Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Place In Time ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer/Rating/Summary - see part 1


AN, Ok pairing change, was gonna be a 1x6x1 fic but I got so many requests for a 1x6x13 that I just had to write it - grins - won't be graphic though, so new pairings stand as 1x6x13, 2x5x2, 3x4x3, RxD


Part 2


Madame Pomfrey stared as they entered the hospital wing. She had of course been expecting some injured students after the Quidditch match, the rivalry between the two houses was legendary and some fights were certain to break out but she didn't recognise the two men who were now lying on the beds, nor the two who had brought them in.


Upon seeing their injured states though she didn't hesitate, removing the stunner even as she put them into a deep sleep intended to give them time to heal before beginning to clean away the blood and cast healing charms.


Seeing that the motherly woman was going to take care of their charges the Gryffindor and Slytherin turned to the three still standing in the doorway and the blonde gave a wan smile.


"I suppose you want to know what's going on? Well, I'm afraid that I can't tell you. An hour ago I would have sworn that these men were both dead, I watched them die myself. However," he shot a quick glance at the teen beside him who was watching the faces of the professors impassively, "it wouldn't be the first time one of us has survived a certain death."


At these words the cobalt eyes flickered across to look, almost curiously at the fair haired boy standing beside him, asking a question without words that still somehow still hung in the air. "By `one of us' I presume you mean a gundam pilot."


"Yes I did but you should know better than to presume Heero, presuming gets you killed..."


"I'm sorry," Minerva McGonagall broke into the conversation not really wanting to hear any more of what the young Slytherin had been going to say, instead choosing to focus on the one aspect of the conversation that seemed safe. "Heero?"


"Yuy," her student answered an unasked question, "Heero Yuy, and this is Quatre Winner." He stopped, almost looking tired all of a sudden, "We're going to explain everything that we know about the situation but you have to understand that neither of us knows everything. We don't know how these men got here, we don't know what we should do about them now and we don't know how we're going to explain to you what has happened to us and who we are now but we're going to try so bear with us."


He took a deep breath before throwing up several privacy and silencing charms, conjuring chairs and gesturing for the professors to sit down to sit down, Draco… Quatre? Opened his mouth and began to speak.


"My name is Draco Malfoy, but it's also Quatre Raberba Winner, I was born in the year 1980 but also the year A.C. 180, about 785 years from now. I'm fifteen, nearly sixteen years old, a trainee wizard, and already have a career as a successful muggle terrorist under my belt. I was born on the thirty first of July, the same day as Harry Potter and on that date this year Draco Malfoy was reborn, in the future, into the body of Quatre Winner to grow up to become who I am now…"


He hesitated, running a hand through his hair, tugging at the blonde strands in frustration. "I'm not explaining this very well am I? Look, the mind of a fifteen year old Draco Malfoy was put into the body of a just born Quatre Winner and blotted out, when Quatre hit fifteen years old the memories were returned and the two personalities merged to become me, as I exist now.


"The same happened for Harry when he became Heero. We both have two faces and bodies, Draco and Harry, which we use here, and Quatre and Heero, which is for the future. All it takes is a simple charm to change them from one to another.


"We've both learned by now to trust our instincts, they're what kept us alive for so long, so when we both received dreams telling us who we are, what was happening and what we had to do about it, it didn't take a genius to realise that we should probably do as the dreams said. I'll admit, at first, I thought I was going mad but I'm an empath and I could tell that Heero was going through the same, after I managed to convince him to talk to me we quickly realised what was going on.


What it seems happened was that the… Well, `The Powers That Be' would probably be the best term for them, they are the personification of fate and destiny and they realised that to fulfil our destiny we needed to be given a wider perspective of the world. They realised that to defeat Voldemort we needed access to not only wizarding skills but also muggle ones such as martial arts and using muggle weapons. They realised that we needed to understand war and that we needed to be able to think for ourselves, we needed to stop being squeamish about death. Harry needed to learn to see the grey areas and I needed to realise that everything that my parents had told me wasn't true.


During the holidays we didn't really have a problem with being both, the Dursleys ignored Harry and he was by himself, except for me, here during the Christmas holidays. I was under `ministry protection' during the summer and that basically means that they monitored the house for dark magic and avoided and ignored me wherever possible and I, of course, spent Christmas here. After Christmas it ended, the war ended on Christmas Eve and we thought it was over…


"But before Christmas, when September, and the new term started, we realised we had a problem, we needed to go back through time to now but we also needed to be able to go back and forth quickly for when we were needed. Logically enough time turners were the answer. There are lots of them about in the future, just before the complete ending of the magical world, about three hundred and fifty years ago, wizards wasted the last part of their magic making time turners, hundreds of them, in a last ditch attempt to fix what they'd done to their world. You see, where we are, in our time, magic has gone, totally. Natural dilution that's working, even now, meant that magic began to run out. You see, it's not how much magic someone has that determines how strong a witch or a wizard they are but how much magic they can pull and utilise from the outside world, when that magic runs out… there's nothing left. Anyway, Quatre is rich, incredibly rich, it wasn't hard to get a hold of the time turners, in the future they're being sold as antique ornaments, pretty but not useful and there are so many of them that they aren't really worth anything, I bought everyone I could find, there are thousands of them in my home and there are some here and all we needed to do was use the sand in them as floo powder.


"It's not completely simple though, the fireplace you're flooing to has to have been connected to the floo network and that means that you can't floo into a building that doesn't have in a fireplace that's at least three-four hundred years old, there aren't many left, the war has destroyed most of them, the Winner family residences along with some old manors and castles in what was formerly known as Europe are the only ones left. You can't be really specific when aiming for times either, the powder can take you to a year, any year, as long as it's exactly one hundred, two hundred, three, etc years from the time you're already in. Again, luckily for us, our future is exactly eight hundred years on from now, and I'm talking to the second, the AC years started on New Years Eve at midnight in what would have been the year 2600, therefore when it's March 23rd AC195, it's March 23rd 1995, eight hundred years ago.


"The person who is flooing has to have at least some magic blood in them as well, the blood and little spark of magic that would mean that if they were alive in this time, they would have been a witch or wizard. There aren't many of them left now, most of the people we know are but sometimes I wonder if that's a coincidence, if like calls to like or if their magic has to do with their success. But since all the people we know are the absolute top in their field, it's probably magic giving a little boost.


"Heero and I lived in both worlds until Christmas, on Christmas night the war ended finally and we were finally able to simply stay at Hogwarts instead of slipping back between the two. Alternating between missions and lessons, despite the time turners we were using, we nearly killed ourselves with how little we slept. We were needed though, we were instrumental in ending the war, we were gundam pilots and all I have time to explain right now is that a gundam pilot is the elitist of soldiers, the best of the best, there really are no words to say just how good we were, and I'm not merely boasting, it's the truth, out talents were… are unsurpassable. We weren't soldiers though, we were terrorists, fighting for our colonies' freedom, there were five of us, one for each of the main colony groupings. I'll show you some news footage of us later, I think there's some on the laptops, that should give you a better idea of what a gundam is and what a gundam pilot is, basically though a gundam is a robot, like the one's Treize and Zechs arrived in. They became pilot's later, Treize built the one that Zechs was piloting, the red suit, it's called the Epyon while the white one that Treize was flying isn't a gundam per say but the gundams were built from it's plans so it's similar enough


"Zechs and Treize are the leaders of the two armies we were fighting, the White Fang an OZ respectively, they knew they needed to die for peace in the end though, Zechs, or Milliardo as he was know by the end, blew himself up and destroyed the last piece of the carrier threatening the Earth, Treize allowed himself to be killed by Wufei, another gundam pilot, one that he'd been fighting against since the gundams first got involved in the war. Both Zechs and Treize are dead, the war ended a month ago, they've been dead a month so why are they lying on beds less that ten feet from me?"


Quatre stopped talking finally, rubbing his throat gently with his hand, Heero snapped his fingers and a glass of water instantly appeared in the Slytherin's hand, Draco gratefully took a sip.


"That's something else about this world." After hearing the honey-tones of the blonde for such a long speech Minerva found herself fighting a shudder at the dead tones of one of her favourite students. "Because we grew so used to relying on out innate magic," Heero continued, "when we returned to this world the power influx was unbelievable, we can use and utilise a lot more power than before, hence the wandless magic. Which is my only guess as to how Zechs and Treize got here, their own internal magic must have protected them from death and brought them to a place where they felt safe, which seems," he shook his head in astonishment, "to have been with us. I don't know why it took them a month to arrive or how the science of it works but that's the only guess I have and something's telling me that it's right."


"You keep…" For the first time in her life Minerva found her former Slytherin student sounding uncertain, Severus seemed not to want to address the question he was trying to ask and she couldn't blame him. Her perceptions of these two had been severely shaken but for Severus they must have been turned upside down. For years he had viewed Harry Potter as a clone of his father, arrogant, bullying and a complete idiot Gryffindor, that was not the teen sitting in front of them. Heero, fitting some part of her mind acknowledged, was silent, cold and undoubtedly deadly, there was no mistaking that the terrorist that Draco…? Quatre? Had claimed to exist was in there.


"You keep," Severus tried again, "you keep referring to the war, I take it you were revolutionaries and that those… machines are some form of future warfare but what exactly do you mean by `war'."


The two students exchanged glances, "We were terrorists," Heero said again, "our world is partly on the Earth and partly in space, nearly two hundred years ago from our time space colonies were built and people were sent to live there, but for almost as long the Earth has been fighting with the colonies for control over them, that is what we were fighting to prevent. We've killed, there are five of us pilots, all teenagers and all with the blood of hundreds, if not thousands of soldiers on our hands. We've all been tortured, we've all seen and done things that would send most people screaming into the night, we all see faceless corpses in our dreams." He looked tired all of a sudden and Quatre could clearly see Harry's influences coming through, although the pilot in front of him was definitely Heero he knew Heero, as he was, would never have displayed this level of vulnerability with anyone, ever, Harry had made the stoic pilot finally realise that sometimes emotions weren't weak.


"I've been training as an assassin since I was five," Heero continued, "when Odin, my trainer and guardian, died I was scooped up by J and he made me into the `perfect soldier', I was meant to be a weapon with no emotions, comrades, feelings or concern for my own life or anyone else's, I've been killing on a fairly regular basis for about ten years now. I was three the first time I killed someone and I can probably guarantee that I've killed more people that you've ever met in your lives. You can't protect me, either of us for that matter, anymore, we're not just pawns any longer, Your Harry and Draco are pawns in a magical war but Heero and Quatre aren't, Heero and Quatre can't be, the only reason we've kept quiet for this long is because we didn't want someone getting wind of our skills and telling Voldemort. We'll show you some of our abilities later so you actually believe that we're not lying, exaggerating or bluffing but you need to understand that we're not innocent and we're not children, you also need to understand how important that you don't discuss this with anyone…" He smiled sardonically, "please forgive me won't you."


A whispered spell quickly ensured that none of the professors would be discussing this and also brought them to their feet in confusion and anger. Heero shrugged uncaringly, "I'm simply not prepared to take the risk of you spilling under veritaserum, this spell will protect you from that, it will drive you insane of course as your brain fights with itself but that's only if exposure to the drug and correct questions continue… but either way, this is a war… I'm sure you understand that some sacrifices must be made."


Quatre rolled his eyes seeing the shocked faces, "don't worry, it's a spell we designed for use on ourselves in case of capture and torture, none of us went any more insane that we were already so I don't think you should worry but more important things… What are you going to tell the students?"

Surprisingly, or maybe not so, it was Heero who answered the blonde. "The students won't remember, neither will any of the other professors, a memory charm saw to that, a mass oblivate, they will all be feeling exceptionally tired soon and will feel an overwhelming urge to go to sleep, they'll sleep through till about ten tomorrow but since it's Saturday that shouldn't matter, the gundams have repelling and invisibility charms on them, we need to move them. And we need to decide what to do with the Epyon…"


Quatre shuddered lightly, "that monster needs to be destroyed, the last thing we need is it running amok in this world."


Seeing the blank and confused looks on the faces of the professors Heero explained, "It has an updated version of the ZERO system in it, the ZERO system is a computer programme that takes over the mind of the pilot, it shows him possible outcomes and paves the way to victory. Unfortunately it shows all outcomes, including the pilot's own demise and if seeing your own death again and again doesn't drive you mad the next part will, it's a suit designed for victory… ultimate victory, a victory when the pilot is the only one left alive out of enemies, comrades and civilians. It's a suit designed for peace, but the best path to peace is to stop humans fighting and the best way to do that is to make sure there are no humans left to fight."


He glanced round the room taking in the horrified expressions on his teacher's faces impassively, he paused on Quatre's though, seeing past the mask to the haunted depths of smiling, cerulean eyes then Quatre caught him watching and smiled reassuringly quickly moving to change the subject.


"I think we need to call the others."


Owari Chapter 2


AN Ok, did that even begin to make sense? I've had this in my head for forever so what I've thought and what I've just typed are not completely coinciding as sometimes what I think I've written I haven't - sighs - if you don't understand anything though or I missed something out I'll try to answer it.