Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 4: Meaningful spaces ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

4: Meaningful spaces

The shuttle is small, nothing elaborate, just enough to get them where they needed to go. There was no need for Gundanium; no need for the unbreakable. They were just your average pilots, off on a holiday in their private shuttle. It wasn't an expensive piece of equipment as shuttles go; no one asked a question as they made their way from one end of colonised space to the other, and then back again.

They took it in turns to drive, the other nursing the laptop, watching and waiting. They rarely spoke, never deviating from the task. This monotony had at some point become them, and they were more than willing to succumb. Only in that which lacked purpose could they any longer find meaning at all.

The laptop beeps; another town leaves the list, discarded and forgotten. As they sit there, waiting, both pilots cannot help but think the same thing. Am I discarded as easily? Am I so simply forgotten? Is my existence as meaningless as that of the machine? Is there anything other than emptiness in this space?

Eyes blink, put aside thoughts rather left untouched, and look forward to the unseen.

"Approaching signal," Heero's eyes remain fastened on the beacon. Hoping.

"Type identification?"

Heero does not reply. The space between breaths is drawn out; they both know what it means. Another dud. Another twist in the endless labyrinth of their post-existence.

It's a small shuttle, cramped, somewhat unworthy of its cargo, but it has its purpose, which it fulfils. Less has been said about far greater things. It covers space…brings together two anomalies to create meaningful space.

Spaces. Faces…traces.