Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Musouka ~ Dare to Dream ❯ No Room for Denies ( Chapter 42 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I just watched Full Metal Alchemist not too long ago on my DVR and it was the episode called `Words of Farewell' which got me crying, FMA fans know why I cried on a certain part of it so for others who haven't seen it, I'm not going to spoil it but right now I'm in a mood for angst, so this will be a bit depressing. But don't worry, I'll watch a thrilling movie and get pumped for happy chappys after this one with only a teeny bit of angst and drama so there won't be a chapter too out of whack from the plot that will be forgotten for a tiny bit. If any of you have any funny or great ideas for the vacation chapters, don't hesitate to say I like creative ideas! =^-^=
Chapter Forty-two
I never think of the future, it will come soon enough.
Albert Einstein
No Room For Denies
Eriko's POV
I listened as Hatori spoke on the phone; it had been another twelve hours of my silent imprisonment with no body control. Yet again, this would be only a brief visit from the Sohma doctor. Yet, even though I could not see and only hear those who spoke, it was a hard feeling for even Hatori to go silent, when I never heard the loud and obnoxious voices from either Ayame or Shigure. It was an odd silence, as I lay there, Hatori kept the phone to his ear (as I didn't hear him put down the phone yet), not saying a word. The air around me, I felt a slight grimace break the patterned waves as Hatori finally said in a forced and calmed voice `all right' and hung up. If he knew I was awake it would have been awkward, if I knew his expression. It was probably something completely out of character, his face. But if I were awake, I would probably not have caught a glimpse of it.
Hatori remained silent as he stood still, the mood was going down ever so fast. I didn't know what it was, but Hatori…Hatori never gave off any of his expressions. Now I felt them radiate and circulate in the room, it was too real, and it was making my heartache horribly. What was wrong? Why wouldn't Hatori say something?
As if in slow motion, I felt his present slowly leave the room. The door closed behind him, and I heard him in a low voice tell the nurses he was leaving. Then I was alone again, as clueless as I usually was. I couldn't stand not being able to do anything, just to lie there and hope for information I couldn't ask for, to only wonder about and gain much more questions than answers. That fox wouldn't come back to help me sort my insane and sane thoughts about. She told me herself it was the last meeting we would probably ever have. I wonder why they were leaving me? I was completely alone more and more; at least I hope everyone is having a better time than I am. I'm certainly not having fun…
Normal POV
Tohru laid out the plates with breakfast upon their white surfaces. Yuki and Kyo were silent, as they were now every morning. All three of them were anything but happy or argumentative. Neither of them were right, both completely the opposite than their normal selves. Tohru noticed and tried her best to raise the spirits, but she had only just noticed, that she too caught the damp plaque. She was quiet and faked a smile around school, when she was out with Uo and Hana, when she was around just about everyone, but at home where she was safe to put her guard down with Yuki and Kyo. She was like a soggy riceball, with no flavor to brighten its texture.
“Do either of you have any plans for the summer?” Tohru asked, trying to break the silence once more, placing a small smile on her lips as she sat down in between them. Yuki's violet orbs zoomed from the floor towards her and he too plastered a smile on his face.
“Well, I haven't been thinking about that. It's hard to believe it's summer already, but with everything going on, I haven't realized how the time just flew by. Why? Do you have something in mind Miss Honda?” Yuki asked, Tohru shook her head quickly.
“Oh no! I don't think I could bring myself to say where we should go even if I had an idea.” Tohru stated kindly, Kyo continued looking at the wall, not saying a thing as he ate his food silently. Yuki though, seemed dedicated to keeping the talking mood in place.
“Oh? Why not?”
“Well, last year you took me to that marvelous summer house and before that there was that other summer home and the hot springs! I can't ask for more really!” Tohru said, trying to sound cheerful. Yuki's smile continued to go on. At least, until a call came in. Tohru hurried to the other room to answer, leaving Kyo and Yuki alone.
“You could at least help brighten things up a little you know?” Yuki stated calmly and with little aggravation, he wasn't in the mood but had the urge to at least tell Kyo to do something. But even though the Rat demanded the Cat of something, for once, he was not eager to meet those demands and do his best to surpass them. Kyo simply ignored him, and continued to stare at the wall. Yuki knew that his mind was elsewhere, not at all tuned into his real surroundings.
He must feel just like Haru right now then… Yuki thought as his lids drooped.
It was ten minutes later Yuki and even Kyo figured that Tohru had yet to return back to eat. Anxious to find out what the delay was, they found her in the hallway, pale and shaken.
“Tohru!” Kyo shouted as they ran to her. “What the hell was that call about?”
“Yes Miss Honda, who called and why?” Yuki asked in rare agreement as they both waited for her answer.
“It was Yasashiku, his f-friend is a-a detective a-and well…he called Yasashiku-k-kun and t-told him that…that they found his o-older cousin-dead…” Tohru said, as if to the point of sobbing.
“Which cousin Miss Honda?” Yuki asked.
“It w-was Noami-san!” With that Tohru broke down and Kyo and Yuki's eyes widened with shock.
“No signs of a struggle…no stolen valuables…no external injuries…and-” Kaemon sighed. “And only a pair of straight skid marks are our only clues, so what does this tell us gentlemen?” He turned towards the crime squad. The man examining the body stood up straight and straightened his jacket.
“That we have a crime on our shoulders Commander Zen, but if you don't mind me saying this sir, there isn't much else to go by without an autopsy and we can't leave this in the middle of the road forever. This is a main street,” the examiner stated.
“I know that and understand quite nicely, but there was no one on the road last night. Due to the strange appearance of a thick fog and because of this road's dangerous curves it was blocked off, so only she was on this road last night. How she got past the roadblock I honestly don't know-yet,” Kaemon said as he tucked his hands into his pocket. His crew had been here for the past hour and a half, after the first five minutes they discovered her dead on first touch and got her ID from her purse, therefore, it gave Kaemon great displeasure to come to understand it was a Sanotomono and called the only one he knew the number of, Yasashiku.
Hoping that he didn't know his cousin personally, his hopes were too high. Yasashiku was terribly out of character by the news and was eager to get off the phone. Kaemon didn't understand that feeling well, he never lost anybody and only saw the dead ones of those that loved them, he didn't get those feelings, he used to get nausea and a severe case of sympathy for the murdered and gored. Now, it was practically normal, unless something unexpected came.
Kaemon was the commander of his own squad of police, and in equal knowledge ability as his great father, he was able to do many cases, but refused to move up grades in school anyway. Not one case had he or his father had been on ever been unsolved, except those that went along the line of the missing Sanotomonos, and the murder of the crazed teen not long ago with only his adopted sister as the main witness to it all.
“Sir! Permission to move the body.” An officer stated.
“Go ahead,” Kaemon answered, he knew what he needed. The body of Noami Sanotomono was in a relaxed, somewhat stiffened, and sleepy position. She wasn't gripping the steering wheel so therefore she stopped for something, but what? Kaemon groaned as he rubbed his temples, too much came too fast. The worst of it was that it again included the Sanotomonos. Such an odd family they were from what Kaemon experienced.
“Well Commander Kaemon, what have you got so far?” Kaemon stiffened, it was his father. Kaemon turned to look his father in the eye; their red hair was practically identical, like their interest in mysteries.
“There isn't much to go by yet Father, there are still many pieces missing from the puzzle.” Kaemon answered, Onmitsu Zen grinned broadly.
“Well, I don't think you need help, you've been doing well the past few months. I'm very proud of you, but don't let your ego blind you from the evidence son, all right?” Onmitsu joked, Kaemon grinned back.
“Yes Father, where are you heading?” Kaemon asked, his father sighed with great annoyance.
“Your mother wants me to go shopping,” Onmitsu admitted, then he beamed at his son, with a glint of hope. Kaemon responded before he could ask.
“No,” Kaemon said quickly.
“Oh! Come on Son! I'll take over the case and you go shopping,” Onmistu tried to negotiate.
“No, and besides, I can't drive yet.”
“Oh right, you didn't even take your driver's temps yet did you? All well, I have to do it anyway. Your mother thought I would ask you instead so she made sure I would go.” Onmitsu replied. “Well then I better get going, solve this sometime before dinner, or Rika will make me wait till you get home to eat. But I have enough faith in you to guess that it won't take too long for you to solve this case eh?”
“Right Father,” Kaemon said. Some five minutes later Onmitsu was gone, leaving Kaemon to his thoughts once again. He began observing the car from the inside again, same clues. The woman didn't bring anything to show where she was going and why. I wish that doctor would hurry up… Either way, it would take at least another five or so hours till the autopsy was completed.
Kaemon suddenly spotted a warm orange glow emerge from cracks of his backpack that leaned against a tree, his men didn't seem to see it, but Kaemon already had the feeling he knew what it was. It was the Latin book he received. For some reason its pages had changed over completely and so did the cover and the rest of the binding. Kaemon walked over to the pack and opened the top, the glow was small now, and it was indeed coming from the book. He pulled it out, the light was emerging from in between two pages, he opened it to them and the light glowed more brightly, but his eyes adjusted quickly to read black words that erupted from the golden light.
2400 B.C.
Again another death has come and gone, our beloved friend Sanotomono Kimi's soul has departed. We held her funeral this afternoon, the sad part was that we never did find the murderer. Though as rumor says, it is because of the Cat. Not too long ago was the Zodiac decided by Lord Cosiniak, and the Cat missed out. Thus, he is no longer accepted among the animals. The animals of long gone since that eventful day of the banquet, but we do believe they're still among us. We believe the Cat's vengeance, as it says goes seven or more generations deep and therefore, we believe losing members is part of his revenge. But why only of the Sanotomonos? We have done nothing and yet death had befallen us again and again. As strange as it is, our small town came upon a black kit today? It was a spirit kitsune. Last spring our goddess, Lady Inari had not returned and thus, we suffered from lack of rice. Yet now, with this new canine apparition, we could come back into order.
Kaemon turned the next few pages that were basically about how well the crops had grown since Inari had left. When it came upon what looked like the last entry the man or woman ever wrote, his interest grew. It took place ten years after this kit arrived.
I'm afraid that we are in great peril! I am of old age at this time, and already signs of hell-forsaken beasts of come astray upon our town. They are demons! Kitsunes of every element! Along with other bilge creatures unwelcomed in our society. Yet Lady Minari welcomes them, and let's them stay. These creatures of not attacked thus far, but there is no denying the savage hunger underneath their horrendous souls. The violet and golden eyes wish for our flesh upon their tongues and to bathe themselves in our blood. Yet as long as Lady Minari remains this way, we have no choice but to only keep our distance from these things. Our children are locked up; our needs are only fetched when needed, in armed groups. The demons slumber and make themselves at home wherever they please, and make strange noises that frighten us all.
Kaemon turned the page, onto the next few days entry.
Finally, the demons leave in slow motion. They no longer seem content with our company and left. Our freedom was restored and we finally were able to bound about with no fear, at least until Lady Minari had strange behaviors where she hardly began showing herself anymore. I'm at a ripe ol' age, I'm afraid my time is coming. I will no longer be able to keep to date upon this journal of mine, I just hope…that one day our generations will be safe and once again live in peace without the fear of attack or ambush. May Kami watch over them…as I will…
Kaemon turned the page once again, as true as the old person had said, that was his time. As there was no more entries left written by this being. As strange as it sounds, Kaemon's eyes widened slightly, but as the truth sank in, he closed the Latin book. He finally understood it, why the Sanotomonos mysteries were never solved. It was fairly simple now, not hard at all. With a small grin, he packed away the book and walked back to his crew.
“Clean up, there is no more to do here. Officer, calls the examiner and tell them there is no more of case on Sanotomono Noami. This case is closed.” Kaemon stated. The officers looked up at their commander with the obvious facial expression of confusion and surprise.
“How sir?” one of them questioned, remaining unmoved.
“Simple, there is nothing to solve.” Kaemon answered, the officers looked at one another in shock. Wasn't it he who said there was a crime upon this road? Then why did he make them go straight to work? And what gave him so much confidence in this decision?
“What about you're father sir?” another asked.
“He'll understand, we're the best of the best. But right now, all I can say is that this is an impossible case, therefore it is closed.” Kaemon stated, “now go home!” When they remained motionless, Kaemon forgot to control his temper.
“Did you not hear me? GO!” They scrambled up and over one another at the sudden outburst and picked up their tools. In less than five minutes, they were driving away. Leaving Kaemon alone with his backpack and bicycle. With a sigh he mounted it two minutes later with his pack slung around his back. With a sudden jolt he was whirling down the main road, he would call the police later to get rid of the road blocks, but right now, he was fascinated. There was no point of them getting involved, it was so obvious. It was because the Sanotomonos didn't want anyone `outside' to suddenly come barging in on their privacy. He knew that every family had some secret, but the Sanotomonos, they had a darker and deeper secret. It was so simple now it seemed. So simple…
He was shocked he didn't know it sooner…
Or did he…?
I've been a fool, the reason the Sanotomonos remained in secret, why they never were solved, it's only because we're forbidden to know…what they do behind closed doors… he thought as he swerved around the corner. His red hair catching the wind and willing to go in every direction, his green eyes focused on the road ahead of them. So as much as I want to know what you're hiding Yasashiku, I'm afraid I will probably never find out.
“I admit defeat Yasashiku,” Kaemon announced to no one in particular.
You are a very wise human…but the careless are its prey…” Kaemon grinned in spite of himself. The bodiless voice didn't seem to bother him at all for some reason. He appreciated the praise all the same; no one has called him wise, maybe smart and intelligent never wise. But…
“Since when have I been careless?” Kaemon muttered with a smile, only a manly chuckle replied.
Noami's funeral was put into immediate action, but no one was content or radiant. Noami's students, family, friends, and some of the Sohmas had come to pay their respects to the deceased woman. Aikoko alone took it to the point of permanent damage. Hatori, who had a hard time making plans to get there stood alone as well, head bowed like the rest of the people. Ginry, no longer a kitten was now a slim and fine agile young adult cat, but understood all the same and sat at Aikoko's feet, her lovely eyes down at the ground, tail lifeless upon the dry grass. Tohru, whom stood beside Yuki and Kyo, choked the only apparent noise back. Yasashiku's blond bangs shadowed his face as Myuu clutched at his left arm and tried hard not to cry. In respect to their friend's cousin, Kaemon and Benjiro came as well along with Onmitsu and Rika Zen, with their adopted daughter, Kirameki. Mei stood with Kita and Kaede, both in white formal kimonos. Also there was Riku, Ayame, Ken'ichi, Mayuko, Kazuma and Mine.
Noami, lay inside the white cushioned coffin. Dressed in her finest blue silk and white-laced kimono that Aikoko admitted she loved so much and wished to wear on very special occasions. Such occasions apparently never seemed to have woven into her sister's schedule.
This was the first time she wore that elegant fabric…
With the last of the words spoken of Noami, two men dressed in black gently closed the coffin. The crowd remained unmoved as it was lowered into the ground, though it was only six into the evening, the night clouds dimmed the sun's light, as to not tease that dreary event. Kirameki tugged at her adopted mother's black kimono.
“Mommy, what are they doing? Isn't that woman sleeping?” Kirameki asked, Rika's left hand closed around hers that was tugging at her attire. “Why are they putting dirt over her? How can she get up if they do that to her? Mommy? She needs to get out so she can wake up Mommy!” The people overheard the child speaking, the men's figures trembled as the women brought their cloths to their eyes. Tohru could no longer hold back her sobs and burst into tears into her own cloth, Yuki and Kyo bent in and placed their heads upon her own, their arms wrapped around her back. Hatori looked away, where no one could see past his bangs over his left eye. Ayame closed his eyes and Riku's head bowed down deeper.
“They did that to my first mommy right? Maybe they can wake up together right? Mommy?” Kirameki's rambles went on to the point where the grave was finally done. Slowly other family members began to leave; soon the men dressed in black did as well. Soon only Tohru, Yuki, Kyo, Hatori, Onmitsu, Rika, Kirameki, Kaemon, Benjiro, Mei, Kita, Kaede, Yasashiku, Myuu, Riku, Ayame, Ken'ichi, Mayuko, Mine, Kazuma, Aikoko, and Ginry remained.
They all stared at the new tombstone on the large temple, she was now joining thing other side, or she had a while ago. The tombstone itself was fairly large with Noami's name in kanji engraved into it.
Sanotomono Noami
January 13th, 1978 - June 23rd, 2005
A lovely and light-hearted woman and an understanding teacher as well as a bright older sister. Rest in Peace.
“W-Why? Why did she go?” Aikoko suddenly muttered, no replied, no one had an answer. “What was she doing wrong? I-I don't understand…”
“None of us do I'm afraid…” Kita answered.
“I believe it's time for us to depart, we will bring home Benjiro,” Onmitsu suddenly spoke, most of them sent the detective a thankful expression, knowing that he knew this was for family.
“Can you drop off Myuu as well?” Yasashiku spoke out quickly and firmly, trying to keep his voice or face from faltering, not wanting to cry in front of his friends.
“Yas-” Myuu began but almost instantly Mayuko wrapped an arm around her.
“I'll take care of her, I've been to her home before.” She said, Yasashiku showed complete surprise, wondering why a teacher was at her house and how he never found out about it. Mayuko sent a glance at Hatori, who was still glancing away. Suppressing a sigh she led Myuu away, soon after Mine departed herself, understand the predicament as well.
“I will see you at the shop later Ayame-san,” Mine said with a bow as she walked away finally. Leaving the Sanotomonos and Sohmas alone.
“You had best leave as well Ken'ichi, we do not want you to get as deep into our lives as Noami. You should go too Ai-” Almost instantly, interrupting Kita Aikoko spun around, her face contorted from mourning, her blue orbs were clouded by tears.
“I am not leaving!” Aikoko cried.
“Calm down Aikoko-chan,” Hatori spoke, she whirled into his direction.
“I am not going anywhere!” Aikoko cried, the tears trailing down her cheeks one by one. “I'm not going anywhere!”
“What was she doing? Why did she leave? I don't know how! But I know it has something to do with the curses! I just know it!” Aikoko cried, drawing her hands to her eyes.
“Of course it is, it always goes back to the curse. It always had…” Yuki admitted, Tohru's sobs had calmed somewhat, but both the Cat and Rat stood beside her still.
“SHUT UP! I don't care about if your Kami-forsaken curses are behind it all! They're not going to bring my sister back! Nothing can! And I want her back! I WANT MY SISTER BACK!” Aikoko cried, Tohru's sobs doubled from the cried erupting from Aikoko. Ginry gently rubbed her paws up Aikoko's leg. Kazuma and Hatori exchanged glances, and finally looked away once again. Ayame and Ken'ichi looked grimly at their surroundings, looking for anything that might have brightened their moods, but there was nothing appropriate for this occasion. Yasashiku brought his left arm up to his eyes, teeth clenched as his eyes overflowed with tears and his sleeve dampened. Riku shook slightly, trying to keep his emotions down. Kaede and Kita gave them all sorrowful eyes, as Mei eyed the freshly dug grave top. Her eyes softened, she only wanted to help, but in the end…there was no use in trying to deny fate…as Noami, had found out the truth…how could she have denied fate when she set it upon herself?
“Do do do dooo doop!” Mihoshi sang sloppily as happy as a rabbit. She was just then leaving the airport with her directing crew, finally getting in her own limo, she rolled down the window and waited for the engine to start. “She forgot to call me again!” Mihoshi stated in a `like-I-knew-she-would' tone, but happy nonetheless. “I hope everything worked out well…” she said to her self as the limo started up, she pulled out her cell and dialed Noami's number.
“Hm…that's funny, she's not answering. Hellloooooo!” Mihoshi cried into Noami's voice message, the voice rang through the room. “Noami-san!”
“Come in this isn't a joke pick up! I know you can hear me because I heard the `ring, ring, ring!'”
“Noami? Hello? Konnichiwa? Eh? Per cortesìa? Anyday now girl? Noami-san!”
“Helllllllllllooooooooo! Come on Noami! I just wanna talk!”
I am sooooo sorry for the long wait! School just started and all my teachers are cramming me with what I call `Freshmanitis' as I am a freshman among a very large new high school that could represent a mini-mall! Trust me I am so schedule crammed now I am lucky to even update this! And I don't know about you but it's the first week and I'm already confused on my physics and algebra classes! ARG! Then there are my Cross Country practices and meets! On my first day I didn't go to bed till 10:20PM! Pity me here! I had no time for fun whatsoever! Wake up, school, CC meet, home, eat, homework, shower, bed. That was my first day! Give me a break about the updating! I will only be able to type on weekends depending on my mood! And because my school started late since the new faculty needed last minute adjustments most of breaks are cut and the day offs such as Teacher Services Days are completely deleted off this year's school schedule! My Christmas and spring breaks are cut as well! I will barely have any time this year! I'm even in choir now! So don't get too impatient! I promise you I will do my best to keep this updated regularly as well as my other fanfics! I thank you sooooooooooo much for your patience for this part and thank you so much for the reviews! They're what keeps me going along with my love to write!
Again any questions you want answered ask in reviews and they'll be posted on my profile when I get the chance! Hope you're having a good school year so far! (For those who are in school anyway!)