Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Behind Closed Doors ❯ 14: the bus stop ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

14: the bus stop

Heero sits at a bus station, laptop at his side. The seat is hard, cold, the morning dew seeping through his trousers. It's uncomfortable, but he doesn't pay much attention. There is a young girl sitting next to him, dressed to the nines in a scarlet Morissey piece that barely hold her assets. Her makeup is smeared all over her face and the tears are still flowing.

Across the street, a car horn blows. The girl leans over and looks at the open laptop screen. Her nose scrunches unattractively as she tries to figure out what it's scanning for.

"94th street? That's not far from here." No, it's not. But the bus doesn't come for another six hours and forty seven minutes. Still, he doesn't want to miss it.

"What are you searching for?"

"Man on the corner said I was looking for life."

`That old mad preacher? He thinks doomsday's been and gone. Don't mind him. Do anything for a buck, he will." Depending on the buck, so would Heero.

She pulls out a cigarette from her purse and lights it up. Heero fishes around in his shirt pocket ad pulls out his own. He has never smoked before. He holds it out ad the girl lights it up. They sit and smoke together.

"So what you really looking for?"


She just laughs, then bursts into tears. She cries so hard it puts out her cigarette.

Heero just sits there and watches the tears fall.