fox, but because she and I had `bonded'. I think she knows what she needs to do, to correct her mistakes she did, there's only one problem…she's not repenting for herself, she's doing it to make up for the Fox…” Tohru finished with an uttered cry into her hands.
“…” they were speechless, Eriko meant to repent for the Fox? Why would she do that? Did she think she was the Fox that decided not to join the Zodiac race and banquet? Or did she feel that she was the Fox from a thousand years ago?
“I don't get any of this…” Kyo mutter with enmity.
“None of us do,” Noami replied.
They all stood around her, Eriko. She was tucked under comfortably in the white sheets of the hospital bed with an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. Her cheeks were colored pink; it was obvious that she was still in a heavy condition. Maybe this was the last of her symptoms….maybe it was just a warning. But her breathing was slightly labored, but besides that, her chest rose up and down in a troubled sleep. Hatori was working on the machine hooked to her oxygen mask and the IV in her arm was constantly dripping with water.
“You do know what this might mean?” Kazuma asked the people in the room along with him. He was sitting down beside Eriko, Yuri was possibly the furthest away, holding in tears. They nodded solemnly, like their best friends died. “I don't think she should know either, not about that fox all right Yuri?” Yuri nodded in understanding. Kazuma turned back to his niece. Maybe he should have come earlier, to ensure her safety. Instead, there was a struggle that brought out her transformation and it seemed, that for once, Shigure had done something smart that did more good than harm.
“Shigure, the time is close.” Kazuma said, Shigure looked oddly serious as he nodded.
“I know, but after what happened, I can't really leave her without feeling guilty. It was partly my fault this happened, if I only didn't call for Noami on that day, and mentioned the things I did…she wouldn't be here right now.” Shigure answered. Hatori looked up at his lifetime friend.
“There is no time to think back now Shigure, it's time for some action to be taken if what we want to happen, to happen. You know what you're supposed to do. So why don't you do it, without hesitation?” Hatori asked, leaving Dikatou, Sarah, and Yuri in the dark at the moment. “Is it because you are frightened that she will not forgive you? In truth, I wouldn't either. But Sunmei has cared for you as soon as she met you, you were the same. But unfortunately…some past doings led you to a difficult fork in the road.”
“So then Shigure, what path will you take?” Kazuma asked. Shigure looked away, not eager to share his feelings that his face and eyes might show. In reason, Kazuma and Shigure went back to their business. And Dikatou and Sarah clung together in a loving embrace, Sarah was puffy-eyed from the ride from their house to hear, knowing what had happened to her adopted daughter. Shigure alone walked out of the room. Before the door could click though, Yuri followed.
“Shigure?” Yuri said, shutting the door behind them. The hallway was deserted, giving them a time for a private talk. “Does this whole thing have to do with Sunmei?” Shigure looked at her with a wry smile.
“What would make you think that?” Shigure asked, stupid question as Yuri frowned.
“I'm not stupid, they mentioned Sunmei in there. You may not know it, but they're not the only ones who knew about you two.” Yuri explained. “Before she left you both practically were engaged. You were in love, everyone knew it. But it wasn't Sunmei you who was hesitant to move to the next level. You were, I was there when it happened Shigure.”
“Hey come on Shi-kun!” Sunmei cried as she tried to drag him out of the Sohma Estate, but he was reluctant. He didn't want to step out of his room for some reason, Yuri was outside. She was visiting Hatori with Mihoshi and Noami, whom were helping out around the spring-cleaning. She sat outside, outside Shigure's `house' in the estate. She was wearing a light violet kimono and her hair was down. She let her legs swing as she sat outside, humming to herself.
“Not now Sunny-chan…” Shigure whispered, he was aggravated with something. It didn't take anyone who knew him closely to figure that out. If Shigure were annoyed or aggravated, he wouldn't show it, but simply torture someone else. Most of these so called `Shi-tor-gure-ture' were basically a simple never do what he's told, play harmless tricks on people he wasn't fond of. Though, not all were harmless.
“What's…what's wrong Shigure? What's been going on?” Sunmei sounded concerned, and it only inflicted more curiosity into Yuri, as she leaned against the door.
“Nothing's been going on…it's just that someone special to me is here, and she doesn't appreciate visitors near me.” Shigure replied nervously. Now Yuri thought her ears weren't working. Shigure, nervous? He must have run into a wall or something, Shigure was NEVER nervous or aggravated, or mad, or angry, or serious, or sad, oh! He was just always happy, well when Yuri always saw him anyway.
“Akito you mean? What's wrong with him? Sick again? You should introduce me to him…” Sunmei suggested.
“No, this is something that you shouldn't get involved in.” Shigure stated.
“Why not?” Sunmei asked, pinning him with a direct glare, making him flinch. “There shouldn't be secrets between you and I Shi-kun, I trust you, and you trust me right? So why are you keeping things from me? You were always open on your family matters before…” It was silent for a moment, before Shigure broke it.
“No, no, you don't have to tell me. Not every couple tells the other everything about themselves. I just thought that…well…never mind, it's dumb…” Sunmei said, but Shigure took her in his arms anyway.
“I'm sorry…it's really complicated to tell you the truth. If you want answers, I'll give them to you. If they're personal, I will still tell you, but you can't tell anyone all right?” Shigure asked.
“No, if it's something that you promised you wouldn't tell, then I politely decline. I don't want you to get into trouble.” Sunmei replied.
“Now how can I be a good boyfriend if I don't tell you everything that's on my mind hm?” Shigure asked, his nose burrowing into her hair with gentle movement. Sunmei looked up at him, her gray orbs meeting brown pools.
“How can I depend on him if he can't even keep his promises?” she asked, her eyes tearing. He brought up his left hand and with the pad of his thumb, wiped her eyes.
“Well, all right. But some of the personal issues of mine are only promises kept by the most closest, dearest, and most trust-worthy of friends I made a promise to.” Shigure said with a smile.
“So I shouldn't be told,”
“Yes, you should be because I am one of those closest, dearest, and most trust-worthy friends. I also, prefer you one as well.” Shigure remarked as he kissed her lightly on the lips. “The truth is I made a promise to someone here, before I met you. I said something that she's clinging to…and she won't let go.”
“It has something to do with Akito.”
“Akito? He's not a she!” Yuri leaned further into the door, not caring that it wasn't wise to eavesdrop.
“Well, that's the problem…”
“What's the problem?”
“Akito is exactly a he either,”
“You loved Akito didn't you, I know Akito is truly a woman. Why she acts like a man is beyond me, but while you're in love with Akito, you're also feeling for Sunmei as well. On that day you told Sunmei the most valuable secret of the present cursed Sohma generation, she didn't care. She understood it was the past that you dwelled on. But…but you never told her what you exactly said to Akito did you? You simply said you did something that Akito wasn't willing to let you go free for, you didn't lie to Sunmei, but you didn't tell the whole truth either.” Yuri said, Shigure opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind and shut it. “Please Shigure-san, do something, do what Kazuma said. He said you knew what you were supposed to do, so do it, before any more harm comes into people's lives.”
“But what I'm supposed to do, might bring harm to Akito. Or even Sunmei, I don't want to hurt either of them.” Shigure admitted.
“There's a difference in result to what you do Shigure, you can either do the right thing and risk someone getting hurt or not do the right thing and it's possible for everyone to get hurt, everyone involved in this despicable curse. Such as myself, your friends, Kaede, Noami, anyone who is either connected or knows about the curse can get hurt. Please, just do what you think is best, and think about the possibilities and results. You aren't the only one who saw the way life works,” Yuri finished and straightened. Watching Shigure's form.
“All right…” Yuri's face brightened.
“You…you'll do it?” Shigure looked up at her and smiled.
“Of course, there's already enough of our friends and families involved. Let's not make matters worse,” Shigure said, as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You kind of remind me of Sunmei, but only by a little.” Yuri smiled. “All right, tell Hatori I'm leaving.” Then he began walking down the hall. Yuri just stood there, beneath her mask was an amused grin.
“Um…Yuri, do you know how to drive?” Shigure asked, stopping in his tracks when he realized what he was about to do.