Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Finding Love in All the Wrong Places ❯ Wufei should be slapped more often... ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All standard disclaimers apply.

**********Chapter Five**********

On her way out of the house early Monday morning, Mina spotted her brothers car keys on the counter, she finally thought of a way to get him back.

The car muffler rumbled against the pavement as Mina raced to school. She had stolen her brother's car and did not intend to give it back. She sped around a corner. It wasn't her first time driving, but she wasn't good at it. Mina parked under a palm tree. They were everywhere in L.A. She got out of the car and threw the keys over the school fence. She could hear the plunk as they landed in someone's pool. Her brother was going to freak.

Mina impatiently waited to go through the medal detectors. Once through, she spotted Britt with Trowa and the others. As she neared them, Mina noticed that Britt and Trowa were holding hands.

"Well, well, well," Mina said, " You guys are finally going out."

Britt just smiled. "Good Morning."

Mina smiled at Trowa in greeting and then frowned. "If you break her heart, I'll break your neck."

This earned laughs from Wufei.

"What are you laughing at?" Mina glared at him.

"You stupid…" Wufei managed to sputter during laughs, "weak onna."

"Dude!" Mina threw her hands up in the air. "What the hell does onna mean?"

"It means woman in Chinese," Quatra said politely to her.

Mina froze, and then a second later pounced on Wufei. She slapped him hard across the face once but then someone pushed her away from Wufei. Quatra was busy calming Wufei down. Duo was laughing hysterically.

Wufei's face was red, part from the slap and part from anger. Britt sighed and grabbed Trowa's hand. "Mina, you never learn."

"No." Mina said, between clenched teeth.

The bell rang and they walked their separate ways. Mina's first class was with Dan. She sat right next to him but he didn't say a word. He didn't even look at her. She was ready to scream with frustration. She couldn't think of a damned thing to say.

She ate lunch with Britt and the pilots. Trowa and Britt were actually having a lively conversation, which is amazing because Trowa never talks. Mina watched Heero type away on his lab top. His blue eyes seemed totally blank, as if no one was home.

"Hey Heero," Mina said, trying to start a conversation, "Watcha' Doin'?"

He didn't even acknowledge her.

"Don't expect him to answer." Duo said as he bit into his apple.

Mina crossed the table and sat down next to Heero. She looked carefully at the lab top screen. It was all written in some other language or code.

"What is that?" Mina asked him.

He didn't respond.

"Hello?" Mina paused for a moment to try to get an answer. "Hello?" She put her hand up to knock on his head, but he grabbed her wrist before she could get near him and gave her a warning look.

"Well fine then," Mina said, " Be anti-social." She looked at him for a few moments. Then noticed he was uncomfortable under her gaze by the way he shifted his shoulders.

"Could you stop being annoying?" Heero said as he clicked the forward button a few times.

"Annoying?" Mina cocked an eyebrow. "What's annoying is when people ignore you and they never talk and all they do is.."

Heero interrupted. "No wonder your boyfriend dumped you."

"Who said we broke up?" Mina's happiness went down a few levels.

"I saw every word that was said the other night." He said with a few more clicks of a button.

Mina was confused. "You saw?"

"Heero can read lips," Quatra said.

Mina was surprised. "Really? How cool."


"Well…" Mina tried to think of something good to say. "At least I had a boyfriend. I bet you can't even get a girlfriend."

"Don't want one." Was all that Heero said.

"Really?" Mina had a concerned look on her face. " I mean… never really having someone who cared for you… that would be really gloomy and sad. I know I would.."

He cut her off. "Do you ever shut up?" He slammed his lab top closed and walked toward the library.

Mina called out to him, "Asshole!!!"

He flipped her off.

She was eating her French fries when she noticed Daniel under one of the tree with his friends… and Sara. She approached him and asked if they could talk alone.

"Don't you know?" Sara said, "Dan and I are an item."

Sara smiled up at Dan and they kissed… right in front of her!

Mina walked really fast towards the commons room. She didn't want to cry in front of them. She cried, Mina didn't want to, but she couldn't stop the tears.

"What a baby." A familiar voice said. She looked up to see Heero.

"Whatever." Mina said. She crossed her arms on her chest and turned away from him. "Go away."

"So what? Daniel is stupid. But you're stupid for going out with him in the first place."

Mina felt like kicking him in the balls. "What makes you think you know everything? You're an inconsiderate asshole who doesn't care about anyone else but himself."

"I may be an ass but at least I'm not stupid." He began to walk away.

Mina grabbed the thing nearest thing to her. Which happened to be a coffee mug one of the teachers must had left. She threw it at him. She missed and it hit the wall. He looked back at her and smiled. He left the room.

Mina screamed, " You're so immature!!!"

Mina sat in her room hours later watching the news. They were reporting about a small battle between OZ and the Gundams. The Gundams had successfully stolen a nuclear bomb from OZ. Mina felt relief go through her. The Gundams had destroyed part of the base, stolen a bomb, and killed several OZ soldiers. Though now, OZ would probably release an attack on L.A or even more cities in anger. She watched little clips of the Gundams fly by on the screen.

Mina jumped in her chair when her phone rang. She answered it.




"It's Britt."

"Oh hi."

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me, Trowa and the others tomorrow night…"

"The others?"

"You know, Quatra, Duo, Etc…"

"I don't know Britt."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun."

Mina thought about it for a second and then sighed. "Okay."

Britt let out a squeal and they said their goodbyes.

"Are you sure it's wise to have them over?" Quatra asked. "It's not that I don't like them but…"

"While they're here we can talk about what's going on with OZ n' stuff." Duo pointed out the obvious. "Besides, it's the perfect time for me to make a move on Mina."

"I for one don't want them here." Wufei added.

"It's easy to just ask simple questions here." Trowa said, "and if it doesn't work we move onto Quatra's plan."

Tuesday morning Mina was waiting on the black top when Britt and Trowa arrived.

By noon, heat smog, and automobile exhaust had settled over the city. Security guards stood at the front gate checking off-campus passes, but kids loitered on campus. Mina, Britt, Trowa, Duo, Heero, Quatra, and Wufei lounged under a tree. The hot day made everyone restless.

Mina slowly stood up. "I think I'm gonna die of heat exhaustion."

Britt squirted her with water.

"Britt stop." Mina said. "If you haven't noticed, I'm wearing a whit tank top."

Duo smiled and dumped his water all over Mina.

Mina pulled her shirt away from her body so Duo didn't have the pleasure. Duo was laughing and keeping his eye on Mina. Out of the corner of her eye, Mina saw Heero smiling.

"What are you smiling at?" Mina put her hands on her hips.

Heero eyes lingered up and down her body.

"My eyes are here." She pointed towards her face.

"Hn." He turned his attention back to his lab top.

"You're so rude." Mina whined.

"That's a good look for you Mina." Duo said with a chuckle.

"God." Mina said. "I'm not going to dinner with guys tonight."

"Oh come on." Britt sighed. "Duo stop… please Mina?" Britt gave Mina her best puppy eyes.

Mina threw her hands in the air. "Okay!"

A few hours later, Mina rode passenger seat in Britt's car. The car screeched around a corner and stopped in front of a white apartment building. Britt shut off the engine. The music stopped. Mina climbed from the car. Britt was jumping with excitement.

"Britt, it's just Trowa's house." Mina muttered.

Britt walked over to the security panel and buzzed an apartment. A loud hum opened the magnetic lock. Mina followed Britt into an entrance. They stepped into an elevator. The metal doors closed, and the elevator trundled up to the fifth floor. They walked down a narrow balcony that hung over a courtyard five stories below. Ivy entwined the iron railing.

Before Britt could knock, the door opened.

"Welcome." Trowa ushered them inside.

Ha ha!!!!! I did a cliff thingy!!! Will you readers please vote on who you want Mina to be paired up with??? I'm not quite sure of what to do so I want to know what you think.

~Alicia Rose